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God. I don't have the nerves to do that atm. I have to say I'm liking this more than I liked FF3 on nes. I can't believe I'm saying that as I've always preferred original games to remakes. DS one feels a tad bit easier though. It FEELs like less exp grinding. And classes feel more balanced.


BTW got Onion Knight last night and now have 1 member with that job. I'm tempted to have 4 of them, but I resisted the temptation so that I can enjoy other classes. I wonder how early you can get Onion Knight. If you can get it at the beginning, it superceeds Redmage right away.


Glad you finally got Onion Knight. If you level that up to 99 and then get all the Onion Armour ( rare drops later in the game ) you will have the strongest character in the game, apparently.

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Your right HoT about onion equipment. They are rare, I remember them from the original ff3. They dropped off various coloured dragons in the final tower. and I actually managed to get 4 sets. Not sure if I can stomach the whole experience all over again on DS though. Unless they are less rare on DS.

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They sure did make Onion Knights awkward in stats, he isn't quite a front or rear row combatant. I guess they didn't want to overdo it till late 90s, which makes sense really. My conclusion is that if you are new or don't want to suffer, avoid Onion Knight till later on. Otherwise exp grinding gets rather silly. I do like the fact that I'm having to think hard on how to make the best of him though in each section, but early on he is too much of a jack of all trade & master of none.

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Its weird that this seems to be the thread for FF III chatter and the other is for the FF IV Remake, dont you think? Anyhoo, I was searching for FF III cos I hope to maybe buy it soonish and for anyone who's interested DVD.co.uk are selling it for £17.99. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.


HMM May have to get it once I've completed FF 1 and 2 on GBA.


One thing about FF1 that is very odd, and hard to come to terms with, is the complete lack of direction. I forgot this is what games used to be like. You really do get stuck sometimes and not have a clue what to do as it simply doesn't tell you like modern games do. It's lead to me walking around a lot and have levelled up loads meaning that the game's bosses I've met so far have been pretty easy as I have been a higher level than would be expect...

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One thing about FF1 that is very odd, and hard to come to terms with, is the complete lack of direction. I forgot this is what games used to be like. You really do get stuck sometimes and not have a clue what to do as it simply doesn't tell you like modern games do.
Funny you say that mate because it's so true.


Thinking about it, pen&paper (with dungeon master) RPG became Ultima (made by Lord British), which inspired Dragon Quest (by Horii), which inspired Final Fantasy (by Sakaguchi). Then the PC side and console side split. Western side (PC) RPG continued the free-form approach, while Japanese counterpart put emphasis on story to put across a message to a player.


This split is still seen today. RPGs on PC are much more free-form with relatively undramatic story, while console RPGs are very story driven and dramatic. It's often the case that gamers who are used to one side can't play the other comfortably. Console gamers complain that PC RPG story isn't theatric enough while PC gamers complain console RPGs are too linear with too much focus on story and lacking freedom.


Personally, I was impressed with FF XI. It's a nice middle way product - on one hand there is the complete freedom, yet the story was very theatrical and involving. Might that be the future of single player too?

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This split is still seen today. RPGs on PC are much more free-form with relatively undramatic story, while console RPGs are very story driven and dramatic. It's often the case that gamers who are used to one side can't play the other comfortably. Console gamers complain that PC RPG story isn't theatric enough while PC gamers complain console RPGs are too linear with too much focus on story and lacking freedom.


That is so me. I hated Elders Scrolls Oblivion on the 360, I just couldnt get into it and to this day I still dont see what the fuss is all about. Give me a JRPG anyday!

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I've not played any of these PC ones, though I've always thought Elder Scrolls etc would be good. I guess the only way to find out will be to try one some time. I'm with Flameboy though regarding FF I, I never played it on the NES but having Dawn of Souls I got to experience it a few years ago that way... and the lack of a story was bewildering to me. I found that I enjoyed RPGs like Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia, for example, because I loved the characters and storyline. However when it came to FF I the story was basically non-existent, and directions of what to do next were nowhere to be seen. Due to this I spent my fair share of time sailing around aimlessly... however, I didnt let it get to me, I just put it down to the fact that the game is so old and it just showed me how it had developed over the years.


Actually, FF II is a huge step forward from the first. I found it really enjoyable (though still basic by todays standards). Persevere on Flameboy, its worth it in the end!


And one more thing: FF III is £17.99 on Amazon.co.uk at the mo too.

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I'm with Flameboy though regarding FF I, I never played it on the NES but having Dawn of Souls I got to experience it a few years ago that way... and the lack of a story was bewildering to me. I found that I enjoyed RPGs like Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia, for example, because I loved the characters and storyline. However when it came to FF I the story was basically non-existent, and directions of what to do next were nowhere to be seen.
PC gamers would argue that such freedom is what makes a true RPG. It all comes from the pen & paper RPG (like dungeon and dragons) which is run by a dungeon master to players liking. Japan pioneered it into a form of "adventure" RPG, to tell a story to a player. That's what we see today on consoles (except 360 which inherits PC culture) and handhelds.


I play both PC and console (japanese) RPG. I like them both. If I had to choose, I would go for console ones. I prefer story driven ones like you lot. If you want a taste of free form PC RPG, you should try Morrowind (original is bugy as hell on xbox) or Oblivion (360). I think you won't like it, darksnowman.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With exams and Uni now firmly behind me, I treated myself to FF III on the DS. I've barely started it - just got the first three people into my party and have saved it just outside the castle where I'm to get the Mythril Ring from. (I think its Mythril? Well, it was definitely a ring!)


So far so good, seems like a most charming wee game and one Im gonna enjoy sinking a good few hours into over the summer! And what about that intro? I'd saw most of it online before, but its breathtaking to watch it on me DS! Great work getting that FMV squeezed into the wee cart, better than the Metroid intro in my opinion.


One thing that has amused me no end so far is that in this so far I've heard mention of Sasuune (sp?) and Topapa... two names that I used in FF I. In it I just used the random name generator option to name my characters, my main Warrior was Sasuune and my Black Mage was Topapa. Pretty cool to see there names in here! Cant remember what I named my other two in FF I, but if I bump into their namesakes somewhere in FF III it should refresh my memory.


Anyhoo, anyone else out there thats on the hunt to dispel Chaos from the world and protect the Crystals, etc... get your Friend Codes in here so we can send some mail via Mognet to get everything unlocked. (Thats people with the Euro version by the way!) I'll post mine up when I get far enough to get my Friend Code. :smile:

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Anyhoo, anyone else out there thats on the hunt to dispel Chaos from the world and protect the Crystals, etc... get your Friend Codes in here so we can send some mail via Mognet to get everything unlocked. (Thats people with the Euro version by the way!) I'll post mine up when I get far enough to get my Friend Code. :smile:


Snowy my man, I just got back from town with a brand spanking new DS Lite and a copy of this game so once I start playing it I'll be sure to give you a shout!

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Nice going Raw! For some reason it always suprises me when I see you talking about RPGs, dunno why brother! Well, I played some last night - I'm not very far but I'm taking it slow, exploring towns and stuff and generally enjoying the 3-D of it all! It seems grand so far being based mainly on one screen as well, I thought it was really gonna hamper proceedings but actually it doesnt seem that noticeable that I mostly just need to concentrate on one screen.


Right, here's my Mognet code:




add me up, I'm gonna add mariosmentor and then Raw when you get you're code. I was reading up on what Mognet requires - seven letters should be sufficient, yesh? Well, must go have some tea and a sarnie, kupo! :awesome:


EDIT: mentor of mario, I'm getting an error when I enter your code - have you maybe transcribed it wrong into your profile?

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EDIT: mentor of mario, I'm getting an error when I enter your code - have you maybe transcribed it wrong into your profile?



Nope give me a sec, it seems you both have to try it not far apart from each other. I'll go add yo now.


EDIT* aha. Maybe it is region locked? I have an american version.

Why the hell region lock a messaging service? Oh well :(.

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My DS wont connect to my router which is a shame, maybe I'm too far away, although everything else connects fine from my room?


Has the DS got a crap receiver in it or summit?


Oh and darksnowman, I love RPG's. Although I was just playing this and...


What's the deal with the bosses you can't defeat and have to run away from? First there was that dragon, which I just managed to escape from and then the Nepto Serpent which killed me before I could get away! I hadn't saved for quite a while so now have to do a fair bit again!


... tis rather annoying!

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Yeah its a hardcore RPG in that there are no save points in the dungeons. Its a pretty stupid move to be honest as the game is on a handheld system where palying for short burts at a time is the norm. Im glad everyone is enjoying the game though. As for me, im still plugging away at levelling up everyones job to level 99.

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Damn it, I really need to remember to save more often!


Just lost about an hours play time after loosing to the dude in the fire cave (can't remember his name Gatcos or summit). Oh well, I level up some more this time!


Also, does anyone know how the elemental weaknesses work in this game? That Aero move is effective against flying monsters (as the game tells you) so is it most effective if you use the same element. So if you're against a fire dude you should use fire weapons/attacks?

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Is no one else playing this then (by the way why do we seem to be discussing Final Fantasy III in a general FF thread, doesn't it have its own)?


Well, anyway, finally got my DS working with my router so I can reveal that my Friend Code is...


1031 8242 5986


I've already added you darksnowman so add me back so the mognet mail can begin!

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How far are you in the story?


If you have the Black belt job unlocked then use that, I think it's the only job that allows you to reach 9999 HP due to its high vitality!


If you use the Onion Knight from an early stage then it severely hinders your characters final stats, It's suggested to switch to that job when your character level is in the late 80's/early 90's.

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Im pretty far into the story but my characters are only level 20 odd. Im not levelling up my characters just my jobs but I havent got the Black Belt yet so im trying to get all of the characters Knight level to 99 as that is what is needed before the black Belt.

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I've decided to follow your trend Hero and get all my characters to level 99 on each job. Shouldn't take to long, all you have to do is go back to Ur (the starting town) and just battle a really weak monster around there, guard 10 times in a row (can be fewer depending on which job you are, but 10 will definitely work) then kill the bastard and all your characters will gain a job level every fight.


It's a lot quicker than it sounds, dunno if that's how you were doing it Hero?

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