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Final Fantasy Official Thread


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Yeah it doesnt matter what number you start out at thats the beauty of the FF series. I love the series although I am worried about ff12 due to many sites who reviewed the demo saying that it is a total change from the series and not for the better. Still it was only a demo and hopefully everything will work out alright.


Just a sidenote here but if anyone likes the FF series they should really check out Kingdom Hearts on the PS2 and on the GBA. Both games are awesome.

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Well Final Fantasy XII is mean to incorperate alot of the FFXI battle system where you run around the battle field freely and select attacks as you need em (i have FFXI and it works pretty well once you get used to it) but uses the guage system like in FFX-2? It sounds good to me, a bit like Tales of Symphonia. we'll see though eh.

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I've played FFXII demo and personally I feel like the series is an transition, doing away with random turn based battle is a big big move, i mean battles are the the largest parts generally of an RPG, of course along with the story and such but if the battle system is broke then the game isn't going to work. For the battle were the CPU is control of the support characters the AI is absolutely crucial. If this doesn't work every battle will be a fury fest in which characters with bows go in close or you're given potions when you are near to full health. that said the game employs a gambit system which allwos you to preset AI actions, like "stay back" in ToS.

The camera is also my major gripe with demo, but that's mainly becasue I'm not used to having a 360 analogue stick camera to deal with.

That said, there's plenty of development time left and the graphics are absolutely lush, and I have complete faith in Square spinning out another fantastic narrative.


Oh, and it's been confirmed there will not be a FFXII demo with the PAL Dragon Quest release in April


Anyway, back on topic, I can't wait for Final Fantasy 6!!, which by change has the same battle fan fare as Final Fantasy 12.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the new screen of Final Fantasy III from the DS Lite conference in Japan that was posted up on the main site.




Doesn't show much other than reminding us how fantastic it looks. I'm sure there was another new screen I saw...I'll try and find it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahh that's the first dungeon you fall into! I know the focus of attention has been mostly on graphics for this ff3 remake, but Im just so curious of how class system will be.


Anyway, few random thoughts/replies, from reading through this thread:


--[] About FF Adventure (Mystique Quest, the GBA version of Mana series). Yes I played it back then and I loved it. I guess Im sentimental enough to really get into the character. I cried at the end of it. Come to think of it that started all this Mana series, didn't it. I had the feeling it may become big back then ... :hehe::laughing:


--[] About GBA FF Legend series. Again, I remember playing them though my memory is shaky on this one. I fondly remember the tunes though. And that big ass tower. The system annoyed me, with those throw-away weapons. You had to buy 99 Swords, 99 Hammers etc :nono: But that was the only RPG back then and from Square, I think everyone played it due to lack of choice more than anything else. I mean, it was the FIRST of the very first RPG on handheld. The later series 2 and 3 were better, but still a bit unworked, I feel. All the time travel plot was good in principle, but they didn't bother working on it. I sometimes wonder whether perfecting that concept lead to Chrono Trigger series?


--[] About FF 2D vs 3D. I have the feeling that may be a generational thing. I grew up with tile based RPGs, so Im fond of them. And the cliche of old RPGs - treasure chests! They existed so "naturally" before FF7. If you are fairly young or weren't nerdy enough to get into earlier series, I think FF7 would have been the first big one you played. It was the first big break in the general market in the western hemisphere, so the mass outbreak of "FF bug" started with FF7 for most people. In which case you probably wouldn't be fond of earlier 2D ones. Personally I like them all.


--[] About FF1&2 on GBA. Yeah I agree FF2 has weird growth system. It is somewhat more balanced now though. After so many years the devs must have known how to fine-tune it and remove some silly exploits you could do with the original. The main plot wasn't bad either.


--[] About Dragon Quest PAL version. Off topic, but I didn't know it was scheduled for release here...!!!!! :bowdown: I must rebuy/repair my PS2.


--[] I can't wait for FF3. :bowdown:


--[] I can't wait for FF3. :heart:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Are you saying you don't like Final Fantasy 7!? :shock:


I feel like VOMITING!!!

I don't hate it, but it's mostly overrated by hype and because it was the first 3D FF. The graphics were horrible, I don't care if it was the max PSone could do at the time, they're hideous, deformed and you can't make out the levels. In fact, if you press select or wvtr arrows indicate doors and such, proving that Square noticed you couldn't see shit. The controls are also a little troubling because of the camera and graphics. There is basically no challenge outside the battles it's just walking and battling. I like the Materia system and love the story but that's about it.

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I imported FF IV and didn't find it all that good, I've almost finished it but it doesn't give me that epic feeling to it.

Your party switches far too often to like the characters or even feel any emotions when certain things happens. The storyline doesn't stand out with the likes of Chrono Trigger from the same SNES era, but it's quit well executed although all in all it's predictable. The music is great especially with some good quality headphones and graphically it's typically snes like but the game seems to experience some menu lag while you are inputting commands.


The battle system is the old classic Final Fantasy type system whereas the row your characters are in are important aswell as defending and that's about it apart from certain weapons and magic being strong and weak against certain enemies. Even though it is rather generic I really like the simplicity to the system although I would of enjoyed it more if the random battles were better especially with the amount of battles that occur and the variety of the monsters that appear. I didn't like the idea of having to level up by getting into random encounters occuring every 10 seconds or so against the same monsters countless times.

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I didn't like the idea of having to level up by getting into random encounters occuring every 10 seconds or so against the same monsters countless times.


One thing I seem to not bothering with in RPG's - other than Pokemon - is to hang about and level up, the only battles I do are the ones that occur as Im going about business in the game and thus, more often than not, the final battle is a bit crazy, difficulty wise.


Ill be getting this though, even though this is set already to be a busy summer with games.

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I don't hate it, but it's mostly overrated by hype and because it was the first 3D FF. The graphics were horrible, I don't care if it was the max PSone could do at the time, they're hideous, deformed and you can't make out the levels. In fact, if you press select or wvtr arrows indicate doors and such, proving that Square noticed you couldn't see shit. The controls are also a little troubling because of the camera and graphics. There is basically no challenge outside the battles it's just walking and battling. I like the Materia system and love the story but that's about it.


Sorry about that post, i didn't mean for anyone to take it too seriously, we're all entitled to our own opinions, i hate Final Fantasy 8 but everyone else seems to love it so what one person says doesn't really matter too much.


I'm actually playing the game again right now and the look of the game itself is what makes me beg for a remake just in-case one day i might find the game un-playable because of the way it looks and that would be a real shame because it's a timeless classic like Ocarina of Time.

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Following up on The-Ironflame's comment, I think a lot of the games from that era has to be seen in the context of the time when it was released. FF4 really broke away from what was expected of console RPG at the time. It was amazing then. Saintly amazing. Godly. I find this remake to be faithful to that sentiment.


Then again, when it comes to the game content, more has come into play in modern RPG. Don't forget, we're constantly in a competition of "mine is longer and more complicated than yours" in RPGs. That and eye-candy. Those are what people have been expecting as the means of "advancement" in this genre.


As a result, I think all earlier FF remakes won't quite stand the test of time simply because what is measured as value has changed over the last decade.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Might buy a micro just to play it on, what's the text like on those screens? Is it readable?


I am just playing through Chrono Trigger at the moment and absolutely loving it. I will probably buy the GBA games, but I wont be paying £30 for them.

I also like that you can listen to the remastered soundtrack on your Micro as an mp3 player style device.. it plays back while you have it in your pocket with headphones plugged in.

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The text on a Micro is perfectly legible, never needed to squint, never ever had a problem. This is with a text heavy game like Golden Sun.

I highly recommend getting a Micro, a really cool piece of equipment. I got it (the oh-so-sexy Japanese Famicom version with "Happy 20th Birthday" Mario logo on the back) and I can't wait to whack Final fantasy IV into it.

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Yea the text is very legible on micro. It's so bright and clear, in fact the brightest setting will kill you from too much electromagnetic energy. I hardly ever play it on max brightness. But that might change as summer approaches and outside gets brighter.

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