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Cheeky Mare!!


It's put me off jumps whilst skiing, but still a big fan of off piste skiing :)


I'm more of a racer than jumper so I can't do any tricks, I just like jumping off and that sensation you get in mid air. Off piste is good, but it has to be the right conditions. No crunchy rock hard snow to simply ride straight over, has to be the soft deepish snow that you can bounce over. Like skiing through a cloud, lovely.

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Ages 3-10 been in and out of Hospital, at age 3 had an accident, was at my my mums work kitchen, was helping out as young'ns do, was putting some pineapple slice in the food mixer..I slipped, mixer took all my fingers, left my thumb on my right hand.


Since then, operations, skingraphs, had two toes grafted onto my hand, and TBH I love it, makes me different and I wouldn't hand it any other way.




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Crugiate Ligaments Torn - Playing football, seems to be the case for most of these type of injuries. Simpy put... OUCH! this hurt as much if not more then bone breaks.


Cheers dude, somehow I forgot about being in hospital for this too. It's hard to describe to someone just how painful it is, not only that but the rehab is hell. I had an operation to attach a new ligament and had the knee in a full brace and cast for 2 months. It's quite sobering having to learn to walk again. Your keep trying to move your leg but it just doesn't respond. It took me altogether about 13 months to get back to normal. My knee is stronger than it was before the injury but mentally you're always a little wary about going too hard into tackles.

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I had my head cracked open when I was about 11, so I went to accident and emergency, my head was bleeding massively and we still waiting a good couple of hours, I'm not talking a little bit of blood, my head was pouring, it was awful.


Otherwise I've been to the hospital from time to time, once when my dad was rushed into hospital as he could barely stand up (his gald bladder had burst, gald stones etc), another when my grandma had a stroke. Etc etc.


But personally I've never had anything else wrong, so never really needed to go!

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I've only been twice, once when I was a little kid and I fell out of bed in my sleep and hit my head on the farm house of a minature farm I'd set up, which I don't remember all that well, and a second time when my fingers got accidentally slammed in a loft hatch when I was about 16. Neither was all that bad really, but the second time was quite funny as I being under 18 I was still taken to the children's ward and treated as such. :heh:

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When I was little I used to end up at A&E quite a lot - I'd fall off my bike, or cut my hand open on a barbed wire fence, or have a flattened drinks can thrown at my head, or twist my ankle, or fall down stairs. The usual.

The nurses started recognising me and on one visit pulled me aside to ask if everything was alright at home as I was visiting so frequently. "Yeah, it's not my parents beating me - I really am that dumb."

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