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ReZourceman Daily


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I remember when daily was a 5 min MAAAX bunch of nonsense. Verily suited my ADHD internet mind.


*Gets ready to film today's ReZDaily*


*Bearslength in mind*


*Comments on how this episode is snappier in episode*


*Checks time when playing back and is only marignally shorter*




Gotta edit it though, it'll definitely be shorter. Don't know how much shorter though, I talk about two items (of the same subject) that I am incredibly passionate about....food!


Oh heroic - yes it is me.




Todays episode turned out surprisingly good considering.



Ugh. I am a fucking massive retard. Tweaked my camera settings whilst playing with it and found loads of different settings. Like "Quality" which was on 2 stars, not 3 stars. Tweaked and have discovered I could have been filming everything I've filmed on this camera in way better quality. Ugh.



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Autoblogged Doublechewb
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Wha?... I wrote a comment for this... what happened there?


Anyways, basically said, first 3-4 minutes were funny, then I skipped through when I realised the whole video was then gonna be a review about an album I wasn't interested in... then the last minute was good.

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Yeah, I agree with the general sentiments.


First of all, they're getting too long. It was great when it was just a few minutes. Easily digested and much more enjoyable. Now they're even longer than Comedy Rainbow episodes!


Second of all, I'm not sure what you want to focus on. As a review ... it just wasn't very good at all. And if it's meant to be funny, I'm missing the style of earlier ReZ Daily episodes. You can still feel the essence, but it feels watered down, possibly because of the greater length.

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Yeah, the length I'm trying to work on in all honesty, but the last few ones I've done have been difficult;


- Review of a whole album, difficult to do in short (and it was a request from a friend, so I wanted to be thorough)

- Talking about passionate stuff and just getting carried away.

- Todays is the longest I've done....for obvious reasons! :p


I hear you guys though. I PROMISE to make all of this weeks episodes under 5 minutes. I prefer them that way too, I've just been getting carried away recently. :) Hope you all trust me and bear with me - as I will of course occasionally do longer ones, inevitably, but I hope you stick along for the ride. Ultimately I do these to impress you. :p



If you don't want to hear GL review skip to 8:41 for one my day story, and my cool Zelda story as told by me. :)



Hmmm how strange, its done it again, by adding a bit of nothing at the end. This means two things...I think. A) I need to double check the length of the water mark. And B) a button that I though you used (but was optional) that did the "the video ends here, render till here" is actually not that. :/

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People who pre-ordered from GAME aren't even getting the pre-order bonus until like next week or something, they're being sent out separately. So you don't even realise how lucky you are lol.


I liked this ep and watched the full 12 minutes :p (except for the epic spoilers). A few laughs and I was interested in the review, gg wp.

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Did anyone watch my last one? It hasn't had a huge amount of views. I think you'll like it, genuinely its one of my favourite stories and probably the one I most "give a shit" about people watching as it is one of my favourite memories/please comment.




Tomorrow's episode : under 6 minutes. :p


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I don't really like the donkey :p


I liked the vid though, probably because it reminded me of when I was on jobseeker's allowance. In every 2 weeks and I usually had 'looked in the newspaper' or similar to pad it out - obviously I was actively looking for stuff and had real applications but sometimes there wasn't much I could find to get to 6 things.

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haha where's that advert come from? lolz.


But... woah... woah... woah!... Backup there!


Claire's not a fan of two of the best sweets in existance?!... the Black and [Yellow, Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow... uh huh... you know what it is] Red Fruitgums?! That alone is worthy of a Monday special!


Also has someone in the house bought Zumba fitness or something, that's two videos Claire's been busting the boggling moves in! :p

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