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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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I'm not a big fan of this one. Seems a bit weird. But I know not all pokémon will cater to my tastes. It's not a bad design, I just don't like it.


Compared to real "Gens" I'm surprised how high my hit rate is!


I really like Snorkuit... I love old style deep-sea divers.

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Yes, yes, yes...Pengimo: what an awesome name to pronounce! :D Also, the blushy pink cheeks add perfect balance to the pic.


Snorkuit: love the blue / white mask :) You know what his gentleman penguin diver image is missing though? A monocle...well, and a moustache (+ gold watch in pocket) xD Seriously though, don't know if the suit is asking for some final piece of detail in the front...like a gold watch :o

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Yes, yes, yes...Pengimo: what an awesome name to pronounce! :D Also, the blushy pink cheeks add perfect balance to the pic.


Snorkuit: love the blue / white mask :) You know what his gentleman penguin diver image is missing though? A monocle...well, and a moustache (+ gold watch in pocket) xD Seriously though, don't know if the suit is asking for some final piece of detail in the front...like a gold watch :o


I know what you mean! In my games, I'd love you to be able to PROPERLY dress up your Pokemon with accessories which they can take into battle. When battling trainers you'd have like "Surfer Hamish sent out Bombara!" and it'd be wearing shades and a bandana.


Also this is a bit dull but MEH! I wanted to draw a bug!




BLOG: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/wiviron

dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/070-Wiviron-202725901


Wiviron swarms can be heard for miles, the sound of their buzzing sounds like their name “wwwwwwiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvviiiiiiirrrrrrr-†and the “OOOOOOOOOOON†part is when they fly past, leaving nothing but dead twigs where once there were forests. They’ve been seen to cause famine in certain parts of the world - but Wiviron need to eat too!
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Fuck me in an alleyway. Then make a figurine that captures how you felt during.


The bug one is cool. I watched an episode of the anime the other day (Shit but I enjoy seeing how the Pokemon actually...move and fight etc, which you don't get in the games) and Heracross stunned me, so big bugs are my new fave/I've always loved Bug type.

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I fucking love it Magnus! That sounds vulgar, but that is literally all I can think, it's amazing! I swear alot when I get excited, and that is...spec-fucking-tacular. Honestly, I'm fucking speechless at how amazing you are.


(And of course the designer for making such creations :p)

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