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So a lost a little more weight but then going out and drinking lots of larger with a curry friday night and a dominoes pizza feast last night watching Doctor Who may has resulted in me putting the weight i lost this week back on... Opps!



Doing that would really piss me off and there has been times where I've fallen off the wagon big style :heh:



My mindset is basically to avoid it all, I know a little in moderation is fine but I can't really stop after one!



I've just got just under a stone left to loose and i'll be happy. At the moment I just do a lot of running but i think i'll hit the gym to tone up a little.

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My mindset is basically to avoid it all, I know a little in moderation is fine but I can't really stop after one!


Yes. This is my rule. No chocolate or sweets are allowed in the house (when I'm out of the house it isn't a problem since I can distract myself with a myriad things). Mam bought 6 packets of Jaffa Cakes last week because it was a special offer. They were all gone by the end of the next day. All 72 of them. And I was being restrained.


Anyway, as for putting on what you lost you'll usually do it as quickly as you lost the weight. So if you eat barely anything for a week and then scoff down food it'll come back BAM. You spend time losing that weight properly and you can allow yourself a little something something and it's cool. Maybe even recommended.


I use revision as an excuse to allow chocolate in the house. Currently downstairs there is half a Belgian chocolate cake. All I'm saying is one half tasted suweeeet.

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Yes. This is my rule. No chocolate or sweets are allowed in the house (when I'm out of the house it isn't a problem since I can distract myself with a myriad things). Mam bought 6 packets of Jaffa Cakes last week because it was a special offer. They were all gone by the end of the next day. All 72 of them. And I was being restrained.


Anyway, as for putting on what you lost you'll usually do it as quickly as you lost the weight. So if you eat barely anything for a week and then scoff down food it'll come back BAM. You spend time losing that weight properly and you can allow yourself a little something something and it's cool. Maybe even recommended.

I use revision as an excuse to allow chocolate in the house. Currently downstairs there is half a Belgian chocolate cake. All I'm saying is one half tasted suweeeet.



I agree completely. You should allow yourself treats after all, slim people eat bad stuff too!


I try to keep away from a lot of alcohol as it tends to remove all restriction :heh: And multipacks tend to be a big no no for me. If I buy a pack of biscuits the chances are they will be gone within a day, maybe 2 if I'm REALLY restricting myself haha :D

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Is anyone actually making any real progress in here?


It's not easy losing weight you know and i don't particulary like your sarcastic question, this is a thread where people can talk about trying to loose weight honestly and the problems that people have with it, there is a lot of mental obstables as well as just 'don't eat junk'. If you going to come in here with your negativity/sarcastic tones then please go away.


But in answer to it i have lost almost 3 stone in total since January so yeah, i have made real progress.

Edited by Mike1988uk
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How am i supposed to lose fat off of my belly?? JUST my belly. I'd been doing an abdominal workout 3 times a week, but then someone told me there's no point because that type of exercise builds muscle, but then there's still a layer of fat on top so you'd never notice. They said the best way to burn fat is cardio work. Are abdominal workouts really useless? I much prefer them to cardio. Cardio is a bitch!

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How am i supposed to lose fat off of my belly?? JUST my belly. I'd been doing an abdominal workout 3 times a week, but then someone told me there's no point because that type of exercise builds muscle, but then there's still a layer of fat on top so you'd never notice. They said the best way to burn fat is cardio work. Are abdominal workouts really useless? I much prefer them to cardio. Cardio is a bitch!


Because there's no such thing as spot fat removal. You can do tonnes of abdominal workouts and have abs, but you won't see them until your BF % is low. You need lots of cardio and good nutrition.

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It's not easy losing weight you know and i don't particulary like your sarcastic question, this is a thread where people can talk about trying to loose weight honestly and the problems that people have with it, there is a lot of mental obstables as well as just 'don't eat junk'. If you going to come in here with your negativity/sarcastic tones then please go away.


But in answer to it i have lost almost 3 stone in total since January so yeah, i have made real progress.


Yea maybe i was being sarcastic. I don't particularly like your assumption that i know nothing about it, but hey.


We can't all be nice about it, be mean to get lean. Don't cheat yourself.

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Yea maybe i was being sarcastic. I don't particularly like your assumption that i know nothing about it, but hey.


We can't all be nice about it, be mean to get lean. Don't cheat yourself.


How did you expect me to react with a sarcastic question like that and base my assumption? I would have thought that if you knew about it then you would made a constructive comment!

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How did you expect me to react with a sarcastic question like that and base my assumption? I would have thought that if you knew about it then you would made a constructive comment!


Good point, but i find that people trying to lose weight seldom get negative comments. It's all "aw yea i can see a big difference, you're doing really well" - When they arn't.


Having lost 3st you're doing great though.

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Good point, but i find that people trying to lose weight seldom get negative comments. It's all "aw yea i can see a big difference, you're doing really well" - When they arn't.


Having lost 3st you're doing great though.




I do see your point though about comments, some people are too nice, which leads to not helping at all (in any kind of situation really)! I think it's finding the balance and knowing what helps each person as everyone reacts differently! :)

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Good point, but i find that people trying to lose weight seldom get negative comments. It's all "aw yea i can see a big difference, you're doing really well" - When they arn't.


Having lost 3st you're doing great though.


I used to have people saying that to me and it actually annoyed me because I felt a bit patronised because I couldn't see it at all. I only ever say that if I mean it. I don't say "Oh, I see a massive difference on you" unless I actually do see a massive difference on you. I think losing 2lb (or even 1lb) a week is an achievement because it can be hard for some people to lose it like that at the start and, while it's true that there are other people doing the same thing, we all have different emotions and different thoughts. Sure, it may not seem like a massive thing but it's a start. What might be easy for some people may be hard for others Some people find it hard to be motivated while others find it easy to motivate themselves.


I motivate myself by sticking a poster with my targets on my wall and I look at it every morning and it motivates me to do it and, true that I may not be having much success, it's still better than gaining weight even if I want to lose a lot more a week. I made the thread because I used to find it hard to be motivated and so I thought that people may be in the same boat I used to be in and they could motivate each other into losing weight considering we all have the same target. Plus, I also made it for people who want and need advice. I think it's true that pushing people to their limits is good because that'll get you pumped up enough to do something and it'll push you that much harder. Like tomorrow, I'm going to run so much, I'm going to put Forrest Gump to shame. ;)


But yeah, I believe in being strict and being harsh in a supportive way. If it wasn't for the fact a couple of people I knew were harsh to me and told me the truth I needed to hear, I probably wouldn't be like I am today. I mean, let's face it, it's a lot more effective when it's a bit blunt (at least it was to me anyway). If it weren't for the support of my family or my friends, I probably wouldn't have gotten to where I was today but now I'm confident enough to do it myself. Sometimes I may shake a little and I need picking up and when that happens, you turn to your friends or your family for support which is all good.


If I'm honest, I think all of us losing weight really could push ourselves and we could possibly lose more weight but if it's working out well for you, keep at it and don't fail. Never quit!


I don't have treats, snacks or junk food and I've been like it for almost a month and it's going fine although I feel the same as I did before. However, I was given some advice to really push myself harder than I've ever done before and to do it three times a week. I did it all week and I feel little difference, hopefully the scales will say something different next week.


Wow, sorry for the wall of text but yeah, I can totally see where AndyWylde is coming from but you guys keep at it and don't quit! As Jillian Michaels says: Nothing in this life worth having comes for free, you gotta work for it!

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How am i supposed to lose fat off of my belly?? JUST my belly. I'd been doing an abdominal workout 3 times a week, but then someone told me there's no point because that type of exercise builds muscle, but then there's still a layer of fat on top so you'd never notice. They said the best way to burn fat is cardio work. Are abdominal workouts really useless? I much prefer them to cardio. Cardio is a bitch!


Simply lose weight.... eat less exercise more. You're obviously (a bit like me) the type to put weight on there as opposed to other places. Toning exercising are great once the fats gone...


like I swear I have a six pack under my spare tyres... ONE DAY.... they will be in full view :P




I've lost 2stone since late Feb. Weightwatchers and personal training. I've still got a long way to go though... b00. (another 6, just about) I've learnt a lot about myself lately. Worked through a few mental issues... but I fear I've got a lot of problems to come with my weightloss.


My body is just starting to give in.. the very bad arthritis in my hip has come back, my knee injury gives my gip from time to time...


Every time I go to the doctor it gets blamed on my weight despite the fact i'm in agony 24/7... I have to say that's just not right... and they just seem to ignore the fact I'm making such an effort and it makes me feel like a complete moron who's just putting it on for attention :( And they wonder why people get so freakin depressed about being fat? Why they can't get help for stuff? I accept that my weight is a factor... but I can't magic it away right now.. a bit of sympathy or helpful suggestions would help.


I'm gonna get to 35 and this hip will probably end up needing replaced because NO ONE FUCKING LISTENED when I said I was in pain at the age of 13! :(


Oh yeah, I hate the whole "haven't you lost a lot of weight that's brilliant" caper... its not something to be proud of that i've gotten this way and it always feels like condescending crap... even if it is well meaning

Edited by Raining_again
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Oh yeah, I hate the whole "haven't you lost a lot of weight that's brilliant" caper... its not something to be proud of that i've gotten this way and it always feels like condescending crap... even if it is well meaning


I don't mind that so much but I hate it when people tell me that they can really see a difference when I can't, I find that a bit condescending and weirdly a bit patronising. I don't mind if they haven't seen me for months and I bump into them and they say it but it's when people say it just to be polite to you. I wouldn't mind if it was the truth but I hate false hope, as I said, if I can see a difference, I'll tell you. If I don't, I say nothing. Simples! :grin:

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As it's been said already, you can't spot reduce weight. Weight will fall off in a pattern that is all genetics. The main rule is first on, last off, so for blokes it's usually the beer belly that will be last to show a big improvement.

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Simply lose weight.... eat less exercise more. You're obviously (a bit like me) the type to put weight on there as opposed to other places. Toning exercising are great once the fats gone...


But i don't want to lose weight from anywhere but my belly. I want to be all bootylicious like Beyonce. :(


I guess i can forget it if there's no such thing as target weight loss afterall. Waaaa!

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But i don't want to lose weight from anywhere but my belly. I want to be all bootylicious like Beyonce. :(


I guess i can forget it if there's no such thing as target weight loss afterall. Waaaa!


Just out of curiosity, where do you want to keep the weight? Like Beyonce, eh? On the arse?

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But i don't want to lose weight from anywhere but my belly. I want to be all bootylicious like Beyonce. :(


I guess i can forget it if there's no such thing as target weight loss afterall. Waaaa!


You can still loose weight and be bootylicious.




I think the only problem might be that it's a FIRM bootylicious


Don't ask how I found this. Showed up in my subscription list one day

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Oh gawd. I lost a fair amount of weight before Christmas after finally sticking to a diet for the first time ever. It's weird because after a while I actually started getting used to the smaller portions and healthier food - I remember going to McDonalds after eating healthily for nearly 2 months and it actually made me feel sick. Along came Christmas though and that's when my downward spiral began :P


Now that summers officially here I'm going to make sure I once again stick to healthy eating because I feel as though there's a huge man-boob shaped cloud looming over me and I don't like the look of it!


Seriously though, I'm glad I found this thread as I do need to stick to it this time. My biggest problem is ALCOHOL! I need to stop going out every weekend because not only does it rape my bank account but it also destroys any effort I've put into eating healthily!

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You can still loose weight and be bootylicious.




I think the only problem might be that it's a FIRM bootylicious


Don't ask how I found this. Showed up in my subscription list one day


And muscular definition is a lot sexier :)






Am so gutted, I pointed every single thing I ate, all week. half a pound on. what a fucking gip. I've eaten more and done no exercise in the past.. and taken stupid numbers off (like minus 5/6!)


My hip fucked up on me meaning I couldnt exercise. And I ate exactly my points, rather than giving up my weeklies and just have a really bad meal and lots of chocolate... obviously that treat kick starts my metabolism. Just so so sad :(

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Raining it could possibly just be water retention.


You may not have actually just put on weight as such, it may just be your body is holding on to more water for whatever reason! which will eventually go and you may notice a bigger drop in weight then.

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Just out of curiosity, where do you want to keep the weight? Like Beyonce, eh? On the arse?


Yessiree, arse, hips and boobies.


You can still loose weight and be bootylicious.




I think the only problem might be that it's a FIRM bootylicious


Don't ask how I found this. Showed up in my subscription list one day


Ahh don't think yo reeeeady, fo this jelly!

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