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It was actually Guy + Flag + Running around in circles instead of scoring = loss.

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It was actually Guy + Flag + Running around in circles instead of scoring = loss.
I'm still trying to understand why the fuck he was doing that when I was in a mood and wanted to win.

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Hey all. I've never played Halo before (well, around a friends house for 5 minutes) and have always wanted to get into it (never had an Xbox) but I now have a 360, and have just recieved my Halo Triple Pack from Play.com

[Halo:Combat Evolved + Halo 2 + Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack = £17.99....incredible bargain :shock: ]

I'll be starting Halo for the first time after I've posted this (ooh soo exciting :yay: )


I'll be playing through CE first, then go onto Halo 2 + playing on Live.


I've got Live but I have a problem. It doesn't let me play with friends because of a router problem, the 'NAT' is 'strict.'

I told my dad about it and we can't get a new router because its configured for his or something and uses connection from workplace in london blah blah so and so. But he said he is going to get a new internet connection for me. Dunno when though.

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Hey all. I've never played Halo before (well, around a friends house for 5 minutes) and have always wanted to get into it (never had an Xbox) but I now have a 360, and have just recieved my Halo Triple Pack from Play.com

[Halo:Combat Evolved + Halo 2 + Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack = £17.99....incredible bargain :shock: ]

I'll be starting Halo for the first time after I've posted this (ooh soo exciting :yay: )


I'll be playing through CE first, then go onto Halo 2 + playing on Live.


I've got Live but I have a problem. It doesn't let me play with friends because of a router problem, the 'NAT' is 'strict.'

I told my dad about it and we can't get a new router because its configured for his or something and uses connection from workplace in london blah blah so and so. But he said he is going to get a new internet connection for me. Dunno when though.


CE is incredibly boring on single-player :P

Just come straight onto Live with us, you can't be as bad as Jor......

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Just come straight onto Live with us,

Didn't you read? It isn't possible for me to play with friends on Live yet. And although I've just started I think Combat Evolved is pretty special so far!

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CE is incredibly boring on single-player :P

Just come straight onto Live with us, you can't be as bad as Jor......


They mock me and yet i get comparable score counts... just because we aren't all robots Moria ;)


EDIT: Also Halo 1 has a fantastic single player, bar the shitty flood bits.

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I didn't mind the flood bits. Just get a shotgun.


As for Halo 2 on live, its great. As for the router...hmm..try ICS.

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Halo:CE's (Collector's Edition, that is) single-player was fucking brilliant, you mental!

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It's brilliant on co-op, especially the final level with the warthog bit. I'd get bored on my own though.

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Didn't you read?


Nope, sorry. I just saw that you were about to play through CE. :heh: What does it say when you try and play with a friend?


They mock me and yet i get comparable score counts... just because we aren't all robots Moria ;)


EDIT: Also Halo 1 has a fantastic single player, bar the shitty flood bits.


But you didn't used to get good score counts, so you're stuck forever as the noob of the group, mwhahaha. :heh:

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Colin's right, co-op CE really is a whole lot of fun.

I admit I was well addicted to it on my own though...

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Nope, sorry. I just saw that you were about to play through CE. :heh: What does it say when you try and play with a friend?

Basically, on PD0 Live for instance, Coointhezoo invites me to join his game -> I accept and join -> won't let us be in the same game together, just my username appears in a room on its own. Same thing happens if I try and invite him, or join his game etc.


On my Network settings the NAT is 'strict' though. I hope it isn't too long till my Dad gets the new internet connection...

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Basically, on PD0 Live for instance, Coointhezoo invites me to join his game -> I accept and join -> won't let us be in the same game together, just my username appears in a room on its own. Same thing happens if I try and invite him, or join his game etc.


On my Network settings the NAT is 'strict' though. I hope it isn't too long till my Dad gets the new internet connection...


Some routers are set up to put everything in its firewall, for some reason the router will pick up certain 360's as being 'bad' and block them. So you have to set your 360 to be not protected. Get the 360's IP and put it into the routers un protected things and it should work.


Before you do that, you might want to change your router from 'strict' to a lower setting, like moderate. If this doesnt work, do what I said above and if that doesn't work take a leaf out of the guy from gamefaqs. This is nothing to do with your net connection btw.

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Some routers are set up to put everything in its firewall, for some reason the router will pick up certain 360's as being 'bad' and block them. So you have to set your 360 to be not protected. Get the 360's IP and put it into the routers un protected things and it should work.


Before you do that, you might want to change your router from 'strict' to a lower setting, like moderate. If this doesnt work, do what I said above and if that doesn't work take a leaf out of the guy from gamefaqs. This is nothing to do with your net connection btw.

I kinda know what you're saying, but you see I can't change the settings on my router apparently, as my dad is connected up to the internet from his workplace in london, and thats what I use it from etc. and therefore can't be used etc. Its confusing to explain.

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Have you been using the original bulky one for all this time?


Yeah, I first played the Xbox with the original one and got used to it. The 's' doesn't fit my hands properly, I can't press the buttons properly, they're too close together, the other one was good because I've got a double-jointed thumb so I could reach all the buttons properly.

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