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And the Portuguese are very good at their Mega Drive gaming.

I'll get the obvious one out of the way - Americans.


Deeply religious.

Only the fat black women who sit close together in tents with no air conditioning.


I think our stereotypes of the Spanish, Portuguese or Italians are of them either being greasy looking with dark hair, being sleazy and arrogant or of them being tall, dark, handsome love machines. With amazing hair.


The stereotype of the Polish is that THEY TURK OUR JERRRBS.


In Brazil they make jokes about Portuguese people doing things in a completely retarded way. If someone does something stupid, we say, "you're doing it like a Portuguese [person]". Sorry Jonnas ;) I never say it anyway.


Some people in the south are very racist as well, and put "black" in instead of Portuguese. Safe to say I don't use that either.


The general rule of thumb is that we've been at war with pretty much everyone, so they have negative stereotypes of us. Portugal, however, has, with England/GB/the UK, the worlds longest running still in effect military alliance.


And even then, the British got some bad publicity during the Napoleonic Wars. And there was that "Pink Map Ultimatum" fiasco.


In both occasions, we all blamed our government, though. You're still cool.


And the Portuguese are very good at their Mega Drive gaming.


Hell yeah! : peace:


(There's some basis to this: Nintendo's publisher here never took Nintendo seriously, which allowed for the Mega Drive to prosper)

Indeed, you guys even declared war on Finland during the WWII (Continuation War against the USSR)...


Yeah, but that was more out of necessity to 'take sides' with the USSR. We never actually did anything to you. The Soviets, on the other hand did something, and got pwnd. They won, but it was one hell of a pyrrhic victory.


Btw, do PAL games get translated into Portuguese? I remember seeing your flag at some boxes, but could be just descriptions on the back cover, not actual in-game text...


Only a handful. Heavy Rain and God of War 3 were even dubbed.


But most of the time, no. I even remember an old French game that wasn't translated to Portuguese in the PAL version... But was translated for the Brazillian NTSC release :/

Actually, it seems you did attack Petsamo harbour, and the RAF 151 Wing provided air support for the Soviets in Murmansk. Still, the declaration of war from you and several other Allies, except for the USA, was pretty understandable. After all, Finland was siding with Nazi Germany to attack the USSR, even if just to reclaim our original borders before the Winter War...


And yes, the Soviets didn't do too well, even though they had a huge advantage in number of men, tanks, planes etc. Luckily for us, they had bad equipment, shoddy leadership, low morale and the frightening cold of the winter against them...


Man, the Finns are so manly, they can stand the Russian Winter better than the Russians themselves.


Even though my Dad is English and I know many English people, I can't say i've got a particular opinion on English people. Certainly not in the way they have of Scottish people. It generally consists of us wearing Kilts, drinking Irn Bru and eating Haggis or a fried Mars Bar.

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