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Virgin Media TiVo


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Anybody know about/excited about/getting this when it comes out?


TiVo looks pretty cool from what I've seen of the stuff they get in the States and it'll be good to get rid of that V+ box that looks like some 1980s relic VCR.


Apparently, it's rolling out just before Christmas, not too sure on cost yet though.


Been following this blog:



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Why on earth are they branding it with the TiVo name? Even if its huge in America it crashed and burned here a few years ago.


Does this also mean all future Virgin Media boxes won't come with DVR or will you essentially have two?

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so whats the big deal? Brings internet to the TV? I've been waiting for them to update the boxes I had one of the new samsung ones and it broke and shortly after they stopped doing them because there was a fault with them. However I wouldn't pay extra for this don't see what extra it brings....

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Stopped doing Samsung V+ boxes? Don't think they have from what I've heard.


well the particular model I had they did. The newer ones they had an inherent fault the techinician told me they weren't issuing any more until it was sorted which wasn't going to be anytime soon. This is after mine lasted a day and broke.

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The Samsung V+ Boxes were quite.... Unreliable shall we say. From what i've experienced and heard from vast amounts of Virgin Media Installers.


We've had 2 V+ Samsung boxes at my parents, and both times within a month they've been knackered. The Engineer that came out to repair it said that they aren't as good as the normal (ugly) V+ boxes, and apparently recording shows / series on the Samsung one messes it up.... kinda defeats the object really.


In my place now we got Virgin in June, had a Samsung Box... and BOOM broken within a week, at the time i had set V to record the season... so yes. got that replaced with the old ugly box which has worked fine.



However i like the look of this, unfortunately as we've only been in the contract since June, we can't change / upgrade / downgrade until June 2011.... Bastards!

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Who does their boxes now then? I only ever had a standard box we got for free with basically freeview channels etc, that was by samsung. However due to a fault(it's lasted a good few years) it has just been replaced by a Cisqo box, not V+ or anything though, just regular ol' box, although it does have HDMI output.


I also don't see what the difference is between this and V+ anyway? Though I have no experience of either.


I don't quite understand how it "won't affect your broadband speed"? Even if it does have it's own modem, if your phone line has a max speed of 5mbps then surely it can't take two 5mbps connections at the same time?


The line probably doesn't have a max speed. Well, obv it will, but it won't be a low one. Considering VM do 50Mb in alot of areas, I can see this being totally possible. I think I'm in a 50Mb area and only running with 20, I think one point is that it'll run on a totally seperate line to the broadband, as VM's cable broadband doesn't run directly through the phone line anyhow.

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The Samsung V+ Boxes were quite.... Unreliable shall we say. From what i've experienced and heard from vast amounts of Virgin Media Installers.


We've had 2 V+ Samsung boxes at my parents, and both times within a month they've been knackered. The Engineer that came out to repair it said that they aren't as good as the normal (ugly) V+ boxes, and apparently recording shows / series on the Samsung one messes it up.... kinda defeats the object really.


In my place now we got Virgin in June, had a Samsung Box... and BOOM broken within a week, at the time i had set V to record the season... so yes. got that replaced with the old ugly box which has worked fine.



However i like the look of this, unfortunately as we've only been in the contract since June, we can't change / upgrade / downgrade until June 2011.... Bastards!


Yeah similar thing here....I hae the massive ugly V+ Box as well...

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Virgin released some screen grabs of their new service. Here they are:








It will be interesting to see where Virgin are in 5 years time - I suspect they'll have dropped carriage of all but 'significant' channels - BBC, ITV and Sky etc, and have a vast lineup of on-demand where content providers can drop their programmes in. Thats a pretty radical idea, but definately where the UK televsion market needs to be (too many channels, not enough viewers).

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Virgin released some screen grabs of their new service. Here they are:








It will be interesting to see where Virgin are in 5 years time - I suspect they'll have dropped carriage of all but 'significant' channels - BBC, ITV and Sky etc, and have a vast lineup of on-demand where content providers can drop their programmes in. Thats a pretty radical idea, but definately where the UK televsion market needs to be (too many channels, not enough viewers).


yeah agreed thats the way forward. I'd happily pay the same now and drop like 200+ channels for great on demand content instead.

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