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  Oxigen_Waste said:
Why not just donate the amount you paid for it to the Teenage Cancer Trust? That way, instead of contributing with a percentage, you'd have contributed all you spent and be one less bad song richer.


I've donated to the TCT before and this was a novelty way of doing so again. Plus I like Corey Taylor.


Ah was just looking for somewhere I could post this song vid.


Was just sent to me by former N-E staffer Mark Cullinane whose brother made this song, going on release on iTunes on the 17th with all earnings going to homeless charity "Focus Ireland".


Probably won't make Xmas #1 in Ireland or the UK but thought I'd give it some promotion here anyway.


  Ramar said:
I've donated to the TCT before and this was a novelty way of doing so again. Plus I like Corey Taylor.


I get that it's a good way of doing things, what I meant was... since you didn't really like the song, it just seemed simpler to donate directly. If you had liked the song I wouldn't have commented, the only reason I'm saying anything is cause you said you didn't like it that much. : peace:


Christmas Number 1? The Charts? What is this, 1995?


There's no meaning to the charts anymore. I don't think honestly anybody cares whatever gets to the top spot, and I doubt people will remember in 20 years time in the same way that they cared 20 years before. The charts have lost all meaning. Actually, it lost all meaning as soon as they axed Top of the Pops, a show where they run through the chart on a weekly basis.


Last year was different because finally a great deal of people snapped and decided that they wanted to make a stand against the tripe that does challenge for the number 1 spot. The fact that Rage won just shows that there is no credibility to the charts these days, it was a victory for the people.

  Flinkle Flinkle Little Star said:
Last year was different because finally a great deal of people snapped and decided that they wanted to make a stand against the tripe that does challenge for the number 1 spot. The fact that Rage won just shows that there is no credibility to the charts these days, it was a victory for the people.

And I'm willing to put good money on those people not giving a shit who gets to number one any week.


So this proves that nobody cares, don't the charts come out on Sunday and nobody posted. Looks like X Factor won it again.


I think after Rage's success last year, there were too many people trying to ape last year with too many songs. A case of too many cooks methinks.

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