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I've lost 7lbs over the past few weeks, had a very naughty week this week, and I thought I had put it back on... went to ww class today, and I've only put on .5 of a pound. Phew XD


Going on a very low carb diet this week :)


Well done!


I really want to keep at it this time but i just have to take every week as it comes. I have a lot of weight to get rid off but i am on the right track so far!

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I've lost a fair amount of weight while at uni, without realising/trying. Visually I can tell in the mirror, but also cause my trousers are baggier, lol!


I used to always get a 38 waist, even though sometimes it'd be slightly too big (but sometimes not...). Now a 36 is loose on me more often than not. :)


I want to join the/a gym but will wait till second year starts to make maximum use of it I think.

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I've lost a fair amount of weight while at uni, without realising/trying. Visually I can tell in the mirror, but also cause my trousers are baggier, lol!


I used to always get a 38 waist, even though sometimes it'd be slightly too big (but sometimes not...). Now a 36 is loose on me more often than not. :)


I want to join the/a gym but will wait till second year starts to make maximum use of it I think.


Sounds good!


I have read that sometimes it easier to notice via things like clothing or measuring urself as ur body can alter it's shape or something which scales wont pick up as well.


With my said weight loss so far i have been able to tighten my belt a further 'slot' in! :)

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I've lost 7lbs over the past few weeks, had a very naughty week this week, and I thought I had put it back on... went to ww class today, and I've only put on .5 of a pound. Phew XD


Going on a very low carb diet this week :)


What do you eat on a low carb diet? I struggle so much because all the foods I love are full of them!


I've put on some visual fat recently around my waist which I absolutely hate. My bodyfat percentage must've gone up significantly in the past few months. Really need to work on getting rid of it in time for holiday in June so I've put myself on a beer embargo as that's where it's coming from.


Went out for a run yesterday and will do the same on Saturday morning before work. Really, really need to start playing squash again too to get that bit of extra exercise each week!

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What do you eat on a low carb diet? I struggle so much because all the foods I love are full of them!


Safe Foods (No Carbs/Trace Carbs)


Beef, Steak, Hamburger, Prime Rib, Filet Mignon, Roast Beef, Chicken*, Duck, Any Fish*, Tuna*, Salmon*, Trout*, Halibut*, Lamb, Pork, Bacon, Ham, Eggs, Shrimp, Crab, Lobster, Butter, Oils (Olive Oil*, Flaxseed oil*, etc.), Mustard, Salt, Pepper, Soy Sauce, Tea, Coffee, Heavy Cream and Nutrasweet/Equal.


Minimal Carb Foods (Limited Quantities Only, Check Carb Content!)


Broccoli*, Spinach*, Lettuce*, Cabbage*, Bok Choy*, Kale*, Asparagus*, Mustard Greens*, Mushrooms*, Cucumbers*, Pickles*, Celery*, Green Beans*, Brussel Sprouts*, Cauliflower*, Artichokes*, Peppers* (Red, Green, Jalapeno, Habanero), Onions*, Sprouts (bean, alfalfa, etc.)*, Radicchio and endive, Herbs - parsley, cilantro, basil, rosemary, thyme etc, Radishes*, Sea Vegetables (Nori, etc)*, Jicama*, Avocado*, Asparagus*, Green Beans and Wax Beans*, Broccoli*, Summer Squash, Zuchinni*, Scallions or green onions*, Bamboo Shoots*, Leeks*, Brussels Sprouts*, Snow Peas (pods)*, Tomatoes*, Eggplant*, Tomatillos*, Artichokes*, Fennel*, Okra*, Spaghetti Squash*, Celery Root (Celeriac)*, Turnip*, Water Chestnuts*, Pumpkin*, Nuts, Flaxseeds*, Cheeses, Salami, Pastrami, Hot Dogs, Sausages, Ribs (watch out for the sauce!), Buffalo Wings, Liverwurst, Oysters, Abalone, Protein Powders, Sugar Free Jello, Salad Dressings (some), some Wines.


Higher Carb Foods (Very Limited Quantities!)


Grapefruit*, Lemons*, Limes*, Strawberries*, Olives*, Rasberries*, Blackberries*, Kiwis*, plums*, oranges*, pears*, pineapple*


Foods that are NOT appropriate.


Beer, Mixed drinks, Bread, Milk, Pasta, Grains, Cereal, Rice, Potatoes, Corn, Carrots, Peas, Candy, Cake, Cheesecake, biscuits, Donuts, Fruit Juices, High Carb Fruits (Apricots, grapes, Bananas, Peaches, Nectarines, cherries, Pomegranates, Mangos, Figs, Dried Fruit, such as dates, raisins, dried apricots, and prunes etc.), Pastries, Non-Diet Soft Drinks, Rolls, Bagels, Popcorn, Battered Foods (Fried Chicken, etc.), Gravy, Honey, Sugar, chocolate and Corn Syrup.


Notes: Diet Soft Drinks, such as Diet Coke, Diet 7-Up, and Diet Pepsi can usually be consumed in large quantities, but the citric acid content in these drinks can throw some people out of ketosis. Be sure to check in your individual case if this happens. Hard liquor, such as scotch, vodka, etc can be consumed because they have virtually no carbs. Wine actually makes a nice ketogenic alcoholic drink, as most wines have only 1-6 grams of carbs per glass, the sweeter the wine, the more carbs. Beer is usually very high in carbs, having 10-15 grams per glass. Watch out though, when you're in ketosis your blood sugar will be very low, and the alcohol will have a more pronounced effect.


DO NOT follow this diet if you are diabetic, and use caution if following an intense exercising regime.



I've been taking Exante supplement shakes (not unlike protein shakes) for all my vitamins and nutrients. Its a VLCD, but I'm not doing the shakes only diet because it's too risky for my health...


Your blood sugars hit the floor, which caused me to get a migraine. Was boking my guts out all of yesterday night... and blood as well ._. Was going to stop the diet today but I feel a million times better today, despite b.s still being low. And on the upside I have lost 6lbs in 2 days.... I'm lighter than I've been in ages!!! (in the 18s lol!)


It's a risky diet because you can get quite sick getting into ketosis, and you have to watch not to overdo exercise. But once you do hunger basically vanishes. It's not a very practical diet for eating out and you can't really have a day off easily, because your body then has to burn off all the sugars again and you have to repeat the ketosis again..


But the fact I'm eating so little has completely cured my IBS... I think I must be seriously intolerant to bread or sugar!!!


I'm only doing this diet for a month or two (don't think I can cope with any more haha!) to get a few pounds off meh belleh. Going on holidays with my ma to Birminghams and I want to be a lot lighter.


Went to the gym and did a good session, felt tired a bit quicker than normal but it wasn't detrimental to my workout.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ive had a naughty week this week, and feeling a bit bad for it now but i enjoyed myself at the time i suppose. Although ive put some pounds back on.


I am still sitting at a total loss of 2 and half stone though since 16th January!


Still got a long way to go though...

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After about 5 weeks or so I've lost 6 Kilo's down to 109, and all I've really been doing is Walking and Calorie counting, hell not even walking a lot just an hour every day, if I go to the shopping centre I walk back which is a couple of hours.

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i'm doing some SERIOUS exercising at the mo. Got my hour long kettlebell class... an hours worth of throwing an 8kg weight around.. yay. I normally work on like 4kg dumbells, so the one handed swings and presses are proving to be tricky! But its helping me graduate onto 6kg dumbells! Woohoo.


Kinda dreading it this week because i had my personal training session on Monday evening, and I'm still a bit achey even now.. I pushed myself harder than I should have, and my knees are taking an absolute beating... Argh


My cardiovascular fitness is kinda hitting a plateau for a bit, because of my joints i'm finding it difficult to frequent the gym as often as I'd like... so i'm not getting insanely fit, but the strength in my body is amazing. <3 Even my forearms LOOK different... its really weird.


my weightwatchers leader gave us an "exercise challenge" - basically she gave us a page with the days of the week on it, and we've to fill it in, and to increase our exercise. So i'm gonna give it a go every single day, even if its just 15 minutes on crosstrainer/treadmill, or even a walk outside! I should really be doing it every week!


I was kinda not really on form this week diet wise (was my wi tonight) and I put on 3.5lbs! Meh. I'm motivated to do well this week, and i'm raring to go on the exercise front... just hope I don't break anything in the process!! LOL

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I've been achey for a while from my p.trainer on Monday, all of that is gonna apart from my knee pain... argh. And it's not the normal muscle pain... its very very very painful, like grit under my kneecap. :( DAMN YOU arthritis




I wanted to start c25k but thats very unlikely now as even walking for a long time hurts like bollox

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I'm trying something slightly different to help with weight loss/toning. I came home from work a few days ago to an empty house, and spotted my housemate's weighted hula hoop on the living room sofa. I thought "fuck yeah, I want a go" so gave it a try. An hour later and I'm in the garden gyrating and thrusting my hips to keep the thing up.


Its really fun. Got two massive bruises though on my sides. I really felt it working though, and I expect that I burned off quite a lot of energy whilst I was doing it.

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I have finally found myself a sport I am good at: Squash. I went today with two of my friends (Ryuk and AndyWylde) and it was a lot of fun. I actually won a few matches, which surprised me. I was running up, down, left and right and it really had me working and sweating.


If I keep this up, I think I can see the weight dropping off me! I love Squash, I've been watching videos all evening. It's something I wished I found sooner in life rather than now. If I found this at, say, 15, I would be thin by now, I think.

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I've been achey for a while from my p.trainer on Monday, all of that is gonna apart from my knee pain... argh. And it's not the normal muscle pain... its very very very painful, like grit under my kneecap. :( DAMN YOU arthritis




I wanted to start c25k but thats very unlikely now as even walking for a long time hurts like bollox


Poor Raineeng. :(


I did something to my knee/leg, twisted it I think when running. I found applying some heat to it (a heat pack) did it wonders. Could that at least make the pain ease a little?

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Poor Raineeng. :(


I did something to my knee/leg, twisted it I think when running. I found applying some heat to it (a heat pack) did it wonders. Could that at least make the pain ease a little?


yeah I find heat/magnetic pad does help the pain albeit temporarily... just the difficulty is it being in my joints rather than the muscles. I've pulled at muscles in my knees a lot (especially lower quads lol) and it always heals within a few days.. this has been going on for a while and has peaked since this time a week ago! It's a horrible sensation of sand under my kneecaps! yugh >_<

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For people who like their carbs it is always better to have the wholemeal versions if possible. For example wholemeal bread is better than white and wholemeal pasta is better than the normal stuff and so on.


I have an intense gym routine with a bit of boxing where I can. I do the gym routine in cycles. Because it is approaching summer i'm about to switch from my bulking phase to a cutting stage so I will be doing at least 4 cardio sessions and 2/3 weights sessions. When I switch back to buliking (October) I will be doing 5 weights and 1 cardio session.


With food, it is important not to make yourself hungry, just make sure your diet is high in protein and ensure you have a carb rich meal staight after work out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been pretty good with my diet recently, especially making a better effort to cut out all the crap. I'm also trying to up my cardio workout amount at the gym. I definitely feel and look a bit better across my stomach recently, so I'm pleased.


Also, hula hooping is where it's at, guys. It really helps to strengthen your core.


Well done for gaining the weight Daft and losing it, Raineeng. Two ends of the scale, ahaah.

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I have been shacky again this week, had a large dominoes pizza tonight!


Gonna start up exercising properly soon anyway since my weight loss appeared to have been slowing down compared to previous weeks of dieting.


Well done of the others in the thread moving slightly closer to their goals! :) We must keep each other motivated!!!

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I lost 2lb last week which is always good. I tend to lose 2/3 lbs every week and have just about hit 4 stone lost :)



I've started using the built in Nike App on my iPod Touch to track my running and after a few weeks it's starting to look fairly impressive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been doing fab!! :D Easter week has been my killer since I started ww in 2008... I've always lost a bit of steam and the week off class always makes me... wary.. because I lose focus. And all that chocolate too :( BUT this year is different, i'm not letting it winnn!!! It's not even like I'm on lent or celebrate easter... its just got really bad timing! My diet could be a little better (i'm following my ww plan but going over sometimes) but I am getting plenty of exercise to make up for it!


Starting the c25k plan, done W1D1 today at the gym (easily might I add), training sesh with p.t on Saturday. I had managed to do about 5 minutes worth of interval jogging on saturday (1.5m twice then 2m), and my p.t was amazed :) When I started the gym in July I was afraid of the crosstrainer, and even more the treadmill. I've completely bashed the first fear (can do at least 25 minutes on the CT as a warm up) and I'm slowly defeating the treadmill. Think it's helped a lot that I'm almost 2 stone down since I started :) Still a long long long way to go, but I'm in the totally right headspace now. I like setting myself stupid challenges.. like this c25k because I get bored really easily. Had lost a lot of focus in the gym for a while but I'm picking it up now!


The 8kg kettlebell sitting beside me would have been something I never could consider lifting a year ago... now it's my favourite piece of kit... :)

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