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Fitness 2011


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RCC (reverse calorie counting) is always good for someone who is casually wanting to eat better. You just take what you normally eat and subtract roughly 500 calories a day, or in simplistic terms just like eat one treat less every day.


Eg say you eat a bag of crisps and a bar of chocolate in a day, just have one OR the other instead. Or have one less spoonful of sugar in your tea. Or one less can of coke. Certainly not a weightloss measure, moreso a preventative one :) Means you aren't feeling too deprived but stopping things from getting out of hand.



@mike: its VERY VERY tough going. Meal replacement bar, and two shakes, or just three shakes. 200 calories approx in each product.


It's not ideal and it means me giving up a significant amount of my exercise regime (which is possibly the worst part of it) because I can burn 600+ in a session very very easily. But I'm stuck between staying morbidly obese and eating healthy, but damaging my joints with too much exercise at this weight, or doing something that's not ideal (but it is safe on a shorter term basis) for a short time then getting back to healthy eating/exercise.


Its like... basically last chance for me. I always used to think the medications "excuse" was suuuuch a cop out... (heard it from so many people before in my ww class) but now I realise it actually does happen. I didn't ask my doctor at all about weight loss with it, she actually SPECIFIED it before getting me on this drug (which usually means its something critically important). I went away saying... but yeah weightloss is always hard... hahah so little did I know... :(

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That does sound quite intense! Do the shakes feel filling at all? I have never tried shakes so i can only imagine what that would be like.


Well i have lost most of weight so far by probably not eating enough but not exercising (which isn't healthy) but as previously discussed i am going to try experimenting with different stuff now.

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aye they are filling, and once you get past the few days you go into ketosis, so your body isn't physically hungry. Its just getting past all the mental wants. Stupid things like potatoes, ham, TOAST are godly when you can have nothing. XD


I'm getting into a routine with it so I don't want food quite as much as I did week 1, but its certainly not a life long thing.

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Another 2 pounds bits the dust this week! Now weighing 16 stone 7 pounds!


Quite surprised really considering i had that meal for my girlfriends birthday on monday. But i did go the gym twice this week which is more than i have done in a long time!!


And on the other days i did try increasing my calorie intake slightly, like one day having soup (heinze big eat one, but no bread) instead of a hardly anything in it salad and every day i have had a pack of these as a snack or a coffee (with no added sugar):




Quite tasty as well! 3 slices in a pack, 49 calories a slice

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update from myself... I have put on a pound this week, not suprised though as i treated myself on thursday but then went Alton Towers on the friday and basically pigged out!


I have stopped exercising for now until i have seen my GP over my incident at Alton Towers.

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what happened?


Went Alton Towers today for the second time...


I went on 13 first, then Rita, then Oblivion, felt ok, little dizzy but nothing major. Had lunch then Air (felt quite dizzy after air for some reason, although was fine last time! sat down for a bit but was then ok) and finally Nemesis. Felt really bad after it like last time i went in April/May, had to sit down...


I was breathing deeply trying to calm down, was sweaty, felt dizzy/sick. But it started to get worse... i felt pins and needles setting in the back of my neck, feet and hands, my hands started to cramp up, as in they formed a first style with my thumb in the middle but i couldn't move any and was loosing feeling, one of my friends said he was going to get help as he could tell something was not right, which i was nodded as i could tell that as well! My wrists bent backwords and i couldn't move them with my hands clenced, my speech was effected etc. I felt like my throat tighten but not to the point where my breathing was effected.


It was horrible because i was very aware of what was going on, people looking, something was wrong, my friends being helpful but my body wouldn't respond with what i wanted it to do. The first responder people took me back to there little hospital type bit and did a ECG on my heart, after awhile my body started to return to normal but my heart beat my irregular and my blood pressure was low. They think i had some kind of panic attack. All the other things like blood pressure etc may just have been to do with that but i'm still gonna see my GP to be on the safe side next week.


Unknown what triggered it, could have been adrenaline overload, too much sugar...too little sugar...not drinking enough water, some other medical problem i am unaware of etc etc.


I'm still feeling a bit light headed now but ok.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have just re-read my few previous posts and i have had a slightly change in weight.


Put on few pounds and currently weighed 16.10 Stone on Sunday. I am not surprised though, on friday i did have a mcdonolds breakfast followed by a take-a-way for tea (chees burger, pizza, chips, donna meat!


I shall be trying to get back on my diet this week.


I did have a look at my BMI before though and it says it is now 29.7!!!!! Which means i am out of the obese category and into overweight! Only just though as 30 is Obese but still, made me feel good! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any updates from anyone?


My weight is alternating at the moment, eating is varying a lot but i am now regulary going the gym.


Weighed in at 16 Stone today! Which would make a total loss of 5 stone 4 pounds since january! Like i said above though that could go up or down a bit but still very happy overall! :)

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I am floating in and around the 18 stone mark. Still having too many problems... Trying to even maintain my weight while facing unstable blood sugars/health problems/psoriasis coming back/moderate depression is quite hard... I went to see a podiatrist who diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis and because i've had it so long its likely to have advanced to a stage where steroid injections may be needed (in ma feets). Which will again probably interfere with my weight.


Unbelievably frustrating when you are in the right frame of mind for both eating and exercise, and not only is the weight not shifting, but my feet are being destroyed... Gr.


This is getting to the point where I fall off the wagon again, and I really just CAN'T do it again. The 2.5 stone i've lost has been such work, they've literally come off pound by freakin pound.. i should be losing insane amounts with the weight I am, fucking medication...which I also forgot to take GAH

Edited by Raining_again
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its a bit of a funny time of the year for people trying to look after themselves.... we've gone past the holiday phase so no one wants to be "beach sexy", and its still a little early to try and get into the dress/suit for christmas. As well as the weather starting to get a bit poo, people are losing the will to keep at it. It's almost like a constant waiting game for the next occasion to fit into clothes for...

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So I haven't really done any training since I quit the gym I was going to before in July. Life got so busy that I wasn't able to train at all. I trained for 2 days while in Florida but to be honest I've been off the training game for 2 months.


I joined a new gym on Monday but haven't managed to get there yet but I'm hoping I'll be able to make it in tomorrow and sort out a new training plan.

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Ok then people enough is enough for me. I am at the highest weight I have ever been after returning from a week at butlins. I weigh at 19st 8lb and I feel unhealthy as fuck. The only place you can see the weight is my stomach which is huge and embarrassing, my eldest son asked me why I had such a fat belly :/


I work Wednesday through to Sunday. Wednesday Friday and Saturday I work from 1am till about 4pm on my feet alot of the day, lifting and generally grafting. Thursday and Sunday is like 3am till 1pm and is a lot less intensive.


My diet is shit. Like really bad, and I'm looking to do something drastic to this. My morning is usually a chocolate bar and can of redbull at 3am then 2 bacon sarnies at 8am. Dinner can be anything from jacket spud or salad to a burger or hotdog. Tea is usually a take away of some form. I drink pepsi max alot which isn't too bad. Upto a month ago I was drinking 20 cans of redbull a week easy, maybe even 30 cans. I have not had 1 for nearly a full month now.


I don't have much time for excersise, Monday and tuesday being my availible days, but I'm going to try to do something on Thursday's and Sunday's aswell.


Any tips, advice or help would be appreciated!

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The only thing wrong with myfitness pal (even though i love it) is that sometimes the barcodes are horrifically wrong so you have to manually find your food... it said my turkey pieces were a snickers (etc etc). Or i think its just cause Im from NI is that some of the foods aren't on it so you have to find your closest alternative (seee you irish bread!!)

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Ok then people enough is enough for me. I am at the highest weight I have ever been after returning from a week at butlins. I weigh at 19st 8lb and I feel unhealthy as fuck. The only place you can see the weight is my stomach which is huge and embarrassing, my eldest son asked me why I had such a fat belly :/


I work Wednesday through to Sunday. Wednesday Friday and Saturday I work from 1am till about 4pm on my feet alot of the day, lifting and generally grafting. Thursday and Sunday is like 3am till 1pm and is a lot less intensive.


My diet is shit. Like really bad, and I'm looking to do something drastic to this. My morning is usually a chocolate bar and can of redbull at 3am then 2 bacon sarnies at 8am. Dinner can be anything from jacket spud or salad to a burger or hotdog. Tea is usually a take away of some form. I drink pepsi max alot which isn't too bad. Upto a month ago I was drinking 20 cans of redbull a week easy, maybe even 30 cans. I have not had 1 for nearly a full month now.


I don't have much time for excersise, Monday and tuesday being my availible days, but I'm going to try to do something on Thursday's and Sunday's aswell.


Any tips, advice or help would be appreciated!


You need 4 things to lose weight:


1) Healthy diet. Don't eat rubbish. If you're male and a healthy weight you need 2,500 claories a day. Eat 2,000 a day and you should lose a pound a week, you should lose more as you're massively obese. Cut out fats and carbs as much as you can and try to eat fruit, vegetables and salad with fresh lean meat. Completely cut out fizzy drinks, crisps, junk food and sweets/chocolate - they will be your ruination.


2) Exercise. This doesn't mean you need to join a gym or start going crazy. Just little things like walking rather than taking the car add up and make a big difference. Rather than sitting around watching TV get up and go for a walk or do light exercise.


3) Rest. The body cannot repair itself if it doesn't rest. You need sleep, preferably around 8 hours per day for good weight loss. You'll find that the more tired you are the harder it will be to lose weight.


4) This is probably the most importajnt - Positive Mental Attitude. To move forward you need to acknowledge what a disgraceful state you've got yourself in and stop making excuses. Most people come out with the usual tripe about genetics, big bones, bad metabloism etc. It's never these things, it's bad diet and laziness. Once you've got the right mindset you can achieve anything, but there's no point in trying if you're not really committed - you'll end up just just have relapses and returning to bad habits.

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