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Desterate isn't even a word so how is it bad?


I think someone has said that Dazz was also stealing sheets of paper and leaving them on the "desterate building". If you're connected to that building, then it isn't a long shot to assume you're part of a group also containing Dazz and Rummy.


@Tales: It says that Dazz left, then ReZ arrived, and only then did you appear at the end of the night. It doesn't sound like you're following Dazz in the least.


Of course, I realize both this mysterious, paper-stealing group and Tales are equally suspicious, but I'm keeping my vote. Tales' story has holes.

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Who said that?


...After a quick search, it was Tales. Well, damn. I had forgotten it was him, and I highly doubt someone evil could've weaseled out such an elaborate explanation, way before someone started accusing him. I'll back off Tales.


I also found something interesting. EddieColeslaw's old identity (the Blue haired man) tried to enter the desterate building at some point, but failed. She never told us who she targeted that time. I'm assuming that New!Eddie can't tell us who she targeted, but there is something interesting there, too: Heroicjanitor and Rummy tried to get her lynched that day.


Now, if ReZ is telling the truth, and Herojan lives in the desterate building, why was he trying to get Eddie lynched? To prevent her from revealing his address, maybe? And what about Rummy, who steals papers from people's houses, but still went after Eddie for being a thief?


I have concluded that Heroicjanitor and Rummy (EddieColeslaw, now) must be part of the mafia, and want the activities at the desterate building to remain a secret. It seems to fit, especially when we consider that Rummy always evaded the question, whenever we asked him why was he stealing papers.


Change Arrest: Heroicjanitor


I have also just realised... They are probably stealing papers...because they want to find people's names! They don't have the eyes, they just have another way of finding people's names. It also explains why nobody was dying in the first few days.


Come on, people, vote either Rummy/Eddie or Herojan. They're both evil, I'm sure.

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I'm suspicious of Rez for voting for me out of nowhere... Desterate isn't even a word so how is it bad? Also he cleared Eddie right before Eddie died, even though he had the ability to clear him yesterday. He's trusted by others but we should be careful.


I'm suspicious of ellmeister for the reasons I already stated.


Rummy stealing sheets of paper, as Jonnas said, doesn't sound like a bad thing.


Tales is lying too apparently. What information did you get from following him Tales?

I don't know what "desterate" means, but that's what I got in my PM and that's what Diageo uses:


A blue haired man was seen trying to enter the high security Desterate Building Complex late at night, he was unsuccessful however.


As I said, I get to know what addresses he goes to. That's it.


That about the "late in the night" has to be flavour text. I don't know what else to say about that.

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I'm back! I'm waiting for Diageo to send me Rummy's character's info, so obviously I'll be staying quiet until then.


Ok, got the PM.


It seems that Ryuk has either succumbed to inactivity, or is sitting back quietly watching the discussions. Anything to add?


I just learned that Heroicjanitor lives in the Desterate building Tales mentioned.


Vote: Heroicjanitor


Why is that a reason for voting immediately? I don't know why everyone is jumping all over the Desterate Building Complex, but the fact that it's "high security" is interesting. What/why are you hiding, heroicjanitor? You haven't revealed much about yourself, but have made many accusations...


I think I'm the only non-investigator in this game


Don't know why you say this, unless you know everyone else's role? Ellmeister apparently repairs stuff, that doesn't sound very investigative.


Oh, and Jonnas must be a doctor (sent Zell to hospital)?

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Jesus I didn't know that Tales said that, you actually can't get in where I live. He is lying. arrest: Tales Sorry guys I should have seen that.


To Jonnas, I voted for Eddie because she stole something, several people thought she might be evil. I didn't vote for her just because she failed to get into my house... Think about that for a second. Do you actually believe I would make it a priority to stop everyone from knowing my address? That wouldn't be remotely feasible. Peeps' old character worked for me(which is why I said I have more than the write-ups to go on), I can give you guys his reports, hang on.

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Night 1

19 Parkmore Drive (and I'm possibly the person on a different roof that ReZ has mentioned). Footage shows 3 people entering the house, Cube, Dazz and then ReZ who stayed for the duration.


Night 2

Surveillance Camera 1 [19 Parkmore Drive]

ReZ was the only SFU member spotted entering the house SHE stayed there for the rest of the night.


Surveillance Camera 2 [345 Foxborough Lawn]

A figure entered the house and stayed there for the night, the figure gave off no heat signature so can't be identified... A robot? lol. Later in the night Jayseven appeared and lurked around the side of the house, leaving a few minutes later.


Night 3

He attempted to get on the roof of 2 Templeogue road but the strong winds prevented him. It was too dangerous to continue.


Surveillance Camera 1 [19 Parkmore Drive]

Mr-paul and another figure who had no heat signature, knocked on the door and were allowed in by ReZourceman.


Surveillance Camera 2 [345 Foxborough Lawn]

Mr-paul knocks on the door, and a figure with no heat signature leaves with mr-paul.


Night 4

This was his last report before he died. He attempted to place a camera at 16 Meadow View, but the hail was too strong and he was unable to place it and fell off the roof. Luckily he did not injure himself, although his left arm was very sore. He did not wish to climb on roofs any more until it felt better.


Surveillance Camera 1 [19 Parkmore Drive]

Mr-paul walks up to the door and knocks, after a few minutes of conversation, ReZourceman leaves the home with mr-paul and do not return.


Surveillance Camera 2 [345 Foxborough Lawn]

A figure with no heat signature enters later and does not leave for the night.

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Jesus I didn't know that Tales said that, you actually can't get in where I live.


Wait, I'm confused. What did Tales say/where? I just went back a few pages and can't find anything, could someone quote it please?


Nice reports, but all they tell is that Nintendohnut had no heat signature and was a candidate for suspicion. And mr-paul brings people places (which he's already admitted to some time ago). Unless I'm missing something...?

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Lol, love the reference in Dazz' death.


I followed him last night, because I thought it was weird how he pointed out a mafia and then only posted twice the entire day. I saw him enter 19 Parkmore Drive and leave with papers and then entering a Desterate Building Complex(as written in my pm) before leaving again without the papers. I then believe he went home because he never left the last building he visited.


Arrest: Eddiecoleslaw


We can just unarrest him/her later, unless we know who lives in the Desterate Building.


Wait, I'm confused. What did Tales say/where? I just went back a few pages and can't find anything, could someone quote it please?


Nice reports, but all they tell is that Nintendohnut had no heat signature and was a candidate for suspicion. And mr-paul brings people places (which he's already admitted to some time ago). Unless I'm missing something...?


I missed it too somehow... But after looking at it again it is Dazz who he allegedly followed, and he has made no effort to clear up the confusion. The reports must show something that wasn't in the write-ups, cross-reference them why don't you :p


I can't say who I am but my power is a double vote. I do have a big list of addresses and people who live at them and what happened at each address on each night in my notes but it's possible they would be useful to the mafia too?


Earlier I meant changeArrest: Tales btw.


I'd like to reiterate that no one has any evidence that the Desterate building is bad. The only accusation against me is that I live there. Tales is lying and Jonnas's thing about Rummy makes no sense since Dazz died from the Death Note. If Dazz was bringing me papers and I was mafia, he wouldn't have died.

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What confusion? I have explained everything I can and what I know. I don't know why you are confused. Maybe you should read back one more time..


You're bad because Dazz is bringing you stolen papers. It's that simple. Dazz died because you or your friends wrote his name in the Death Note. Simple.

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What confusion? I have explained everything I can and what I know. I don't know why you are confused. Maybe you should read back one more time..


You're bad because Dazz is bringing you stolen papers. It's that simple. Dazz died because you or your friends wrote his name in the Death Note. Simple.


First off, that makes no sense. The mafia would not kill their own. Second I thought his power was to read people's auras.

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