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'Available exclusively on Blu-Ray September 13 - THOR'


Oh my. Is this the end of DVD? I'm so unprepared.


I really want them to address the point that Cap and Human Torch are weird clones of each other at some point.


It's fine cause they look slightly different to each other (6 years later, bigger build) and totally different characters. Plus, as jokes as the FF films are, I'd rather they just make a new, definitive one under the Marvel Studios banner. With a real Sue Storm, just based on the first/first 2/3/the second and third (since I'm over Mole Man when Doom and Annihilus are more pressing) arcs of Ultimate Fantastic Four. Done.

Edited by Paj!
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^ yeah bound to be.


The second scene is apparently a scene with him on the way to the site of Thor's hammer (after he leaves Tony's)... so they're nothing big, but all just little things which help set things up further/build for The Avengers. Think they'll be similar stuff with Captain America BluRay too.


Is 1 year definately long enough for them to get all the post production done?... I mean I assume it is, but there must be SO much!! Filming hasn't even finished and they've got The Hulk to fully implement... plus everything else!!


BTW... how stunning did the aircraft scene look at the end of Captain America... I presume it's all CGI, but you honestly couldn't tell. Incredible!

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Yeah it all looked incredible.


And I think it'll be enough time. They did Iron Man II and Thor....and Cap pretty quickly. Its just all of them together now haha.


What are peoples hopes for the other sequels?


Antman - Enemy : Ultron I. After credits scene reveals prototype Ultron II or something (much harder, more than Antman to handle urgo)

Iron Man 2 - Enemy : Mandarin.

Thor 2 - Enemy : Ulik.

Captain America 2 - Winter Soldier/Baron Zemo.

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Did they say the plan with Iron Man 3 was to have him in much more real world style situations? (After some people (wrong people) thought IM2 was too much action and more of a follow on than a true seperate story).


Is there any way for Peggy Carter to appear in future Cap films?... or is it simply out the question (have the comics ever had her find a way into the future)?


I love Hayley Atwell!

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Is there any way for Peggy Carter to appear in future Cap films?... or is it simply out the question (have the comics ever had her find a way into the future)


Not out of the question at all but I don't think it will be Hayley...Atwell (?) unless she is in an old suit.


Peggy Carter in the comics;


She just died in the most recent issue of Captain America.



Captain America shags/is in love/dating Sharon Carter, her niece/a badass.



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I'm so dubious about Ant-man as a film concept. I just don't understand why they'd choose that over all the others. He's one of the Avengers who really wouldn't need a film and could just be introduced in an Avengers sequel.

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They should just have the same actress who played Peggy play Sharon (if she was to appear in say... Capt 2) coz she had rather large 'lumps'! ;) As long as they make it clear it is a different character etc.


I'm not sure what my favourite film has been so far... At this very moment i'm thinking Capt but that may be coz i'm still all hyper and giddy from watching it on sunday... When Thor comes out on Blu and i re-watch it that may help my decison making!

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BTW... how stunning did the aircraft scene look at the end of Captain America... I presume it's all CGI, but you honestly couldn't tell. Incredible!


An Empire interview with Chris Evans stated that Marvel built a version of the V-wing bomber/aircraft at the end of Captain America for filming. I thought it had all been done with CGI but having read that makes it much more impressive

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An Empire interview with Chris Evans stated that Marvel built a version of the V-wing bomber/aircraft at the end of Captain America for filming. I thought it had all been done with CGI but having read that makes it much more impressive
Wow that's incredible!


It did honestly look like a 'real' plane 'flying' along at the end so I did wonder, but thought no way! The shots of it in the sky, against the clouds/sun were gorgeous!

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I'm so dubious about Ant-man as a film concept. I just don't understand why they'd choose that over all the others. He's one of the Avengers who really wouldn't need a film and could just be introduced in an Avengers sequel.


I like it. A lot. Its going to have a comedy slant which I think is fine, and just "Why not" kind of attitude really.

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I wouldn't have thought that she will be in Avengers, they are going to have enough awsome stuff going on as it is!


Leaving her for Captain America 2 where the story focus is back on him makes sense for her to appear then.


EDIT: Well on that actress wiki it says she was in Capt America as a SHIELD agent, but doesn't give the character a name.

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I watched the end of Cap, where he runs out onto the streets of New York and the camera pans around him showing Time Square, and I really wanted to catch a glimpse of Spidey swinging past. That would have been AMAZING. If he just swung and landed on the roof of a building, watching what was happening.

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I watched the end of Cap, where he runs out onto the streets of New York and the camera pans around him showing Time Square, and I really wanted to catch a glimpse of Spidey swinging past. That would have been AMAZING. If he just swung and landed on the roof of a building, watching what was happening.


I hadn't even thought of that but now that you mention it, that would have been awesome!!!!


Even if it was at a distance so you couldn't really make out the costume but fans would KNOW who he was.

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Yeah that would have been great!

Spidey looking on, from a far all (90's cartoon voice...) "Gees, who's this guy?!... Take it easy buddy!"


Though Shield would have been right on to Spidey by now!


I think Andrew Garfield would have made a pretty great addition alongside the other Avengers cast... he seems like he'd fit in.

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