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Battlefield 3


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I seem to be terrible at this game, my w/l ratio is awful. I wasn't this bad on BC2.


I seem to be the opposite. I suck at most multiplayer shooters, but I seem to be doing OK on this.


That said, I did play shit yesterday and started off shit tonight. Got there in the end though. Got my first knife kill today, then another, then another! Also took down my first plane. Aww yeah.


My basic tactics are to stay hidden, then shoot when people aren't looking. I'm not that accurate at shooting, so it seems to work for me. I can aim a rocket launcher like nobodies business though.

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Just joined gaggle on a couple of pretty cool games (don't know if you were even aware I joined? :heh:) At one point I got avenger for you, and shed a manly tear.


We didn't win but I think we both did well :)




Oh man, I didn't realize you had joined. Those were a couple of great games though, I hope I acquitted myself well for you. Looks like we did our fair share of damage. I saw you online when I first came on, couldn't figure out how to join your rush game, must've been full or something. I'll pop you an invite next time, or you pop me one if you see me and we'll be bustin' heads together in no time, sir. *salutes*


Pro tip to everyone - the M1911 pistol with tactical light should be your sidearm of choice. Ideal for recovering from an unexpected situation. I wiped out a full squad just by dazzling and popping them in the head one by one. Especially effective on close quarter urban maps.

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Yeah tha its good advice. I have been doing that for quite some time. In some cases the silencer is nicer.


I finished the single player and coop and did not think that much of them. Single player was basically a done that 2 million times type of experience. Story was just as bad as the other big name fps. COOP is better but the missions are too long. They need to break these up abit. The helicopter mission was excellent. Sniping wasn't bad at all. Its a shame most of the game is just playing out scripted sequences without much control or options available. The AI being brain-dead doesn't help either. COOP gives you more but they could have done even better. Playing Uncharted and this at the same time is like night and day. Heck even Killzone 2 and 3 were much better in this respect.


Anyways I dont think Battlefield has ever been about story or single player. Had some rough games lately and my win/loss is tumbling with too many losses. Far too many matches where its one sided. Had a great one last night though where i carried my team to victory single-handedly.


I think its time we set up or join a common a platoon for N-E. So we can show others how its done.

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Have only played with you guys once, we need to get some squads going. Playing with people with more than a brain cell will make it infinitely more enjoyable.


Exactly. I'll set up a platoon today if no one else does.


N-E is set up. Search for N-E or ask for an invite.






If anyone has better ideas or Cooky thinks we can join that other place (i forgot the name) we can do that.


Have only played with you guys once, we need to get some squads going. Playing with people with more than a brain cell will make it infinitely more enjoyable.


You got an invite.

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For some reason it won't let me join the platoon. It says I can't join with my currently selected soldier. Is it because I'm already in a platoon? Because I thought you could join multiple platoons.


Name is Greveson.


EDIT: Just noticed it's a PS3 platoon. Now I feel stupid.


Any NE PC platoons/gamers?

Edited by MoogleViper
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For some reason it won't let me join the platoon. It says I can't join with my currently selected soldier. Is it because I'm already in a platoon? Because I thought you could join multiple platoons.


Name is Greveson.


EDIT: Just noticed it's a PS3 platoon. Now I feel stupid.


Any NE PC platoons/gamers?


I can make a pc platoon too. How many pc players are there? Otherwise it might be better to join a larger platoon together elsewhere :)

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Yeah tha its good advice. I have been doing that for quite some time. In some cases the silencer is nicer.


Agreed, I've found the suppressor (this is what they're actually called regardless of what DICE and Infinity Ward think) tends to be much better. For the most part, if you have to switch to anything other than your primary weapon, you're vulnerable, and when you're vulnerable, stealth is your friend.

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Got my hand on EOD bot - nifty little thing but it steers like a shopping cart with a pig attached to it. I tried to go for an MCOM station but the ruddy thing either wouldn't fit through the door or wouldn't make the step. I'll give it another go now that I know it's parameters.

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I love the suppresion perk and the fact you get points for aiming around an enemy. i.e missing them. Allows the noobies to get a good score up themselves, 50 points for missing the target is not to be sniffed at!


I sent's you a friends request on the battlelog shorty. Or i think it's was you anyways :)

Edited by James
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Am I being dense here or is there really no way to return to menu between rounds? So short of powering off or returning to dashboard, you can't quit unless your in an in-progress game.


It's a complaint I've seen before so I don't think there is a way, I know I couldn't during the beta. It's such a rediculous thing to leave out.

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Is it me or is it not totally obvious if a rocket launcher is for anti-ground or anti-air. I unlocked a Javelin so I thought "Yes! Something to take out those bastard Helicopters". I go to fire it and it doesn't do shit. I try it on a tank and low and behold it works. Am I just meant to have like basic military knowledge of what takes out what?

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I believe the Javelin works on anything so long as it's marked via a Recon's SOFLAM designator. The major advantage of this method is that a smokescreen or flares won't shake a laser designation, although obviously it does require a bit of team coordination.

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Is it me or is it not totally obvious if a rocket launcher is for anti-ground or anti-air. I unlocked a Javelin so I thought "Yes! Something to take out those bastard Helicopters". I go to fire it and it doesn't do shit. I try it on a tank and low and behold it works. Am I just meant to have like basic military knowledge of what takes out what?


It works as is on ground targets. For air someone needs to mark the target through something like the Soflam. Tell Sniper to use soflam so you can get lock on and they get bonuses.

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