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Pokémafia 8 : Crusade of the Dragons


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Sméagol, can I ask whether you targeted someone on night 3?

You may.

I targeted Gmac. I assume that my roleblocker is townie, as I was a suspect the day before. So major facepalm for him then.


I'd love to know why you're asking me this, and specifically for night 3.

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A tiny red Pokemon was zooming about the place. As always it had finished its action with plenty of time to spare, it got home and jotted down some notes, scared by what it had seen - a green, pale cyan and pinkish Pokemon being bashed around like a rag doll by a green and red in the skies above a blue Pokemon flying around watching all the commotion.


^From night 3


I was violently roleblocked by a green and red pokémon while a blue pokémon watched.

Aqui1a was also there and took notes and was scared.


I don't suppose the blue pokémon has anything useful to say at this point?

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That was a violent roleblock indeed...the blue Pokemon sounds like a tracker/watcher? The green and red Pokemon should preferably speak up, too.


.. I don't think we have 2 roleblockers. So I'm still suspecting heroicjanitor the most in that case.


But I suspect MadDog even more for messing Diageo up.


(P.S. - what's the majority needed right now? Won't vote yet just in case I kill him off by mistake)

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Oh sorry, I had read Marcamillian's claim before but forgot. Tales contradicted him here, so one of them is lying (or redirected/confused/etc.). Tales is apparently Moltres, too tired to go back to the earliest posts to look for info about him.


Unless MadDog provides a proper explanation, I won't change my vote. After this, seems that there are two other leads: either sort out Marcamillian and Tales or question heroicjanitor.


Vote: MadDog

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I'm Exeggcute, yes i am a lie detector. However, until i evolve, my results arn't 100% accurate.


Yes i did mess up with Diageo, the PM from ReZ said that was telling the truth, but he had bad intentions. So i thought, he either lied, or had bad intentions. The whole PM will be wrong, or right. Half of it isn't going to be right, and the rest wrong. So from my information, he was doing something bad.


Using my information, he had to be doing something bad, yet he turned out good, which suprised me a little, maybe he was a mole or something.


I wouldn't blame you guys for lynching me, as i made a mistake, but i assure you all i'm good.

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Apologies, but this is a long post. I think I've deduced something interesting.


I've just been through the whole thread, to see if I could pick up on anything. I am still intrigued how Marcamillian seemed to target both Nintendohnut and Tales, but he brought to my attention how Aquila was the same character as last time. Read the epilogue/prologue again.


The remaining mafia members lead by Kyogre were awaiting the arrival of their master. Surfing Pikachu was unsure why everyone was so nervous. The lights flickered, and the Pokemon heard a smash. A large giant black snake like Pokemon had ripped a gorge through the island, and broken a piece of it off. The mafia floated away in their own island. They watched the large Pokemon flash and zap into a Pokeball. They recognised the Pokemon as shiny Rayquaza.




The door opened. In stepped a partly cyborg shiny Mewtwo, with impressive cannons on his arms.




The water Pokemon bowed their heads immediately. Surfing Pikachu looked around, and then followed suit. The hesitation was not good enough. Cybernetic Mewtwo charged his cannon. Surfing Pikachu looked up, and Cybernetic Mewtwo blasted the poor Pikachu. He disintegrated leaving no body behind.


"There is no room for weakness in my order." he uttered. "Electric Pokemon are weak. This was proven in the last mission. Now, I will open a portal and you will join the other succesful soldiers. We have training to do."


Cybernetic Mewtwo opened a portal, and one by one the Pokemon entered, a flash of light as each Pokemon stepped through the great beyond. But before the last Pokemon entered Cybernetic Mewtwo put his hand out and stopped him. Except for you. Cybernetic Mewtwo quietly barked his orders to the last Pokemon. "Find Luvdiscs body. Bring him to me. He proved himself to be a powerful killer and I believe I can restore his life. When you have done this you will both go to the mountain of the dragons, and watch over my final recruits." Cybernetic Mewtwo stepped towards the portal..."This will be useful." and he threw the Pokemon a modified Pokedex. Cybernetic Mewtwo walked through the portal and was gone.


Just something to note: At the start of the story the pokemon sent by the mewtwo SWOOPS DOWN to discuss strategies with the rest of the mafia. This is clearly a flying type pokemon, and therefore we should be watchful of any flying types, especially large ones, such as the legendary birds. Moltres, Zaptos, and the other three (that I can think of from my knowledge of the games up to gold/silver) could be this pokemon, so we need to be careful about assuming they're good just because they're legendary.


Diageo: You really need to stop dodging this question. What type are you? I've told you my type as you asked, and you constantly refusing to say yours strongly suggests to me that you are hiding your type because you are guilty. While I agree that Smeagol needs to start talking (obviously, I brought it up), I am extremely interested to hear what you have to say. Your type won't give anything away, and I am only asking now because you won't tell me, which I strongly suspect is because you are hiding something.


Also, here is the post in which Smeagol says the storm clouds were him (he quoted the peeps, but seeing as that wouldn't have just shown up I quoted that too. Click to see Smeagol's post if you want to check :p )


How do we know that Cube can kill for sure?


I'll follow for now anyway to put some pressure on:


Vote: Cube


Also, I know of another dragon type pokemon. Won't reveal as it seems they are good, although this time they are two types rather than just straight dragon, I don't know if that makes a difference.


We should also look into the other person with the double vote from yesterday. As Diageo was the double-vote townie it would suggest the other one is the double-vote mafioso.


Please could you target me tonight heroic? It seems I am under suspicion (?)


One thing I would note is that it doesn't expressly say in the write-up that Luvdisc was evil. All it says is that he was resurrected as part of Mewtwo's plans, and while that sounds pretty evil, we can't be sure that he was a mafia member. I was wondering about that, because so far we've had a specific statement of the alignments of people (e.g. jonnas, a neutral imitator). Maybe I'm reading into it too much.


So far I know of another Dragon type pokemon, which I mentioned yesterday (a duel type incidentally) and I don't know if there's any need to reveal who that is? I don't mind doing so, I'm still slightly suspicious of Dragons being the mafia tbh. And last night I targeted Smeagol, but he was untraceable. The reason I bring this up is that I targeted Cube on the first night, and got the same result. That is why I was asking Cube 'is that all of your role?', because he didn't make any reference to being untraceable when he was claiming that he was Zapdos. He turned out to be lying, although I'm not sure why he was untraceable. Perhaps because he didn't have a role/power/alignment? Although he was magikarp, so I really don't know.


I know that you have cleared Sméagol, heroic, but I'd still quite like to know why he was untraceable. Is it because he can evolve? Is it because he doesn't yet have an alignment, or role? I don't know, I'm pretty confused, so I'd like you to answer that Sméagol.


Of course, the untraceable part may have something to do with another pokemon. Either way I'm a bit confused.


The time that Nintendohnut got information on a dragon was when the "small blue and red pokémon" used his device on a pokémon in a cave. To me, this device is clearly the pokédex from the intro.

You can also see from the posts I've quoted above how he's very subtly tried to clear his type as not mafia and to try and get everyone else to claim a type.


Luvdisc, was also clearly an affiliate of Mewtwo, and this latest post sees him try and clear him of any possibility of being evil.

With all this evidence, I'm reckoning that he is also the same pokémon that he was in the last game, Tentacool, and was affiliated with Aquila/Luvdisc.

This solution would match up with the blue and red colour scheme that it seems like he is.




Please can you explain who you are, how you got your info and who you are affiliated to. You're looking quite dodgy to me right now.

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Actually, although I don't want to necessarily defend Nintendohnut, I also find it strange Aqui1a's alignment was missing. Looking at the part of the write-up The Peeps quoted a few posts above, it is clear Luvdisc didn't have the same role he had in the last game. Last game, he was a redirector.

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I think it's true they have different roles. Tentacool had some sort of inky power in the last game and now has a pokédex by the looks of it.

But there's something fishy about it, and they definitely have some sort of link to Cyber Mewtwo and the prologue. And I want to know what. If they aren't mafia, what is their aim?

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[..]I also find it strange Aqui1a's alignment was missing. Looking at the part of the write-up The Peeps quoted a few posts above, it is clear Luvdisc didn't have the same role he had in the last game. Last game, he was a redirector.


Mewtwo said: "He proved himself to be a powerful killer and I believe I can restore his life."


I don't see any reason to believe that he was good, as he was being used for cybernetic Mewtwo's plans. He was resurrected to kill for Mewtwo. Maybe ReZ left out the alignment because it was obvious? Not sure, obviously.


I'm Exeggcute, yes i am a lie detector. However, until i evolve, my results arn't 100% accurate.


Woop, I guessed the Pokemon correctly :D I think I believe you, MadDog.


Something to think about: mr-paul, have you been cleared yet? How do I know that YOU'RE not trying to frame Nintendohnut by picking out those details? Just speculating, as I know nothing about either of you.


Pressure vote!!


Change Vote: Nintendohnut

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I can answer all of your questions by quoting my PM. Seeing as I'm allowed to do it in this game I might as well.


Nintendohnut, you are Tentacool, a townie.




Tentacool (Pokedex Investigator) Upon completing the task of reviving Luvdisc, you both headed to the Mountain of the Dragons, Cybernetic Mewtwo had set you the task of watching over the new mafia....however you want the mafia to fail so that you gain ranks in Cybernetic Mewtwo's army, and thus you are considered to be town. Tentacool can investigate a target at night. You will receive a PM back stating which Pokemon the target is.


So there we are. That is why I was attempting to point out that Luvdisc wasn't sepcifically mentioned as being evil. I suspect he may not have been.


The reason I'm so happy to admit this is simple. At the start of the game I figured that Dragon pokemon would be the mafia. After I found Diageo was a dragon I thought I'd been really lucky and spread the word. However when he turned out good it seemed that there was little reason for me. I could investigte everyone, find out every single person's pokemon, and still not know who was mafia. That's the situation I'm in now, I can target people but seeing as we don't know what type the mafia I'm basically redundant.


Incidentally I asked Rez whether there was any way I could have contact with Luvdisc (when I saw that he had been resurrected and that I was Tentacool, it was pretty obvious that he was Luvdisc) but he said there wasn't, and that nothing would happen if I targeted him other than I would find out what pokemon he was etc. So I didn't both, as I pretty much knew anyway.


So far the information I have is as follows:


Night 1: Targetted Cube, my PM said that he was untraceable (I tried to ask him about this but he didn't give a straight answer)

Night 2: Targeted Diageo, found out he was a dragon type, pushed him on it, hoping for him to lie about his type so that I would know he was mafia. Didn't work and I realised I was mostly pointless.

Night 3: Targeted Dannyboy, found out he's a Dragon/Dark type who I cannot remember the name of. Will post it when I've checked my PM in a moment. Mentioned it at the time but seeing as Diageo was good I didn't see much point as Dragons weren't evil.

Night 4: Targeted Sméagol, my PM said he was untraceable again. Not sure why, which is why I asked.


I have bared literally everything. I implore you not to waste today lynching me. We are literally sucking at this game. So far we're two neutrals down, one townie, and Luvdisc (who I don't believe is mafia but could well be). We have to lynch a mafioso today.




Dannyboy is Sazandora, if it makes any difference.


In other news, it took me so long to write the post above that three other people had responded. So I probably didn't even need to reveal everything. Poopants.

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Changevote: No-one


Thanks for the answers. Clears quite a lot up about the storyline.

I'm wondering who the mafia actually are, if you are good, and so are dragons.


Of course, you could have altered that PM, but for now I believe your info is genuine.

The lack of alignment of Luvdisc is what concerns me and which keeps me ultimately a tiny bit suspicious of you still.

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*head explodes* So far we don't seem to know much about Dannyboy-the-Dane, Dyson, mr-paul, Paj Meen Ah or Zell yet (if I'm wrong, correct me please). That's all I can think of. Not sure whether or not to believe the quoted PM fully, but leaning heavily towards yes.


Pressure vote, and because Sazandora is Dark-type, looks evil and is flying...what colour would Sazandora be described as? Also, has anyone been keeping track of how the colours in each write-up matches up? Sorry for changing my vote 100000000 times, ReZ :(


Change Vote: Dannyboy-the-Dane

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Well, this can be easily cleared up by Dannyboy. So we'll just have to wait for him to post.


And again Nintendohnut, for now assuming you're telling the truth.. You could try to target me again unless you have more pressing targets. I'm not inherently untargetable, but I may have an idea why it failed. I just don't want to reveal it right away. I htink it should work then if you target me again.


Pressure vote, and because Sazandora is Dark-type, looks evil and is flying...what colour would Sazandora be described as? Also, has anyone been keeping track of how the colours in each write-up matches up? Sorry for changing my vote 100000000 times, ReZ :(


See this:


A black, pink and blue Pokemon had its target in sight, but before it could do anything, it was stung repeatedly by a yellow, black and red Pokemon, leaving it wounded and unable to carry on.


Here were we trying too incriminate Chairdriver (he was Beedril). In fact, now I think of it, for the invented write-up I actually was thinking of an ability he had, and I had him first "focussing energy" or something like that. I don't think I've seen his colours in the write-ups, but maybe ReZ did take the complete role I invented.. In that case, Dannyboy would be the energy focussing in the mountains from night 1 I think. This could be useful info..

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It's true that I'm Sazandora. I've stayed quiet about it since people seemed to believe dragons were evil this time around (which obviously would make sense, but it seems ReZ is starting to abandon the idea of one-type mafias). I've hinted at dragons possibly not being all evil since simply stating it outright would just make me seem suspicious.

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Ok, so now what? :p




Although, care to elaborate on your abilties? It really does look like ReZ stole my invented role (:p), and my invented Sazandora didn't exactly have good intentions. What's the building up of power do for you? (I assume that is you)

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