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The Amazing Spider-Man


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OK, so I've started this thread largely for the 2012 Reboot, but feel free to pad it out with anything else Spider-Man related!


Some puzzling news about the reboot!...




Spidey's Going Back To School... But maybe not where you think.


Hold on to your butts, purists: The new Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield, may find his Ultimate Spider-Man-inspired Peter Parker walking hallways lined with stuffy administration offices instead of lockers.


HitFix lit the fires on this rumor, hearing through the grapevine that, due to Garfield's age (he's 27), James Vanderbilt's script may change Peter from a high school kid to a college student.




"Originally," HitFix says, "[the script] for this film had Peter Parker as a high school student, and the assumption was that Sony would cast young so that they could do several films over the course of high school and college, a la the Brian Bendis take in Ultimate Spider-Man."


"What the site is hearing now though is that Parker starts the series as a college student, and that makes more sense with this casting."


But what our article presupposes is: Does it make more sense? Garfield's putting on the tights at the ripe old age of 27. Back in 2002, when Spider-Man was released, Maguire was... 27.


You see, Hollywood - the actors, well, they're both the same age - What we mean is you can, you know, do the story the way it was originally, you don't have to - *Head explodes*.


You won this round, Hollywood. For now.



Casting Andrew Garfield and taking this decision makes this reboot seem almost entirely pointless! (apart from the fact they lost Raimi et al.)

It's just lost the whole story draw they publicised and wanted and they'll essentially just be doing exactly the same story again!

Surely it would make sense now to just do it as a second chapter instead?!

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Andrew Garfield is a good little actor. He acted a long side one of my best mates in 2006 in the play "Beautiful thing". My mate is Gavin Brocker. We only spoke the other day about how big Andrew has made it now. And Gav said to me, yeah at least I get to say I've kissed spiderman. (see beautiful thing storyline to understand). :)


But anyway good luck to him.


Personally I don't want a reboot. I'm hating this new fad of remakes and reboots. Gah leave them be. Spiderman is pretty new in terms of films anyway. It doesn't really need a reboot IMO.

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Oh yeah I'm not doubting him in the role... it's just now they're not doing the whole point of Sony's wanted reboot.


Would be good if they did just carry the story on, no origins story, no chance of already used bad guys... and they could up to a big Sinister Six story or something!

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Andrew Garfield's casting what turned this reboot around for me. He's an awesome actor, one of my favourite ones about. Boy A is terrific. Yup.


It could be different. Could very well be to Spider-man 4 what Batman Begins is to Batman & Robin... what Casino Royale is to Die Another Day.

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Edward Norton as Banner is fine, IMO. Banner is fairly nothing as a character (in general).


Jessica Alba as Invisible Woman and Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man are the worst. He sucks the entertainment out of the films, which are otherwise mostly enjoyable. And basically isn't Peter Parker at all.

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The whole Spider-Man cast were pretty terrible... Kirsten Dunst and her whining Mary Jane.


I didn't much like the idea of Spider-Man going back to school in the reboot, so I'm kinda glad in a way if they do change it, but I'm gonna be really bored if it's almost the same old retelling again. But if it is going to start off in much the same way however (Peter at college) is it even possible for them to do much different?

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Haven't heard much from this new Peter Parker but based on looks, I could easily see him as Peter Parker. It does seem odd though that they are making an entirely new series of Spider Man movies so soon. I would have thought that they would have gone for a brand new series that hasn't been "Hollywood-ised"


As a sidenote, I actually quite liked the 1st Peter Parker and Mary Jane from the earlier movies, I hope it's not just me :p

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Haven't heard much from this new Peter Parker but based on looks, I could easily see him as Peter Parker. It does seem odd though that they are making an entirely new series of Spider Man movies so soon. I would have thought that they would have gone for a brand new series that hasn't been "Hollywood-ised"


As a sidenote, I actually quite liked the 1st Peter Parker and Mary Jane from the earlier movies, I hope it's not just me :p

I liked them too, and I also liked, actually loved Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman :p

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I liked them too, and I also liked, actually loved Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman :p

Well, unlike most people in here it seems, I really loved the 3 Spider-Man films, especially the third. But I can be very uncritical of films as you've no doubt noticed. :heh:


Anyway, I believe the filmmakers are smart enough to avoid entering the territory of the first 3 films. We'll see a new series of Spidey films, but they'll still be some sort of continuation of the previous, just with a potentially (hopefully?) new angle.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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I love the first two Spider-Man movies and can sit and watch the third but its definately dodgy.


I'll just wait and see how this reboot unfolds. If theyve moved it to college from high school im hoping it will still actually focus on his college life and not just make it a few scenes like the other movies. At least that way it will feel like less of a rehash.

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I think they are gonna start again tbh. I don't think there will be any reference to the other films, which is a bit of a shame as they'll have wasted a lot.


But I don't think they'll do the backstory again, just a voice over saying "I'm Peter Parker, bitten by a spider... yadda, yadda... but you know all that" or something, with hopefully the backstory taking place during the titles.


And now that it looks like they'll have to do college all over again, will they make the difference by finally doing Lizard?... more dodgy motion capture CGI?


Either way I think they're gonna draw massively from the successful comic movies of late... and seeing as Nolans approach is a bit dark to apply to Spider-Man, I think they might take a leaf from Iron Man and go the more comedic route, which makes sense for Spidey.


And build towards a Sinister Six finale to what's probably a planned trilogy (*trilogy yawn*)!

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Man they should just make a Spiderman Animated film...I'm currently watching the animated series and it's fab :D


I just love every episode and how he'll just be like 'Huh? My spidey senses are tingling!!' *explosion* awesome show and great voice actors.

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It was nothing compared to any of the DC ones, and was neutered to the point of ridiculous as to what it could show. No guns, no actual violence, nothing dark or scary. The colours are horrid too. It also has the worst sound/image editing ever.


That, and I hated Mary Jane's default outfit.

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