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At this point, either Herojan or Tales are lying. Either Herojan is lying about Dazz never entering his house, or Tales is lying about Dazz having done so.


I'm sticking with my vote on Herojan, for now.


You are claiming Dazz was helping me and I was mafia, yet Dazz was killed. Dazz didn't steal papers, he read people's auras. Those two facts along with the other info I've revealed should be enough for you. Consider yourself untrustworthy.

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Tales : The Peeps, Heroicjanitor

HeroicJanitor : Tales, Dannyboy, Ellmeister, Jonnas, ReZourceman

Ellmeister : Cube


[1] The Peeps

[2] dan-likes-trees

[3] Aqui1a [Arrested]

[4] jayseven [Arrested]

[5] Jonnas

[6] MadDog

[7] Nintendohnut

[8] Dazz

[9] Tales

[10] EddieColeslaw

[11] heroicjanitor

[12] Cube

[13] Ellmeister

[14] Rummy

[15] ReZourceman

[16] mr-paul

[17] Dannyboy-the-Dane

[18] Ryuk

[19] Sméagol

[20] Zell


Majority is 7.

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Seriously guys the mafia cannot get in here, the only way for them to see my face is to arrest me. This must be a coordinated effort.


Tales said Dazz brought papers to my building, yet Dazz's power was to read people's auras. Tales claims I am mafia, yet Dazz was killed by mafia. I have revealed loads of information and I can even reveal more if needed. Just remove the votes they have no basis.

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He still would have known if I was lying and voted accordingly.


Given the evidence so far he shouldn't be voting for me anyway. I've already given two reasons Tales is lying and can't get a debate going. Fairly obvious he is just sitting back and hoping. The mafia do that because they know defending weak accusations will expose them. Just read what the accusation is. Read my defence. It's obvious.


And wasn't dazz killed on the way home anyway?

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Why would I lie? I had no reason to give up my information except hopefully reveal a mafia/neutral. I had no idea who was living there until Rez said it/you admitted to it a lot later.


I don't why you are confused. I think you're the only one.

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If you would all remove the votes we could discuss what happened. According to the write-up Tales turned up after Dazz left btw so he is lying about seeing him bring paper to my house. Especially since what Dazz stole was "3 items", not paper. We know Tales is lying.


Now why did Dazz steal 3 items when his power was to read people's auras? He must have been controlled before he died. The only place he couldn't have brought the items is to the desterate building(and if people would please stop acting like this is an evil building with no evidence of it that would be great, I don't hate on your house), it is high security and if it isn't possible for him to do what his controllers want, he dies of a heart attack.

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Surveillance Camera 6 [19 Parkmore Drive]

Dazz broke into the home and came out a few minutes later carrying 3 items in his hand. Later ReZourceman entered the home and remained there. Near the end of the night, Tales walked around the house and then left.


I saw him enter 19 Parkmore Drive and leave with papers


That just isn't true lol.

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1. Papers are items. He could have left with 3 sheets of paper. Or 3 letters. Or 3 magazines, even.


2. I am aware that Tales' story has holes. I was attacking him for that, not too long ago. It is hard to believe he's lying about this, though. He told the story with no provocation whatsoever, and he didn't even know the desterate building was a suspicious place when he posted.


3. If Dazz was being controlled, that still means he was still working for you, though.


4. If Dazz was never going to be able to enter the desterate building, he would've died immediately. He wouldn't have tried it in the first place (according to Death Note rules, anyway)



If either you or Tales are lying, I'm still betting it's you.

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You are aware Tales' story has holes in it but you bet I'm the one lying... You believe he wouldn't have made that accusation yet we have evidence he did.


2 and 3 are explained by the mafia knowing they cant kill me and probably guessing who I am. 4th is explained by Tales lying. Which he is. 1 is just semantics. When Rummy stole papers it said papers. There is no reason to believe it changed for Tales.


At the end of the night Tales was at 19 parkmore road. Why were you there Tales?


You've become very accusative and defensive all of a sudden. I think you're lying!


Is your power just a double vote?


This isn't really a matter if opinion though. The write-up conflicts with Tales, he is lying. My power is just a double yeah. I'll calm down just for you then ;)

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I'm confused as to who is loying/who is the most suspicious to me. Well actually, Rummy/whoever replaced him still is.

I've had too much to drink to properly consider everything right now. So i'll look at this all later hopefully.


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I've been questioned to hell and back and revealed loads, so now it is Tales turn.


Tales why were you at 19 Parkmore road at the end of the night?

This was way after Dazz robbed the house. Meaning you didn't see him do it, you weren't near him at the end of the night either so you didn't track him. The only non-npc living in that house is Rez, the hacker. You targeted Rez last night and Dazz is likely to have stolen something computer related.


How come the write-up claims he stole 3 items and you say papers?

Before when Rummy robbed papers it said papers. People watching a camera who can make out 3 distinct pages and call them items instead are rare.


Why does my story have no verifiable holes in it whereas yours does?

I gave the camera reports from The Peeps' old character. Try to poke a hole in those why don't you?


You claim to be a tracker. Give us your targets.

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Again? Really?


1. Flavour text.


2. My PM said so.


3. So? Holes mean nothing in a mafia game.


But whatever, I give up. I'm mafia, and I'm controlling Rez. I wanted him to say more to create a diversion, but I have to send the messages through Diageo and he has a life outside the forum whereas I wish I had one. Because he never gets to send the PM I have to change the text so it fits with the current situations and that is time consuming and annoying. Can't even PM Rez because he went offline just as I was about to do it. And I really should'y spend entire tomorrow checking the forum when I should be reading. The world cup is taking up too much time and then I have this too on the top. It's hard being a mafia, all the planning and defending, you know. Losing this is just one less diversion for me. Rez dies tomorrow morning and mr-paul lives to fight another day(I have his face). The Death Note is passed on to the remaining mafia members. Despite our starting problems I think performed well, basically being the unofficial head honcho. Good luck. And there is no one "following" anyone. I just came up with something quick to explain why I was at Rez' house and to make it appear unprovoked. I almost fooled you guys.

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