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This movie was really awesome. Better than I thought it was going to be. Superb cast and shhhiiitttt loads of awesome cameos.





And Invincible was shown in one form or another like 10 times. :D


Thought the trailer looked a bit shitty, which had me worried. Plus I thought Edgar Wright might be the main part of the trio that made things all 'work' in Shaun / hf.


Good to see people here enjoyed it though. Will be giving it a watch.


Watched it yesterday (don't mind seeing it again Happenstance!). It was surprisingly good. I had my reservations about it, but it was ace.


"3 tits. Awesome"




"Get off her you bitch!"



I thought it was really funny. Probably not as funny as hot fuzz initially was but for me, Hot Fuzz is only funny the first couple of watches. I can see this making me laugh each time and I love the references in it... a couple of Invincible and Battlestar references here and there :yay:


Yeah there's probably a fair few I didn't get. Invincible was only background stuff, t-shirts and posters but they did reference battlestar at least twice. Also Jason Bateman is always win.


Yeah the Invincible references were....borderline ridiculous. I LOVED. I saw (if I'm remembering them all)


- (Simon Pegg's) T-shirt. Was distraught when he changed into SW.

- Omnibus 1

- Nick Frost reading Brit (same universe)

- Omnibus on desk in comic shop

- #53 on swivel shelf in comic shop

- T-shirt on wall in comic shop


Saw this today, I wasn't expecting it to be that good. I'm not really a fan of their previous films, but I was pleasantly surprised. Really good film that made me laugh all the way through.


My thoughts? Good references (did I spot a Super Mario World cart?!) but rubbish film with a crap ending. Only went to see it cos the cinema listings were different online to what they actually were showing. :nono:


I have one question: the kid in the comic shop. Keith Nash, afaik. Is that a reference to something...?

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