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Fitness 2011


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Food-wise, I skip a lot of breakfasts, tend to have a sandwich and a pasta pot for brunch, lots of pepsi max during the day then a standard dinner - pizza or pasta. Getting a job meant I had to cut down on my drinking hours, which helped :P I tend to not be able to afford take-aways, and I have an allergy which stops me from eating shit food. I am very thankful for my luck :)


Having said that, I don't think I have the willpower to even attempt a fitness regime. I have this whole thing about people gathering in a room to run on the spot. Why bother? Bleh.

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600 Calories is unhealthy. That's the equivalent of 6 slices of brown bread for the whole day, nothing else.


I know, but it's only a short term thing.


I need to get out of the habit of eating for the sake of it. I'm a very "on/off" sort of person. I either need to go cold turkey or not at all. If I cut out all unnecessary food, it'll get rid of any snack cravings and allow me to concentrate on eating a healthy amount.


Probably doesn't make sense to most people, but it's how I lost 3 stone before. I went a week or so eating a tiny amount, then just ate healthy. I think it also helped because it shrank my stomach, meaning I got full pretty quick after the initial week.


Will also be trying to exercise more too.

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Dude, that's 22kg. That is loads! Well done!!


And converted to a weight i can understand (thank you iphone ap!)...


Thats a loss of 3.4 Stone!! Which is a lot jimbob!


That's great going Jimbo. It's a shock when you think of it in bags of sugar wise. Since I started i've lost the equivalent of 32 bags of sugar!


not a lot.... lol jimbob you aren't wise... of course its a lot!! That's brilliant well done!


I got on wiifit for the first time in 360odd days... 1st3 lighter haha... noice.


I'm gonna say the same thing as Daft, JonSt and Raining: That's great. And doing that without going to the gym? Even more impressive. You've been very disciplined for a year. There aren't a lot of people who can do this. You can and should be proud.


Aye, cheers everyone for the support. My way of losing weight is surprisingly easy enough, eating a healthy, balanced diet and not drinking as much as i did before helps an aweful lot. Feel better, fitter and all that as well.


Lost 1/2 kg over the past week as well, which is good. Well on the way to getting to my target weight.


Which is roughly what i weighed in 2002, before i piled on the pounds. Most i weighed was 154kg, so 112kg is about 44 bags of sugar. I always like comparing weight loss to bags of sugar, sounds more impressive.

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A very well done to you Jimbob, that's awesome! Good going, what's your secret?! haha.


Unfortunately, I haven't lost any weight at all but I haven't put any on so I'm happy abou that. I'm surprised I haven't considering the amount of stuff I've cut down on. However, I do hit the weights a lot and I can imagine I've lost a bit considering I was out mowing the gardens all day so maybe that may have made a bit of difference, lmao.

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A very well done to you Jimbob, that's awesome! Good going, what's your secret?! haha.


Unfortunately, I haven't lost any weight at all but I haven't put any on so I'm happy abou that. I'm surprised I haven't considering the amount of stuff I've cut down on. However, I do hit the weights a lot and I can imagine I've lost a bit considering I was out mowing the gardens all day so maybe that may have made a bit of difference, lmao.


If your lifting a lot of weights it is possible that your burning fat but building muscle. And muscle weighs more than fat! :)

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If your lifting a lot of weights it is possible that your burning fat but building muscle. And muscle weighs more than fat! :)


That's true but I don't LOOK thinner, which is what my goal was. I had to stop doing Intensity by Shaun T because it really hurt my calves. I don't think it was meant for my weight, haha. My arms have gotten bigger and my chest is harder so it could be that...


At least I'm not putting any on, I suppose. I hate stubborn fat! lol.

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My secret, well it was a solid 6 months of working in Newport. Got the train into town, and instead of getting a bus out to where i was working, i walked in. It was a good 1/2 hour each way. It helps as well, taking a dog out for a walk as well.

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Wow! Good going, Jimbob! That sounds awesome.


Today was quite interesting for me. I was training (basically running up and down this massive hill really fast) when I noticed this other dude in the park doing a shit load of exercises. Anyway, I was on my third run up the hill when I noticed him starting to run up as well. I put my headphones off and we started to chat. He asked if I was training and I said I was, though I was so out of breath, I'm surprised I could communicate, haha.


Anyway, I asked him about his circuit and he told me he does it three or four times a week (couldn't remember because I was so knackered). He runs from his house all the way to the park and he uses the stuff in the park to do these exercises. He does more than this but basically, he told me to do this circuit:


Run from your house to park

Do 10 pressups

Do 10 crunches

Get on those two bar things and do 10 knee-ups (don't know the proper name)

Go on the left side of the bar and do 10 pull-ups

Run up and down the stairs

Go out the park and run up the massive hill next door to it

Repeat the same thing twice


He then went on to say that after a month, increase the reps. He's a personal fitness trainer who works for the gym by me and he says he finds it better being outdoors because it's tougher on your body. So I'm going to be trying this out. Seems like an awesome idea.

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I've decided to keep a rough track of calories daily. I reckon it will help stay on top of things. I'm only using rough Google results (or the packet if I have it), I can't be arsed with keeping a proper track. Organised diets don't work for me because they're too much hassle. My method is just "do I really need to eat that?". Just figure adding it up at the end of the day seems a sensible idea.




Breakfast pancake deeley (80)

Coronation chicken sandwich (350ish)

Spaghetti Bolognese (400ish)

A lolly (70ish)


900ish total.


May have some trifle later. Win.




Seriously, I don't know how 2500 is the average. I could happily have had the spaghetti for both lunch and dinner and consider it well fed.

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Plus calorie counting can lead to a wrong behaviour towards food, where you end up always counting calories. Which can lead to eating disorders (extreme yes, but it's common).



As for my weight loss, I pretty much regained what I had lost while Jim was here. He always makes me eat bad food! And then he tells me I should eat healthy to lose weight, pfff.


*will start again tomorrow, somehow*

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Plus calorie counting can lead to a wrong behaviour towards food, where you end up always counting calories. Which can lead to eating disorders (extreme yes, but it's common).



As for my weight loss, I pretty much regained what I had lost while Jim was here. He always makes me eat bad food! And then he tells me I should eat healthy to lose weight, pfff.


*will start again tomorrow, somehow*


Yeah...sorry. :(


Although, I've gained weight as well. I was starting to see some definition in my stomach and chest, but I feel pretty fatty right now. :heh:


Goafer: My advice...ignore the calories. Forget about the numbers and make sure you have balance in your diet. A good breakfast is important, as well as making sure you have fruit and veg in your diet. Also, protein and good carbs. Think more about what you're eating and whether you're getting enough energy from it, rather than the numbers.

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but eating 600calories a day will just trash your metabolism and make you gain the weight back that you've lost...


I'm just doing what has worked for me before and this is the only thing that has. I lost 3 stone pretty rapidly and the weight stayed off for quite a while. The only reason I put it back on is because I went back to eating "normal" for about a year. I still haven't put it all back on though.


And like I said, eating this little is just a method to get me out of "habit eating" and to shrink my stomach a bit. I got into the routine of having snacks at set times, so once I've gone a while with no snacks at all, simply eating a bit less will seem easy.


After a week or so of this, I'll go back to eating as healthy as I can in decent portions. There will also be regular exercise throughout of course.


I know my mentality ("all or nothing") and what has worked before. Trust me! :grin:

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Surely you should be striving to be healthy. Sustaining a regular routine should be paramount -- you're essentially exhibiting bulimic behaviour here - binging and purging. You may think these terms are merely things that happen to other people, and that you have it under control and know what you're doing and there's no way you'd be idiotic -- but you are being idiotic. You're constructing your own reasoning and you're ignoring objective reality of the situation.


Short term fixes aren't any sort of solution. If you slept for 24 hours your body would burn more than the 600 calories you're talking about. While you may think "good! That means my body will eat itself to survive!" it's no way as simple as that.


If you had a child who was the same size as you are now, would you encourage this behaviour?

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Surely you should be striving to be healthy. Sustaining a regular routine should be paramount -- you're essentially exhibiting bulimic behaviour here - binging and purging. You may think these terms are merely things that happen to other people, and that you have it under control and know what you're doing and there's no way you'd be idiotic -- but you are being idiotic. You're constructing your own reasoning and you're ignoring objective reality of the situation.


Short term fixes aren't any sort of solution. If you slept for 24 hours your body would burn more than the 600 calories you're talking about. While you may think "good! That means my body will eat itself to survive!" it's no way as simple as that.


If you had a child who was the same size as you are now, would you encourage this behaviour?




I agree with everything.....





Apart from the 600 calories whilst sleeping. If that's shits true, why the fuck have I been wasting my time running so much when I could just hit the sack :heh:

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Loads of words


Trust me, bulimia/anorexia is always on my mind when I diet. I had* a friend who was bulimic and I saw what it did to her. I'm not feeling guilty about eating and I'm still eating full portions (that pasta today was good!). My friends were pretty good with our friend and I assume they'll be the same for me if they get worried.


It may seem extreme at the moment, but that's just how my mind works. Pretty much anything I do, I start off extreme and then tone it down to a normal level.


I appreciate the concern though. Just give it a bit more time before getting worried! I have eccentric ways of dealing with things!



*She's not dead or anything, she just isn't a friend anymore after she cheated on my friend and left him for a 40 year old guy.

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you're not supposed to eat 500 cals less than your daily BMR/less than 1000pd. A good majority of men are in the late 1000s if not more... so yeah its not really good for you eating 600 calories. Eating too little makes your body sacrifice its muscles first, as muscles require calories to just exist, they are seen as a threat to the bodies survival, opting to leave the static fat.


If you think 600calories in a day creates a good 3 meals, you've got either incorrect calorie values or you aren't actually measuring stuff out.

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Yeah the 'trust me man' thing isn't exactly a convincing argument. The point is that you're focusing on losing weight for all the wrong reasons. There's no point being skinny and unhealthy because of it. If you truly want to maintain a decent weight then you need to address your general routine rather than just opting to do this once a year. If you continue to see this 'working' then you'll slip up and do it more and more. No matter how right-minded you think you are. Asessing your understanding of eating disorders on some flakey chick who you have already tarred as 'unable to judge things well' is just excusing your own behavior.


If it's taken you a year to put on x amount of weight then you should allow yourself a year to shed it. Giving yourself a week to get into a routine does not prove tha




Does not prove that you'll have any strength in maintaining healthy eating for long at all.


I say this because I have experience with eating disorders too , and I know that it's far safer to nip it in the bud while it's still such a small, minute possible outcome. You lose no kudos for that.


And I say all of this because I care! I don't want you short-changing yourself and regretting it one day. Play the long game and play it safe.

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I did a vlcd and I've ruined my metabolism... and that was one that included supplements, and had the added bonus of ketosis (making you not hungry) but I still wouldn't do it again. My body goes into starvation mode really easily.. which means i'm not shifting the weight. It's definitely not worth doing to your body. Its gonna take me years to shift my weight now, as opposed to 1 year!!

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