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Even though weve seen her out before so we already know she has legs :p




She also has a rocking sex life from what we gather.


I watched three episodes of Chuck and just did not get it. For a comedy drama, it wasn't very funny or dramatic.


Yeah the first season is mostly just okay. Harmless fun. Season 2 and 3 were a lot better, particularly as they ramp up toward the finales (or the mid-season finale as well in season 3's case).


Hell you could probably skip season one if you really wanted to.


When you think about it they've done a surprising amount and really developed a lot of things in the space of three seasons.

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Casey has the best lines ever.


"I never joke about Quiche".




Started watching season 1 the other day. I streamed the first 6 episodes of season 1 when they first were shown in the US a few years back but never watched after that, although I kept up with what was going on. Still got a few S1 episodes to watch, and I just got S2 yesterday, so should keep me busy for a little while.

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I gave up on Chuck a few episodes into season 3. After everything that happened at the end of season 2 I found it quite disappointing how quickly they returned to normal in season 3. I actually would've been happier if they ended it with season 2's finale. Might pick it up again though, this thread has rekindled my interest.

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Series 3 has been very good so far. (UK pace) If anyone's watching the episodes on Virgin 1 like me, last Monday's episode was intense and brilliant! Could have easily been passed off as the season finale. Very pleased it's been renewed for a 4th season as it's one of my favourite shows.


Theme tune is taken from the song Short Skirt Long Jacket by Cake

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If anyone's watching the episodes on Virgin 1 like me, last Monday's episode was intense and brilliant! Could have easily been passed off as the season finale.


Last weeks was originally written as the season finale before the extra episodes were ordered.


What did everyone whos seen season 3 think of Brandon Routh as Shaw? From what ive heard he wasnt particularly well liked by fans but I thought he did quite a good job.


The main thing I liked, at least before the big change at the end of the season was that Shaw always seemed to like and encourage Chuck. Even when he wanted to kill Sarah he didnt hold the governments betrayal against Chuck.


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Seriously into this again now, looks like I stopped watching just before it got amazingly good again. I love the music they use in Chuck, the soundtrack has helped me discover a lot of good bands. They should win an award for the music because it's always so well-suited and really helps build up the climactic endings - especially in season 3 episode 13

when Chuck kills Shaw to save Sarah

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In fairness Alexandra Patsavas is the television soundtrack (or 'music supervisor') God. She does/did Chuck, Gossip Girl, The OC, Flashfoward, Grey's Anatomy, Mad Men, Numb3rs, Supernatural, Rescue Me, Carnivale and more.


Speaking of NBC released a random 'Chuck's playlist for Sarah' gimmicky thing on iTunes. If anyone wants it I made it into a Spotify playlist (all song except 'I Should Have Taken Acid With You' which was on Spotify but seems to have vanished): spotify:user:ashleytwo:playlist:7DgtLpg0MBtcHWd5jtHbea The playlist itself can be viewed, along with pics and "personal notes from Chuck" here: http://www.nbc.com/chuck/exclusives/chucks-playlist-for-sarah/#chucksplaylist

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This show is beyond awesome in so many ways. I stopped watching after about 5 episodes into it's first season (so about 3 years ago) and have just finished watching S1 and S2 back to back. I just love everything about it, the cast, the music and the story lines. It's quite rare that a show actually improves in it's second year but in Chuck's case it's very much true. I also love all the pop culture references and generally nerdness in it. I've pre-ordered S3, but it isn't out for another month yet :(

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