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Night #1 I went to 19 Parkmore Drive- Saw Dazz, Cube, Peeps(old character), ReZ, this was the confusing thing on first night, Peeps was on roof etc.


Night #4 16 Meadow View- Eddie destroyed surveillance camera.


Night#5 24 Hitlin Road- Cube did nothing.



For the other nights I get a small bit and then it cuts off so I have to go fix it >_>

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Right, I've just been through the last 10 pages and updated my notes.


Question to Sméagol - I thought Peeps' old character placed the cameras, and worked for HeroJan, and that is why he has the details. Do you work for him too?


Question to Zell - Why didn't you mention both parts of your role yesterday, only one of them? Seems very fishy to me.


Answer to whoever was doubting Jonnas - His role does have a positive effect. Once I met him at ReZ's house and he gave us a cure to a cold, meant I could target two people the following night yet I stupidly forgot to send my targets in that night. Dannyboy may be able to back me up on this.


To enquiries whether there was anyone else with red hair - Jonnas has red hair. But for the moment I am taking Zell's vision with a pinch of salt.


In the latest write up, a dark haired man is seen at Cinnabar Lane. The dark haired man in previous write ups was Rummy/EddieColeslaw.


Question @ EddieColeslaw or anyone who can explain this. You claim to be a "house investigator". In a previous day I am sure someone said you are a scientist, possibly anti-religious. Any answers to these claims?


I am not 100% sure on Zell. Eddie still seems the safest bet to arrest for me. Ellmeister too, it isn't implausible that the mafia have a camera that they can place.

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Answer to whoever was doubting Jonnas - His role does have a positive effect. Once I met him at ReZ's house and he gave us a cure to a cold, meant I could target two people the following night yet I stupidly forgot to send my targets in that night. Dannyboy may be able to back me up on this.


Indeed, Jonnas is the doctor who can temporarily improve another player's power(s).

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Answer to whoever was doubting Jonnas - His role does have a positive effect. Once I met him at ReZ's house and he gave us a cure to a cold, meant I could target two people the following night yet I stupidly forgot to send my targets in that night. Dannyboy may be able to back me up on this.


You yourself had that exact power in the Battlestar Galactica mafia, and you were mafia.

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That is a good point. But I wasn't a doctor, I was a political rebel who could encourage or discourage people. Jonnas' power has only been seen to have a beneficial effect. If he were mafia, he would repeatedly use it on the same people (despite me looking after him several times I have only had the benefit of his power once in 9 days) and we wouldn't have people like Smeagol coming out saying they need a doctor.

There is a clear doctor mechanic in this game, and I don't think we should doubt Jonnas too much for now. There are people who are a lot more shadier than him.

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I posted the quote where he said it...


Ah, apologies, then.


Lucky that you are still alive eh?


Only Dannyboy, Sméagol, ReZ, mr-paul and Zell have seen my face. While I was lucky in the first night, I've been targeting those that seemed good. I also tried to make riskier moves at certain points (targeting Nintendohnut and The Peeps) but I got nothing (nobody answered the door). I've also tried to target you, after Tales was lynched, but your tight security did nothing but revive my suspicions.



Anyway, I agree with mr-paul. EddieColeslaw is the most suspicious player, claiming to be a thief/investigator when there are plenty, and I'm pretty sure Rummy has stolen papers from other people besides myself.

I don't doubt that Rummy stole a "Justin Bieber Newsletter". Such a thing would most certainly have my name on it. There's a good chance she's gathering names for the mafia.

Reiterate Arrest: EddieColeslaw

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All of the stuff you said was in the write-up ¬¬ I would prefer if you told us about the nights where you yourself turned up to fix the cat. Where did you go and on which nights. Look at the info I posted from Peep's cameras and try to find a contradiction. Whoever was in his camera reports can tell me if they are true, and since no one has said that they were inaccurate can we just assume I am telling the truth? just for emphasis: I was ONE vote from being lynched by Tales. If that was a mafia ploy it was a very risky one, I'd be dead if mr-paul didn't remove his vote.


We have plenty of time, we don't need to vote yet. Get everyone involved in this first. EddieColeslaw why were you at Cinnabar lane? I think that is the first time that place has shown up in the write-up too.


@mr-paul The Peeps's cameras were separate to Sméagols, but worked the exact same way. Except the info from them was given to The Peeps(who in turn shared them with me).

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Where is it all in the write-up? My cat doesn't stay in the same place so I'm not the one leaving cameras. Besides, I am there in the cameras, why would I spy on myself.


I'm not telling you anything else since I believe you are just trying to save your mafioso self without showing any proof of what you do/ are helpful. Being in a tight security house means you must have some sort of special power....


Vote: Heroic

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Oh! Sorry Ellmeister I thought the info you got was from the write-up, but I had your info from night 1 already due to The Peeps' cameras. Makes me trust you a bit more since almost no one took those into account(including yourself, otherwise you would have known I was telling the truth about The Peeps' cameras).


Night 1

19 Parkmore Drive (and I'm possibly the person on a different roof that ReZ has mentioned). Footage shows 3 people entering the house, Cube, Dazz and then ReZ who stayed for the duration.





Has there been anyone with black hair and black lipstick yet? She went through Dazz's mail on night 2, and on day 5 he died. Weak connection I know but the more you know...

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Has there been anyone with black hair and black lipstick yet? She went through Dazz's mail on night 2, and on day 5 he died. Weak connection I know but the more you know...


The one who died on Day 5 was the woman with black hair and lipstick: Tales' old identity.

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I was wondering if Zell maybe got a vision because someone else touched the gate too. How do you know what you saw was inside the Desterate building Zell?


It was explicitly stated in my PM.


Question to Zell - Why didn't you mention both parts of your role yesterday, only one of them? Seems very fishy to me


Was I obliged to? It's not the best move to announce you can investigate people until you have some information worth saying. I didn't want to get roleblocked by the mafia, so only mentioning my day power would lead people to assume I didn't do anything at night.


Speaking of day powers, I could ask Ryuk a question. Any ideas?

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I can't believe no one wanted to remove Ryuk's helmet again, I was so insulted when no one wanted to remove mine when I died (very suddenly) previously :P


For the other nights I get a small bit and then it cuts off so I have to go fix it >_>


Do you know why? i.e. is someone trying to stop you?


Question @ EddieColeslaw or anyone who can explain this. You claim to be a "house investigator". In a previous day I am sure someone said you are a scientist, possibly anti-religious. Any answers to these claims?


I think Cube said that. I'm a mathematical scientist, it's just who my character is. I don't know why that is anti-religious - because it's related to science? Then how come no one said that ReZ's character (hacker) was anti-religious? Isn't the profession of a doctor in the sciences, too? He didn't find anti-religion books like jayseven had, just maths books/papers, or something.


I don't doubt that Rummy stole a "Justin Bieber Newsletter". Such a thing would most certainly have my name on it. There's a good chance she's gathering names for the mafia.


Don't know anything about you other than you live with 2 people/there are 3 rooms in your house. Someone's room had a "box set of the medical drama, House", I would have assumed that was you since you are a doctor, not the Justin Bieber fanletter...are you trying to confuse me??


What's the vote count/majority please?

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Don't know anything about you other than you live with 2 people/there are 3 rooms in your house. Someone's room had a "box set of the medical drama, House", I would have assumed that was you since you are a doctor, not the Justin Bieber fanletter...are you trying to confuse me??


Like you said, I live with two people. That explains the fanletter.


Do you have any good explanation as to why you took the Justin Bieber fanletter, instead of taking the House box set? And if you are an investigator/thief, who else did you target?

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I think Cube said that. I'm a mathematical scientist, it's just who my character is. I don't know why that is anti-religious - because it's related to science? Then how come no one said that ReZ's character (hacker) was anti-religious? Isn't the profession of a doctor in the sciences, too? He didn't find anti-religion books like jayseven had, just maths books/papers, or something.


You have papers of mathematical formulas and physics concepts. You have lots of science books, as well as a bible next to some discovery channel DVDs. You have a lab coat and loads of fancy lab equipment.


However, I don't see how this all relates to your claimed power.


Change Arrest: EddieColeslaw.

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