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If you're on a 64-bit operating system, you might be accidentally using 32-bit Java. Found out that was the case for my computer last night so I downloaded the correct version and god damn Minecraft hasn't run this smoothly since InfDev.


Just in case some are wondering, the only way to install 64 bit java is to use a 64 bit browser to download the installer, if you're in doubt, just use the 64 bit version of IE as its really obvious.

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The pre-release 1.8 was updated today so I decided to give it a try. Havent seen any of the bugs that people were complaining about so it looks like theyve done a good job fixing them over the past few days.


I havent had a proper chance to explore yet as I was setting up a house and getting some resources together. Need to make sure ive got a good supply of food before I head off with the new food bar. Also had my first encounter with an enderman, would have been scary but I was being chased by a creeper at the time and as we all know, creepers are the most evil monsters in gaming history!

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There's an amusing little bug regarding sprinting and jumping that gives birth to the minecraft version of the LHC.


Make a floor of trap doors that is 2 by width and however long you want it to go on for, any material you want for a wall to prevent you from falling off. Put ice blocks underneath the trap doors and then put up a roof (so the space you enter is 2 blocks high). Sprint and jump and watch how fast you run.


It's a terrible description so I'll just post a video of it..


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I found an odd bug where I have an item in my inventory and when I drop it I can pick it up again, but the instance on the ground doesn't disappear, so I can have infinite instances of it on the ground, but only one in my inventory, other stacks of the same item are not affected by it however. Its quite weird.


Anyways, I'm loving the new terrain. The world seems a lot more genuine now, however, over the months its grown to lack the charm it had when I first bought it. I'm not sure if that's due to the various updates, or just the fact that I've played it so much.

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The proper 1.8 update is apparently out now


It is indeed. Got the update this morning and then watched in horror as the framerate plummeted and stayed around the 5-7 fps region while playing it. Not impressed. Tried messing with the settings and didn't improve anything. May try and update my Java thing and see if that helps it but it looks like I won't be playing Minecraft again until I can get a new laptop or something, which is really annoying as I did manage to find an abandoned mine.

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Remember to up your allocated memory for Java too as that helps a lot. Java by default uses only 512mb unless told otherwise by the application, but it's the default for Minecraft too.


Control Panel


Java Tab

Java Runtime Environment Settings


And in the Runtime Parameters cell, add: "xmx1024m", ignoring the quotations. Change the number to whatever number of megabytes you want to allocate for it. I'm sticking with 1gb as it has eliminated most of my problems.

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Grumble grumble. Still havent found a village yet. If I hadnt done so much work already on my world I would start a new one but ive got myself a nice farm going along with some diamonds.


Installed a mini map mod earlier as well, im still suprised this isnt in the game properly.


Villages are not only rare, but useless at the moment. You're not missing out on anything.

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I'd be up for it, as I never participated in the previous servers. Whether it'd run well enough on this laptop without massive lag I don't know but who knows.


Started a new world with the shipwreck seed and it's great fun, even if there's a crap tonne of Creepers roaming around in the caves under the island (and with the new lighting, you have to use a hell of a lot more torches than you used to). Keeping hunger at full to replenish health has been an issue though, as there are no animals and only a handful of seeds have been found to make wheat/bread. Not sure if there are any other landmasses out there so may need to resort to killing Pig-men in the Nether for meat.

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