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Agito will be better than 2 games holy smoke!

FFXIII is utter shit and FFversusXIII is going to be the same boring shit with storytelling and the gameplay looks EXACTLY like KH2.

Final Fantasy Type-0 now called looks like a decent Final Fantasy game and looks like a game that will be enjoyable that sticks to the roots of a good FF game. Shit they should have just called it Final Fantasy XV


No skills in directing so you want him to go back to art directing.. interesting. :D


you know what i mean :heh:

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FFXIII is utter shit and FFversusXIII is going to be the same boring shit with storytelling and the gameplay looks EXACTLY like KH2.


Simplifying things too much, I take it you didn't like KH2 though? The fighting might be similar to Kingdom Hearts 2(not sure why it matters) but the game is open world and has a world map. That alone will make the story act out much differently and the main complaint for FFXIII was it was ridiculously linear. The cgi fights we've seen are awesome too. I bet it will be a great game.


Is there a video of Type Zero?

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oh god sake, another ff game? seriously? ffs... FF13 was crap, they really need to bring back ff7-8-9 style of games where you actullly have to think about what your doing with your characters, 10-13 were shite, the voices were also annoying.

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Oh come on i'm soo gonna fall out with you guys lol, FF7 was awsome, it was probably one of they must memorable stories they've made, I can't say much without releasing too much of the stroy, but damn it was awsome! lol ff9 was basic.

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but ff7 was the best turn base system ever made for the ff series,


My statements were completely unrelated. I know pretty much all of the FFs have turn based combat. I just wanted to say how much I despise the look of FFXIII Versus' combat. Really...I hate it.


Never played FFVII to be honest. I downloaded it to my PS3...haven't played it since then, but I'm sure it's not gonna hold up against FFIX. It was the first FF I've laid my eyes on and completed, so I am biased, but hey, who cares :p

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Don't remember what that was, but it was the first main FF game I ever played. Literally played backwards through the series, which is probably why I prefer the games FFX and higher.


Although I am bit sceptical to FF versus XIII, to stay on track. I never like it when RPGs takes place in the "real world". Hopefully too much of the action won't take place in the Tokyo-like city, although I'm not looking forward to kill some monster on a grassy field, only to walk by a gas station of all things, either. That's the main reason I'm more interested in FFXIII-2.

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A lot of people just automatically say the first one they played is the best, and I suppose it would be to them because it would hold a special place in their minds. But yeah FFX is the best by far :p Tidus was an underwater football player created by ghosts who travels through time to fight his dad, who had become satan. Can't beat a story like that.

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FFXIII is utter shit and FFversusXIII is going to be the same boring shit with storytelling and the gameplay looks EXACTLY like KH2.

Final Fantasy Type-0 now called looks like a decent Final Fantasy game and looks like a game that will be enjoyable that sticks to the roots of a good FF game. Shit they should have just called it Final Fantasy XV


Well, the problem is you're only looking at the console games. Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light is great and has the classic FF feel.


Of course I don't think SE did any developing........


I'm not going to even get into the whole best FF thing as it never goes anywhere.

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I think Heroic has a point about your first FF played. (And that FFX is the best :p).


Whilst I didn't think FFXIII was a bad game. It did have so annoyances. The linear path got annoying after a while and so hopefully FFXIII-2 addresses this.


I'm not sure what else people find SO bad about it but I would enjoy an explanation from people who won't just state it's rubbish because it just is...

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For me, I didn't enjoy the story or (For the Most Part) characters, stuff that can make and break an RPG for someone like myself. I'm glad that it didn't try to expand on FFXII's battle system so that was pretty much my only pleasant surprise apart from the visuals. I played for 30 hours and just got incredibly bored like 10 hours in, held out as long as I could but in the end I couldn't take it anymore. I don't care if the RPG's I enjoy aren't as free roam as the game makes out but just treking along linear corridors is just not fun. I also dislike how some standard enemies were tougher to beat than the bosses.

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I think i explained myself why I don't like ff13, but again..


I don't like it because I didn't like the fact you were on one straight path, it got really annoying after a while, I also found the voice acting very terrble, The story was terrble as well I actully felt like falling a sleep in some parts. The only thing I like about the game tbh was the graphics and some of the outfits epschally snow's I really thought it was a classic look for him.


The only thing I will say about ff13 was it had a nice turn base system, although i didn't like the alternate power swiches.

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