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N-europe's Got Talent!

mcj metroid

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You should have got a girl to do the "We are Sex Bob-Omb!" line. ;)


Alas, there were no girls present so we had to make do with just using the intro from the real version.


We really should have done an ending too. Oh well, live and learn.

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Freaking awesome, Ville! Why aren't you in a successful rock band already?


Thanks man :) Why am I not in a band? Hmm, I guess I'm just lazy...same reason why these creations of mine have no proper backing tracks, can't be arsed to create them from scratch. Just prefer playing...


Not quite up to Ville's standards, but it's the first thing I've ever recorded, so cut me some slack.


"Standards" as in no mixing whatsoever? ;D


Anyway, sounds good...and extra points for the rock 'n' ridealicious band name! How long have you been playing bass now Goafer?

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Anyway, sounds good...and extra points for the rock 'n' ridealicious band name! How long have you been playing bass now Goafer?


Sort of a long time, sort of not. I got my bass about 8 years ago, but I played it for the first year or so and then got bored since I had no one to play with. Now my friend has moved in down the street who is quite the musician, so I've started playing again.


I haven't really had lessons, just got the guitar and a few tabs and learnt that way.


I'm hoping to get my own stuff recorded once I get my recording deeley for Christmas. I'm thinking 2 bass tracks, each with a different effect so that one track is standard bass and the other is more noisy (so it sounds like the guitar in the video)


"Standards" as in no mixing whatsoever?


I meant the guitar skills! Mine are average at best. Good job it's hard to hear the bass over the guitar in the video!

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I'm hoping to get my own stuff recorded once I get my recording deeley for Christmas. I'm thinking 2 bass tracks, each with a different effect so that one track is standard bass and the other is more noisy (so it sounds like the guitar in the video)


Nice...be sure to showcase your creations then ;D


Anyway, bass is such a great instrument, it packs awesome oomph and can add so much to the guitar / synth. I mean, like the basic setup for NES songs has only 4 tracks: melody, counter-melody, bass and drums. At best, you have 3 different melodies going side by side...and each one being great! Quite often the basslines are every bit as interesting as the "main" melodies...makes me wish I had a bass as well!


I meant the guitar skills! Mine are average at best. Good job it's hard to hear the bass over the guitar in the video!


Well no worries, just keep playing and having fun, that's the most important thing...well at least for me it is...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World a few nights ago and was unexpectedly impressed. So here is a quick sketch of the poster, done to avoid unpacking a very large box which contains many things to be tidied away.




I also made mince pies for Christmas, if it counts. (They look really ugly because I discovered that we have no cookie cutters.) The one at the very top is a poop shape which my sister requested.



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  • 7 months later...

Excellent! I've always loved that piece too




" piano performance"

" piano performance"















"Earring making"










"3d model"



or else you will DIE:
















"webcomic website"




Tissue town





"3d modelling"


It's been a while since I've seen this thread. Here is an update to the first page of all the talents that have been posted I hope :)

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There's no thing as a shameless plug, guys! :o You've got talent? Friggin' advertise it! After all, if you don't, who will...? ;)


Dansky: Sounds nice, but a lil' choppy at times...You taking lessons or just playing by yourself?


Man that SML2-theme is awesome! Now I know what I'll be listening to the rest of the day! :D *dances*

Edited by Ville
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