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2010 - Wii's best ever year?

James McGeachie

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I've had a fantastic year* and I haven't even played Monster Hunter 3 :eek:


The Wii is awesome :yay:


*in gaming terms! Everything else has been rotten to the core..


Shame on you.


Looking back at this year my Wii has probably had the most time spent on it. Although my 360 has had a fair few plays on it, most of the big games that hit never really lived up to the hype. Infact most of the fun i've had on the 360 this year was probably off the XBLA games.


Capcom Vs Tatsunoko started the year off well but then Monster Hunter arrived and then dominated most of my time. I think I racked up about 600+ hours on it before retiring. I did manage to juggle MH3 when Mario Galaxy 2 arrived, which is just aswell as the game was fantastic.


Next up was the surprising Metroid: Other M and even though I wasn't hyped for it and was all ready to slate it, it turned out to be a gem of a game and one of my favourite titles this year.


During the 600+ hours on MH3 I did miss ALOT of the titles that came out on the Wii such as No More Heroes 2, Sin and Punishment 2, Fragile Dreams, Silent Hill, Rune Factory etc. Thanks to nando pointing out bargains I snapped up Fragile Dreams and Rune Factory the other week, so I can start playing catch up soon. :)


The year looks to be nicely rounded off with the new Rabbids game, Flingsmash, Epic Mickey and DKCR arriving shortly. So yeah, it's been one hell of a year for us Wii gamers.

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Console of the year, no doubt... nothin but gold, baby!




You waste way too much time on games, dude! 160.000 gamerscore says it all. :grin:


There's no wasting time on Monster Hunter! I've put in 460 hours and it's all time well spent! Haha

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I bought more games this year than any other since I owned the thing.


TvC, MHT, S&P:StoS, NMH2, SMG2, M:OM and Sonic Colours.


Then I also got Castlevania, Mega Man and Sonic on WiiWare.


Monster Hunter was a big time suck for me though I'm not anywhere close to some of the hardcore people here. Sonic games normally suck up a 100 hours of my time or more and don't see this one being any different in the long run.


But the year isn't even over yet and I know I'm missing some gems. As flawed as it supposedly was, I'd still like to get Fragile Dreams at some point just because it looks to have an incredible atmosphere.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Kat Bailey and co waxed lyrical about Costume Quest on the Active Time Babble podcast. Do you know much about it? It sounds like a very short and very sweet RPG.


Bought it. Played it. Loved it.


It plays like a Paper Mario game in that it's turnbased but you have actions to perform while attacking. It's a game that has bags of charm and some great writing. They're bring some DLC out very soon that changes the setting from Halloween to Christmas and more missions. :D

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I couldn't agree more :hehe: I see plenty of things on the internet that pretty much claim that you have to have an XBOX 360 or PS3 if you're a "hardcore gamer" as the Wii just doesn't have enough quality and depth. I completely disagree, and the size, quality and diversity I have in my Wii collection only goes to prove that there are many fantastic experiences available on the system without the need to look elsewhere :hehe:


I'm sure some of you are aware that I purchased an XBOX 360 towards the end of last year, largely to "get the best" out of my new HDTV. However, I sold it to my brother after a few months and only bought it back again due to the fact that he just never played it :hmm: I have, admittedly, enjoyed it in spurts but I now find myself wanting to offload it again :sad: I look at the games currently available and games that will be released and just don't feel any desire to play any of them..


The Wii is a fantastic console and, in my opinion, doesn't deserve a lot of the backlash it gets most of the time. there are certainly areas Nintendo could improve, but 2010 has been another strong year in the console's lifespan. It is far and away my favourite console this generation and I can't wait to play through the games I have yet to pick up or play :grin:


Totally agree, that's why I've joined up here, other gaming forums I've been on you just get ridiculed and bombarded with 'Wii is shit' any time I tried to talk about any Wii games. I do have a 360 as well, and have more games for it, but I probably split my time about 50/50 between the consoles. There are a lot of shit games on the Wii, but the good games, albeit in the minority, match up to anything on any HD console.


It has been a good year for the Wii for sure, but I feel there has been some disappointments too, I was really looking forward to Other M, and loved all previous Metroids, both 2D and 3D, but Other 3 tried to encompass too much, it was truing to be a 3D version of the 2D Metroids, and that was fine, if they'd left it at that I'd have been much happier without the first person aiming rubbish. It really ruined the game for me.

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it's the unexpected games that made this year awesome for me - Little King's Story, a game I'd never played, I finally decided to get after ALWAYS hearing about it on these boards and I'm so glad I did! It's such a charming game! Then came Fragile Dreams which had such a great atmosphere and great story! Then I imported Excite Bots (mega bargain on eBay, a mere fiver plus P&P) and I was blown away! It's by far the most exciting and crazy racer I've played, shame on Nintendo for not bringing it out in the UK!


But of course, what made this year fantastic on the Wii, in my eyes, was definitely Super Mario Galaxy 2! I didn't think Galaxy could possibly be topped but then this came along and blew it out of the water!


There are tons of other games I haven't mentioned and loads more I need to get, Sonic Colours really shocked me, I truly didn't expect much but it's turned out to be one of my all time favourite Sonic games! Then there's WiiWare with the like of Bit Trip Runner and 'And Yet It Moves!'


I'm also an advocate for 'Casual' games (don't kill me), so I've had loads of fun playing Just Dance 2, Rock Band 3 and DJ Hero 2 with my mates!


By far the best year of Wii and with DKC Returns, Epic Mickey and Kirby to get, it looks like it's going to carry on entertaining me for a good few months yet!

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Anyone know if there's a EUR release date for Flip's Twisted World?


It's out in the US, was wondering if we'll get it here in 2010...



Also: Welcome, Mad Monkey! And how could you play games on the Wii it's such a piece of crap? There, now you feel at home :p

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Anyone know if there's a EUR release date for Flip's Twisted World?


It's out in the US, was wondering if we'll get it here in 2010...


It doesn't have a publisher in Europe. Remember something to do with Majesco opting out of publishing it or something like that. Don't think it'll make it across the Atlantic to be honest given how limited the game was in supply in the US.

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It doesn't have a publisher in Europe. Remember something to do with Majesco opting out of publishing it or something like that. Don't think it'll make it across the Atlantic to be honest given how limited the game was in supply in the US.


Damn, will have to import it then. Thanks for the info Ganepark, looks like another win for the Homebrew Channel :)

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