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Battlestar Galactica & Caprica


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Oh if you're gonna do that I'd reccommend getting Blood & Chrome too and watch it all in order :D


Caprica, B&C, BSG :awesome:


Was only just thinking I should have done that, but I've already got stuck into BSG so can't turn back now : peace:

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Oh if you're gonna do that I'd reccommend getting Blood & Chrome too and watch it all in order :D


Caprica, B&C, BSG :awesome:


Was only just thinking I should have done that, but I've already got stuck into BSG so can't turn back now : peace:


So is Caprica a legit prequel that assumes you know nothing or does it actually spoil stuff for battestar galactica?

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  • 3 weeks later...

9 episodes into Caprica. Liking it quite alot! It has exactly the same problems as BSG (half the actors are terrible and the direction and cinematography is occasionally cheesy and at it's best it's just serviceable... I guess when you work with Syfy you can't ask for much), but the writing is solid enough to justify watching it and makes the cons seem irrelevant. Not disappointed at all, so far. ^^ Not really sure why people disliked it at first, but I like slow burn shows so I guess that's why I wasn't bothered.


And yeah, I'll take your sugestion and watch B&C after before revisiting BSG.

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Just finished watching Season 2 Episode "Sacrifice", that's one ep I always dredd during my rewatches.... not because it's a bad episode... but because it always makes me sad :(



At the start, Billy getting rejected by Dee.... gods damnit Dee, even though I've seen it before and know it's coming I always find it WRONG.


And then of course later Billy dies...NNNOOOOOOOOO :cry:


I know it was cause the actor didn't want to continue with the show (damn that fool) but still...Billy ... :(


I'll also never understand how Lee gets shot in the chest but survives but Billy gets shot in the chest and dies instantly :mad:

Also always find it weird he's just forgotten about completely in later episodes, very next ep Dee is in bed with Lee, like she has no regrets at all, dumb evil slutty (but still damned sexy...yes I would!) BITCH


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So I actually started watching Caprica last night and my gods... I didn't know quite what to expect so I just went into it with an open mind and I have to say, I might only be two episodes in but I'm already warming to it. :)




It's kind of obvious from the start even before the 'Final Destination' inspired(?) part where two get on the train and then one doesn't... you just know something bad is going to happen, but it's fine as that's the whole point of it, so just going with it is the best course of action as it just gets more interesting from that point.



So no real criticisms on it, apart from the obvious ones that have already been voiced... all things considered the creators at least seem to have put a decent amount of thought into their vision of what seems to be shaping up to a brilliant prequel to the immensely enjoyable BSG and with Bear McCreary on-board for the music, how could they possibly go wrong? :bowdown:

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Oh my fucking god...

Zoe is Number 6, isn't she????!

They're certainly hinting at it...


And yeah, Bear kicks ass. I'd like to see him release some independent stuff, not attached to an IP. Should be interesting!




Well, V-Zoe is, any way.

I love that the show plays with these high concept themes like the duplicating of one's entire self online suddenly becoming a reality and sparking a revolution in A.I... And the way it backfires and goes violent is beautifully poetic, they're only human, after all... But they have reached immortality, which is why they've matured so much as a "species" by the time we get to the events in BSG.


Man... I miss Philip K. Dick. =/


Edit 2:

Oh, man!!! So that means

Tamara Adama has got to be #8! Their V-selves have evolved exactly into those characters, behaviour-wise! Am I wrong?? That's some decent acting on the kids' part! Oo



Edit 3:

Holy shit, it checks out on the wiki! Ahah! Nice one! There's alot more of BSG in this than I was led to believe! ^^

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Lucky, I didn't even know it had (finally) got released.... was it on his twitter? I must have missed it :(


Speaking of Caprica, did you know the Caprica BluRay still hasn't been released officially in the UK... was just on Amazon.co.uk and it comes up as "French Import" for £50.... we only paid like 25 or something for it on release didn't we?


Anyway on my current BSG rewatch, watched "The Captains Hand" episode on Season 2 last night, which means it's time to watch Razor today :D




Yeah just checked Amazon.fr and teh Caprica BluRay there is only 30euro... Amazon UK are charging like double price for it :heh:

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Just finished watching Razor



Love me some Kendra Shaw :D


Can't beleive this but still noticing new things from the Hybrids monologue at the end I never noticed before.



The seven, now six, self-described machines who believe themselves without sin. But in time, it is sin that will consume them.



I had a conclusion typed here about this line that I now realise was wrong and stupid.... the "Seven now Six" is refering to the Boxing of the Diana's not a reference to the missing number 7 like I thought



Also gonna jump the gun a bit here....



but never thought of this before either, when they were creating mystery in Season 4 about who the 5th of the "Final Five" would be, while I had no problem with who they did use in the end, I wonder if they ever considered Kendra to be the last one? That could have been amazing, imagine it a flashback to the end of Razor when she flips the switch on the nuke expecting to die. Then wakes up in a Cylon ressurection bath! Man that would have been awesome. And then she'd get to confront Starbuck again and maybe continue to be suspicious of Kara due to what the Hybrid said....ah well, maybe in an alt reality RDM choose that direction


I also when the show originally aired was hoping Billy would be the 5th.... because I miss Billy :(



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And yeah, Bear kicks ass. I'd like to see him release some independent stuff, not attached to an IP. Should be interesting!


There are a couple of tracks:


Maverick Regeneration, which was composed for a gaming-related charity album.


, which was made for a time lapse video of the night sky.


, which was for the same time lapse project, with his brother providing vocals (which he has done in BSG, Caprica and Defiance).


He also did a couple of tracks for a small, rubbish, game called Moonbreakers (best quality version I can find, sorry).


Oh, and it should be noted that Bear McCreary now has his own record label called Sparks & Shadows, which he made so he could release his music quicker (I presume he now includes this as part of his contract for new scores), due to problems with other record companies, and in particular The Walking Dead (AMC won't release any score soundtracks). Which could mean that these one-off tracks will be more common, as he can release them easily.

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I'll be up to disk 4 of Caprica tonight, still really enjoying it but I keep watching it really late when I'm kinda tired, still taking most of it in though; I have a feeling that everything is going to start coming together from the next episode onward. :)


Pretty sure the next episode I'll be watching is #12 - not much clue on the titles of them because French :p - but yes... things are starting to get pretty frakking interesting now. :grin:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished the Season 3 two-part Finale


I cannot get over how awesome this episode remains to be even after multiple rewatches



The tension of the Trail of Baltar, the awesomeness of Romo Lampkin (why did they not introduce him sooner so he'd have more episodes, love him), the solo moments some characters get when on the stand as witnesses. Espcially Saul Tigh's emotional (despite being drunk) admission to having killed Ellen and of course Apollo's masterful 5 minute monologue. Never have I enjoyed a courtroom drama so much :D


Then the "music"...oh my frakking gods the MUSIC!!!!


Stroke of genius by Bear McCreary to use All Along The Watchtower...even more amazing for the lyrics to get hidden inside the characters lines too.


Still remember when I first watched these on TV, I too was like "I know that song...what the frak is it!!!!!" and hearing Saul say "I don't understand it either but THERE'S TOO MUCH CONFUSION!" when talking to Bill first telling him aboutthe music I was like..."wait there's something in that line that is familiar but I can't figure out why".


Then towards the end, they arrive at the Nebula, ships lose power, yet pace feels like it's building. Heart starts racing that music comes back, you see the characters who hear the music freaking out and saying things that don't seem to make sense


"Char1:There must be some kind of way out of here" ...erm ok he just freaking out about the power?


"Char2: Said the Joker to the thief" ... - wait what the frak?


"Char3: There's too much confusion"... - indeed I'm well confused


"Char4: I can't get no relief"... wait a minute I know those lines....where the frak do I know those lines from!!!...OH SHIT the lines, the music...it's All Along The Watchtower!!! BUT WHY...What he frak is going on


Then 3 of them end up walking to the same room all acting a bit confused yet looking like they just learnt something, the forth walks in..... things get a bit weird.... in the back of your mind you're thinking "wait could they be...no surely they can't, there's no way NOT THESE CHARACTERS"....especially when you think of what 3 of them had been through...and even the characters themselves start saying the same....then the final confirmation


"It's true, we're Cylons....we have been all along"





They could have ended the episode and the season right there and then after that line and it would have been epic.


But it kept going, a little speech from one character "I'm a Colonial Officier, whatever else I am that's who I want to be and if I die today that's who I'll be"....again could have ended there but no, it kept going, it somehow continues to build pace, the music kicks back in, gets loader, the vocals kick in and just drives the epicness on (seriously I doubt this would have worked so well had they used any other song or arrangment of the song), Vipers are launched, a battle is coming...then out of left field she appears claiming to have been to Earth. MASSIVE Zoom out from fleet position across the galaxy to show Earth.


Man have I mentioned before I still find this finale to be both epic and my fav season finale of any show EVER :D



Broadcast Yourself
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  • 1 month later...

I purposefully took my time with the final season of BSG so I could watch the final ep today and close out 2013 with the final ep "Daybreak" ... the extended cut on teh Bluray boxset of course, 2.5 hours of epicness.....


Think it's a good way to close the year what with the whole "All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again" theme throughout the show.







:cry: Why does it have to end :cry:



A great journey still even after so many rewatches, still get chills and teary at all the epic and sad and emotional moments throughout the show even though I know whats coming.




All of this has happened before

All of this will happen again........ prolly in bout 11 months when I feel like another rewatch :D

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Going to have to give this a re-watch at some point.


Going to give a shout out to this scorching hot deal - full blu ray edition - £29.99 on amazon. Utterly bonkers price. Just ordered it for myself despite having most of the DVD's.


EDIT: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Battlestar-Galactica-Complete-Series-Blu-ray/dp/B0027UY8B8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1388694396&sr=8-1&keywords=blu+ray+battlestar

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I have the tin box(as well as the paper box) Not sure as I never opened it and it's now packed away in the attic somewhere. It came with a roughly 15 cm model of a Cylon. I think it looked plastic though, but I can't say for sure.


Anyway, just started rewatchin the best show ever on Netflix. Did we ever get to know what really happened with the Olympic Carrier?

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