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For those who have Wii Fit, I have a question...


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Okay so I just found out that I'm getting a balance board with Wii Fit and I'm happy I'm getting it. I've played a bit of it and it's really fun but I just want to know whether it has done anything for you, have you lost any weight doing it? Has it helped you lose weight in any way? I really would like to hear some success stories.


Also, I'd like to know if there are any more exercise games that you can play WITH the board. At the moment, I know of: The Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels and Gold Gym's Cardio Workout. Anybody know any more?

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Earlier in the year, I spent up to 2 hours on it daily for around 2 months, while I was unemployed doing some aerobic exercise's (walking on the spot for the most part) and a small amount of muscle exercise's (jack knife, press-ups etc) and lost a fair bit of weight. Unfortunately, I've put it back on since I've been back in work!

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After I had finished university, I had put on about 3 stone because of the fact I wasn't doing anything. Wii Fit came out and it helped focus me and allowed me to do more exercise even when I wasn't going out.


I'm now down to 9st 4 and keep up with the daily routine. It is useful

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Well, I've been trying to gain weight, actually, but I can't seem to do it. I'm as scrawny as ever, though I believe this is because of my busy schedule and Wii.
I also needed to gain weight, and Wii Fit really helped! :cool: I was in the 'underweight' section when I first got it, but after a couple of weeks I was in 'ideal' and I'm still there now. So yeah it definitely can work both ways.

If you want to put on weight the best thing is to do a routine that's mainly yoga and muscle exercises.


As for other games...I dunno, Wii Fit Plus? :heh:
If it's a recent purchase then it probably will be Wii Fit Plus anyway, I'm pretty sure they phased out the original.


Also, I'd like to know if there are any more exercise games that you can play WITH the board. At the moment, I know of: The Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels and Gold Gym's Cardio Workout. Anybody know any more?
Not used it myself, but I remember hearing good things about EA Active. I think it's got much more focus on cardiovascular exercise too, which is what you want if losing weight is your goal.
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I also needed to gain weight, and Wii Fit really helped! :cool: I was in the 'underweight' section when I first got it, but after a couple of weeks I was in 'ideal' and I'm still there now. So yeah it definitely can work both ways.

If you want to put on weight the best thing is to do a routine that's mainly yoga and muscle exercises.


Well, that's what I've been trying to do, as well (only yoga/muscle exercises, with the occasional balance game), but I'm still 60Kg.


For the record, I'm "Ideal". I really just need to work out my muscles more. Namely, I need to be stricter with myself. Nothing wrong with Wii Fit itself, it's got a decent selection of exercises.

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Wii Fit allowed me to keep tabs on how much weight I was gaining/losing, because I checked a fair bit it allowed me to feel like I had more control on my weight. Started on the game when I was 90kg then went to 70kg, gaining muscle now so I have about 75kg now. It wasn't just Wii fit that helped though, exercising and gym in the shed helped me lose the weight. But I still think the game helped BIG time. Thankyou miyamoto you have made me look like a awesomely fit fellow :awesome:

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Not used it myself, but I remember hearing good things about EA Active. I think it's got much more focus on cardiovascular exercise too, which is what you want if losing weight is your goal.


I've heard of EA Active but I thought you might need the heart rate monitor control and the resistance band for them. Do they have exercises in the game without using them?


Also, I'm happy that it's helped so many people. I was beginning to worry that it might not help me but by the sounds of these stories, I think it might. I also heard that the weigh-in part of the game was inaccurate but I know that's not true because it knew my weight straight away. It's quite clever! : peace:

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Ea active is great. Family ski and snowboarding cool on BB too. Sonic and Mario @ winter olympics is a great BB party game too. Marble balance challenge is nails with the BB but fun. Erm, wii music Uses the BB too. Drumkit only though.


I used Wii Fit to gain weight but I just couldn't put anything on. Eating more protein and fibre is what I'm doing now (and taking weight-gain shakes).


I love wii fit plus though. Anihilates the first one.

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Thankyou miyamoto you have made me look like a awesomely fit fellow :awesome:

Did Miyamoto even have anything to do with Wii Fit? All I can imagine is him walking into the room with a coffee and a bagel and being all "So anyway guys, we need to implement different types of Pikmi...oh, whoops. Sorry guys, wrong office."

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