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Cersei has said time and time again that she'd "burn cities to the ground" and so forth for her children. She has one left. I see her taking out the whole city, or at least a lot of it. And perhaps accidentally killing Tommen along with it. But she would take out all of the Sparrows at once and could rule from Casterly Rock, which is overdue an appearance.


Dany could then sail into Kings Landing and find it in ruins, rebuild and attack.


But I'm probably completely wrong.


I think that'll be mostly true, but i reckon Cersei won't survive the episode. Possibly One-armed Lannister will arrive back just in time to see her die, and will also cop it.


I don't think Dany will make it to Westeros this season, they'll probably save that for the beginning of next season.


Most of the final season will be rallying people together to fight the White Walkers and the Wights.


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I think that'll be mostly true, but i reckon Cersei won't survive the episode. Possibly One-armed Lannister will arrive back just in time to see her die, and will also cop it.


I don't think Dany will make it to Westeros this season, they'll probably save that for the beginning of next season.


Most of the final season will be rallying people together to fight the White Walkers and the Wights.



I reckon this season may end with the Walkers approaching the wall.


And I agree about Dany, she'll get on her boats and arrive next season.. finally!


If Cersei does die next week she'll have to watch Tommen die first. I really don't want her to die yet though. I want Arya, or Sansa to kill her.




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I reckon this season may end with the Walkers approaching the wall.


And I agree about Dany, she'll get on her boats and arrive next season.. finally!


If Cersei does die next week she'll have to watch Tommen die first. I really don't want her to die yet though. I want Arya, or Sansa to kill her.




Didn't the prophesy say that he had to die by the hand of the little brother? So that rules out Arya or Sansa. Could be The Hound, Bran (lol), Tyrion, or even Tommen i guess...


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Didn't the prophesy say that he had to die by the hand of the little brother? So that rules out Arya or Sansa. Could be The Hound, Bran (lol), Tyrion, or even Tommen i guess...




The old witch just said you'll have three children, "gold will be their crowns, and their shrouds."


Can't remember what the books said, but I guess they don't matter too much in regards to this.


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The old witch just said you'll have three children, "gold will be their crowns, and their shrouds."


Can't remember what the books said, but I guess they don't matter too much in regards to this.

Actually the books went a bit further - Google Valonqar.

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Actually the books went a bit further - Google Valonqar.


So wouldn't that mean she can't die until Tyrion comes and strangles her to death?


Maybe Dany will capture her and let Tyrion do what he wants with her.


I really don't want Cersei to die. She's such a bitch but so well written/acted. She does all these horrible things but really does think she's in the right/doing it for her kids.


I love to hate her.


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Cersei has said time and time again that she'd "burn cities to the ground" and so forth for her children. She has one left. I see her taking out the whole city, or at least a lot of it. And perhaps accidentally killing Tommen along with it. But she would take out all of the Sparrows at once and could rule from Casterly Rock, which is overdue an appearance.


Dany could then sail into Kings Landing and find it in ruins, rebuild and attack.


But I'm probably completely wrong.


Well, there was that non-subtle exposition to remind people about Wildfire .



Brilliant episode.

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So wouldn't that mean she can't die until Tyrion comes and strangles her to death?


Maybe Dany will capture her and let Tyrion do what he wants with her.


I really don't want Cersei to die. She's such a bitch but so well written/acted. She does all these horrible things but really does think she's in the right/doing it for her kids.


I love to hate her.


The Valonqar is not specifically Tyrion, just 'a' little brother. There are plenty who have beef with Cersei! Could even be Loras?


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The Valonqar is not specifically Tyrion, just 'a' little brother. There are plenty who have beef with Cersei! Could even be Loras?


for it to be Loras, I could imagine her attacking the Faith Militant and killing them all, potentially as we've all surmised with wildfire, but I could see her 'saving' Loras and fleeing with him as a 'gift' (read as pawn) for the Tyrells (allowing her to have leverage over them)......but he's been indoctrinated and turns on her and kills her


I could see that occurring


Equally the suggestion of Tomen could come true as well, she could be found guilty and sentenced to death by Tomen and the Faith, perhaps with him doing the deed himself as Cersei baits him he should do it himself if he truly will do it....and to her surprise does


Either way I could see Jaime returning just as she dies


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Equally the suggestion of Tomen could come true as well, she could be found guilty and sentenced to death by Tomen and the Faith, perhaps with him doing the deed himself as Cersei baits him he should do it himself if he truly will do it....and to her surprise does


Tommen has to die before Cersei.


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I even really didn't like episode 9... Oh this season. Though episode 10's destruction of the sparrows will make the whole season worth it.... They better get absolutely destroyed!!!!


I don't understand why people are banging on about this battle, I thought it was pretty bad. It was filmed quite well, but the structure of it and the character action was idiotic.


Rekon running away in a straight line when being fired upon by arrows. Nope. No one is this stupid. This is sacrificing character action for "drama"


John Snow then charging at the whole army. SO FUCKING STUPDI!!! WOULD NEVER EVER EVER EVER HAPPEN!!! Sacrificing character action for "drama". Stupid.


The first instance of deus ex machina. His army Just turn up before he gets slaughtered. Groan.


THe worst bit though, and how many times have we seen this, they're about to lose, they're about to die, oh no, and yep, man other army turns up out the blue to save the day - hurrah!!!!!!




Everything else was just unmemorable, messy, all of the place and dull.






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That's not what Deus Ex Machina means.


And the army didn't turn up out of the blue, they've mentioned it for like three previous episodes.


That is EXACTLY what it means. God from a machine, in dramatic terms where the main characters doesn't resolve their own destiny instead an external force turns up to save the day. In Aristotle times (who coined it) it was literally gods who turned up and decided their fates. But now referred to in stories for when, I don't know, say a character is about to die, but then an army turns up at the last minute to save the day.

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Yeah but it usually means a plot point that comes out of nowhere, that hasn't been mentioned before.


Both armies arriving when they did were perfectly reasonable, and explained many episodes previously.

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I even really didn't like episode 9... Oh this season. Though episode 10's destruction of the sparrows will make the whole season worth it.... They better get absolutely destroyed!!!!


I don't understand why people are banging on about this battle, I thought it was pretty bad. It was filmed quite well, but the structure of it and the character action was idiotic.

Rekon running away in a straight line when being fired upon by arrows. Nope. No one is this stupid. This is sacrificing character action for "drama"

Well I 'Reckon' he is a child, he was meant to be 12/13 ish and has never been bright from series 1, that and I'm sure when told to run by someone like that across a field a lot of peoples senses turn to blind panic. That said Rickon is an absolute idiot for not looking back occasionally, running so a burning cross is between him and Jon too for not shouting "duck you idiot he fired again"


John Snow then charging at the whole army. SO FUCKING STUPDI!!! WOULD NEVER EVER EVER EVER HAPPEN!!! Sacrificing character action for "drama". Stupid.


The entire scene with Sansa set this up where she said Ramsey baits people into reacting and that he would bait Jon into abandoning his plan and doing something stupid.

Ramsey killed his brother, he pushed all the buttons he needed for Jon to want to charge and try to kill Ramsey, and Ramsey the coward he was knew this and sent the charge order


The first instance of deus ex machina. His army Just turn up before he gets slaughtered. Groan.


THe worst bit though, and how many times have we seen this, they're about to lose, they're about to die, oh no, and yep, man other army turns up out the blue to save the day - hurrah!!!!!!




I disagree with that, it was not an unexpected intervention, its been almost certain since we last saw littlefinger, and effectively confirmed when Sansa sent out a letter, so this battle was more of a misdirection to make you forget about what was certain to occur.

What is interesting about it is how Sansa planned it all so ruthlessly, willing to use Jon and her Reckon (lol) as her own distraction so no matter what she could win.


Everything else was just unmemorable, messy, all of the place and dull.


Did you not see Dany go Panser Dragoon on a fleet of ships?



Boooo down with this sort of thing! its time for the Targareons (and starks) to repay their debts




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If you're not enjoying it, then stop watching?


Rickon is a kid, ten in the books, older in the show who has been on the run for years, is probably malnourished, had God knows what done to him by Ramsay and then has mind games played with him just as he is in reach of freedom and his brother.


Apart from the fact he wouldn't be thinking clearly - it's very easy for an outside observer to say "zigzag" - even if he had run in a zigzag, Ramsay had a hundred archers there, who could have quickly fired had he actually missed. He would never have let Rickon live.


Jon playing right into Ramsay's hands was foreshadowed a few scenes before with him and Sansa. And it served to prove that people should actually listen to her. She's not a little girl anymore, she's not naive, she's broken, and women are important and should be listened to.


And with the deux ex machina.. anyone who was paying attention knew it was coming. It wasn't unexpected so therefore, not really a deux ex machina.




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For me that is deus ex machina, it was awful, contrived, cliched storytelling. If you felt it was great they they turned up at the last possible second to save the "hero" that's fine.

I would agree it was a bit clichéd, yes. Just not DEM.


I don't mind the expected thing happening occasionally though. After all, you can't have a twist every time, that would be unrealistic!


To be honest, a main character making it to the end of an episode alive is a twist. Regular viewers were probably expecting everyone to die horribly.

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Oh come on... If you think Snow doing what he did was even remotely believable than you have some serious ability suspend belief. it made no sense whatsoever other than to provide a cool moment, which is an awful reason to do anything.


Again, if you didn't find it painfully contrived that they turned up just at the right moment there that's fine. Personally I found it so groan inducing and something we have seen hundreds of time, such a shit cliche.


And are you saying you don't want the lanasters to destroy the sparrows?!?! They're the only fun characters :) (except bronn and hound)




No thanks I'll keep watching...


And again, you can all justify this idiotic action by these characters, fine, but it's lazy. Same with the DEM. Lazy lazy writing. better stories don't resort to this 'save the day in the last minute from an external force.'




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The term ShaggyDog is a term for a plot point with a pointless or anti-climatic ending.


Like how Ghost is something returned from the dead, Lady is....well... a lady, Summer is the opposite of winter and Nymeria is a warrior queen.


No idea about Grey Wind.


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I would agree it was a bit clichéd, yes. Just not DEM.


I don't mind the expected thing happening occasionally though. After all, you can't have a twist every time, that would be unrealistic!


To be honest, a main character making it to the end of an episode alive is a twist. Regular viewers were probably expecting everyone to die horribly.


It's fine to happen occasionally agree, but just not in moments like this.


And previously, again, I'd agree, but we are getting so close to the end, we've run out of so many characters, I think it was pretty obvious none of the main ones would die; they're needed now to keep the story going - dragon woman, John Snow/Sansa, one of the lanasters *possibly/likely* Natalie Dormer - they're protected people :)

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Protected until the final season, I reckon. I don't think GRR Martin would have any problem with killing off Dany or Jon right near the end, just to be a dick!


Oh yeah absolutely, undoubtedly :) I think Dany will "win" everyone else will burn!

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