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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


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Bethesda are actually a bunch of piss taking fuckwads. They've never included southpaw controls. That's bad enough. But now they've included remapable buttons, but still no southpaw sticks. Surely if they can add in code for remapable buttons, swapping the sticks isn't exactly hard? It's like they're making a point not to include it.


Other than that, the game is pretty good so far.

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@Emasher , you're the guy to ask this to... should I get this for my 360 or my 2011 MacMini, which will look better?


EDIT: Actually, to anyone... PC, PS3 or 360, since I have all 3...

I'm hearing a lot people calling the PC version a bad port of the console versions. I think this is mainly to do with controls/menu navigation if anything.

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Hmmmm. One thing I have found a bit wierd. Killed three dragons, all with moderate difficulty (read as popping healing potions like crazy), yet a giant smashes me into the ground with 1 hit and a, what I can only discribe as a mega lich or something, roasts me within 30 seconds of initiating battle, making the dragon whom I had killed just in the same area right next to him, look like his pet. I generally don't know if enemies are scaled to your level, or it's a mixture with some scaling, and some areas where you will just die very fast.

Also, really need to play this game at more sociable hours :S

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@Emasher , you're the guy to ask this to... should I get this for my 360 or my 2011 MacMini, which will look better?


EDIT: Actually, to anyone... PC, PS3 or 360, since I have all 3...


I'd need to know a little bit more about the MacMini in question, some of the 2011 models have Intel 3000M for graphics, and some have AMD 6630Ms. I'd also need to know how much memory the 6630M you have has if that is indeed what card you have. I'm also assuming you're running bootcamp, if you're planning on running it through parallels or wine (or crossovers) you can forget about it. Assuming the best case of all those factors, it should run, but you're not going to be playing it in 1920x1200 on ultra with 60 FPS. It theoretically should run fine on moderate settings and resolution, provided your CPU and RAM are decent enough. In that case, I would go for the PC version, simply due to mods, unofficial patches, etc. If its one of the lower end MacMinis with the Intel graphics chip, I'd just get it for whatever console it turned out better on because it probably won't run very well. Keep in mind the resolution and the frame limit on the console versions as well though.


TL;DR: If its the $600 mac mini, or the server, or you don't have bootcamp, get it for a console, if its the $800 mac mini, and you're running bootcamp, consider the PC version.


I'm hearing a lot people calling the PC version a bad port of the console versions. I think this is mainly to do with controls/menu navigation if anything.


The other benefits of the PC version outweigh the menu system, which probably isn't as bad as we've been making it out to be. Especially since there will eventually be dozens of mods that replace it.


Hmmmm. One thing I have found a bit wierd. Killed three dragons, all with moderate difficulty (read as popping healing potions like crazy), yet a giant smashes me into the ground with 1 hit and a, what I can only discribe as a mega lich or something, roasts me within 30 seconds of initiating battle, making the dragon whom I had killed just in the same area right next to him, look like his pet. I generally don't know if enemies are scaled to your level, or it's a mixture with some scaling, and some areas where you will just die very fast.

Also, really need to play this game at more sociable hours :S


Based on what people have been saying, there doesn't appear to be level scaling in Skyrim. The idea being that you should avoid areas that have enemies you can't take on until you get stronger.


As for the dragons being easier than the other enemies, there's a theory going around that as dragonborn you have a natural resistance to their attacks or something like that.

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All I've really heard so far is that out of the console versions, PS3 is the way to go asthe 360 version has some pretty big texture problems. Apparently a patch to fix that is on its way though.


The texture problems are only if you are patient enough to install the game before playing. The loading times aren't too bad, so I didn't bother.


Anyway, last night I decided to take a break from the main quest and went and did a side quest. Five hours later I was still on my way to that quest - it was on the opposite side of the map and I kept getting distracted by other quests.


Focusing on melee combat is pretty tough. I've encountered a vampire who killed me quickly - so I kind of had to glitch the AI (stand a distance, firing arrows - he couldn't figure out where I was), and I've had problems with trolls - they seem to just rip me to shreds. I may need to work on my archery.


One annoying glitch I've encountered a few times is where bandits/wild animals only see my horse as an enemy, and not me.


Also, I was given a companion. She travelled miles across the land following me on foot (as they don't get on a horse) and fought in many battles. Then in a cave I suddenly noticed she was dead (although many times before when she had lost all health she just crouched down and recovered).

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Based on what people have been saying, there doesn't appear to be level scaling in Skyrim. The idea being that you should avoid areas that have enemies you can't take on until you get stronger.


As for the dragons being easier than the other enemies, there's a theory going around that as dragonborn you have a natural resistance to their attacks or something like that.


OK so a bit like fallout with mini bosses roaming the map. One thing though, if the dragons don't scale, then they will become incredibly easy. And one of the dragons killed was right next to that mega lich.



Focusing on melee combat is pretty tough. I've encountered a vampire who killed me quickly - so I kind of had to glitch the AI (stand a distance, firing arrows - he couldn't figure out where I was), and I've had problems with trolls - they seem to just rip me to shreds. I may need to work on my archery.


One annoying glitch I've encountered a few times is where bandits/wild animals only see my horse as an enemy, and not me.


Also, I was given a companion. She travelled miles across the land following me on foot (as they don't get on a horse) and fought in many battles. Then in a cave I suddenly noticed she was dead (although many times before when she had lost all health she just crouched down and recovered).


If I make an archer, it wil be an assasin/stealth/archery hybrid as you really need to drop people quickly when using arrows and the shadows are the perfect way to increase dmg through sneak attacks while avoiding the potential back lash. Was my main way to success in oblivion too.


And what you said about the companion is a bit immortal as I was hoping she was a bit immortal, that said, she died once with me but that was totally my fault as I cleaved her with a power attack in her back when we were fighting a losing battle soooo... i think its one of a few things:


  1. When companion crouches, AI stops attacking them and focuses on you
  2. They can only be killed by you


I'm inclined to think its the former.

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If I make an archer, it wil be an assasin/stealth/archery hybrid as you really need to drop people quickly when using arrows and the shadows are the perfect way to increase dmg through sneak attacks while avoiding the potential back lash. Was my main way to success in oblivion too.


I did that in Oblivion as well. Agent IIRC. Worked like a charm.

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One thing people on other forums are reporting now is that passive animals (chickens, dogs, deer, etc.) can be witnesses to crimes. Apparently Bethesda know about this but plan on leaving it in for a while because they find it funny that chickens can report crimes. I don't have proper source for that last bit though, so someone could have just made it up.


Fortunately in this game killing witnesses before leaving the area, results in you not getting any bounty (like Red Dead Redemption).

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Is anyone else getting missing texture issues? Basically its when textures of a give item or terrain are bright purple. When I see, game CTDs (crashes to desktop) shortly afterwards. Ah well, at least i know im playing a bethesda game. TBH it occurs after a long play session, oblivion would have failed hours ago.

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Since you loved Fallout you should love this. Fallout 3 essentially used a lot of Oblivion's mechanics so this should be a delight for you. I also love the fantasy setting and the beautiful environments, they're much nicer to walk through than a world hit by a nuclear apocalypse. The quests are also done much better here, although first person melee combat can be a bit awkward at times.


I really like how the perk system takes a leaf from FFX's sphere grid. A welcome addition.

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