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X-Men: First Class Cast Evolves with Edi Gathegi as Darwin


So we've gone from X-Men: First Class casting news concerning the actual first class of X-Men (James McAvoy as Professor X, Nicholas Hoult as Beast) to rumors regarding characters that debuted much later on in X-Men continuity (Alice Eve as Emma Frost, Amber Heard as Mystique) to now, where former Twilight stars are being cast as mutants even hardcore Marvel fanboys barely even know of -- specifically, Edi Gathegi as Darwin.




According to a report over at Deadline, Gathegi -- who played dreamy Laurent in Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon -- has officially signed on to play Darwin, a character who first appeared in Marvel's X-Men: Deadly Genesis #2 (2006) and has what's best described as "environmentally adaptive" mutant powers. In other words, if he's under water, he'll grow gills, if it's dark, he'll get night vision -- you get the idea.




Very interesting, wonder if this means we'll actually get the backstory that was created in Deadly Genesis in this movie.

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Even though I loved the first 3 X-men films when they came out, with hindsight they are pretty shite, to be honest.


Coincidentally, I was looking at the cover of one of the DVD'S yesterday and I thought that they picked horrible actors for Jean Grey, Cyclops and Rogue. I'm not judging them based on their acting talents, but they just don't look, to me, like they should. Maybe I'm just nitpicking.


Don't get me started on that Wolverine movie ¬_¬

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Even though I loved the first 3 X-men films when they came out, with hindsight they are pretty shite, to be honest.


Coincidentally, I was looking at the cover of one of the DVD'S yesterday and I thought that they picked horrible actors for Jean Grey, Cyclops and Rogue. I'm not judging them based on their acting talents, but they just don't look, to me, like they should. Maybe I'm just nitpicking.


Don't get me started on that Wolverine movie ¬_¬

Yeah I never really thought the X-Men films were particularly good tbh!

I watched the firsta again the other week and it's probably my favourite, but even them I think it's a bit lame.


I just don't really like/care about any of the characters... maybe that's down to the actors, the scrpit, I'm not sure, but I don;t really find any of them all that likeable... other than Cyclops, but then so little time is spent on him anyway!


Also I don't think I really like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, and considering he's given so much screen time/is the main character... doesn't help!

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That's why it just feels like X3 is a big bundle of wasted potential. It was THE movie to have the team fight as one finally, but no, Cyclops is dead (hate hate hate), and the people they're fighting are so generic it actually ruins the film for me. All those random jumping mutants? Um..no.


Too many plotlines going on etc. ARGH.


All this talk of X-men 2 only reminds me that Brian Singer dropped out of X-Men 3 to make Superman Returns.


No one won because of that...


I don't get all the SR hate/I do, but I think it's unwarranted. Stylistically, it's wonderful. It's such a finished whole, with all the elements working well together. It's a very nice change from the "standard" Superhero movie of this decade, being all fast-paced and explosion-driven.

But X3 is just quite clearly a badly put together film. It's all awkward and things just don't sit right at all. To compare it to Superman Returns is ridiculous (IMO).

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I think Superman Returns was just too dull. Apart from having the best scene in any Superman movie (the place rescue) the movie just felt pointless and lacked any emotion as well. I think directors need to stop trying to make Superman movies so realistic, the guy is an alien for gods sake! Just embrace it.

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Superman Returns is not that much of a change seeing as it desperately tries to be the first Superman, going as far as copying dialogue from it.


It was just really boring and had way too many stupid things going on in it.

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I think Cyclops and Jean was the best casting, personally. And Rogue was good for her characterisation in the movie.


Jean was the only character I was compelled by.


I can see why you thought Jean and Cyclops were good choices, but there was just something missing I think.


As for Rogue, I think that it was more her character. It would have been epic if she was anything like in the 90's cartoon.




Just so over the top, crazy, and southern. Loved her :D Plus, why couldn't she fly or have extra strength :(

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Because it would have been silly taking time to explain the strength and flight. They tried to ground it in some sort of realism. Storm and Magneto could barely fly, it was more levitating. Even in X3, Storm, with a lot more control over her "flight" only uses it for short distances and in combat situations. (I do agree that the comic/cartoon Rogue was a more compelling character, but they needed the "new recruit" character to be someone sympathetic/to be indentifiable with.)


Rogue's powers were stolen from the Avenger, Ms. Marvel.


In the comics, she's now lost those stolen powers, and FINALLY gained control of her "curse". She can touch people now without her power automatically coming into play. In combat she now borrows her teammates powers, a little bit each (she can control how much she takes/it hurts them too now) and combines them all together.

She's also in charge of all the younger mutants who don't fully comprehend their own power; she can take it and learn to use it along with them.


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New 'X-Men' changes due to 'Inception'


X-Men: First Class director Matthew Vaughn has revealed that he had to change the superhero movie's script due to Inception.


Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, Vaughn said that a sequence of "dream-space combat" had to be removed from the film because it too closely resembled action scenes from Christopher Nolan's just-released sci-fi thriller.


He explained: "I saw Inception, which I loved. But my heart sank when I saw that a few of the ideas we had were up [on the screen]. So it's either leave it in and look as if you're copying or change things. We completely ripped out about 12 pages of the script and the storyboards."


In a separate interview with IGN, Vaughn noted that producer Bryan Singer's original story idea for the movie puts the Marvel Comics mutants in a historical context.


"The story that Bryan Singer came up with is very, very smart," he said. "It's very clever when you see how he has integrated the characters into the time period where the film is set. I'll put it that way. I just don't want to give it away... It's a very clever way of getting these characters involved in recent history, in recent world events."


X-Men: First Class begins production later this year with James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Bacon, Nicholas Hoult, Alice Eve and Jennifer Lawrence among its cast.



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Man, that Rogue on the cover of the comic looks just amazing.

Thanks for explaining that Paj. I think I remember in one of the cartoons where Rogue tries to give up her powers and it explains how she got her flight and strength.


Still though I'd much prefer that Rogue then the overly petty and depressing Rogue in the movies, who eventually gives up her powers! grr!

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Yeah, I thought that was actually fine.


Everytime she's run off in the comics and tried to live her life, Storms always legtimately made the points that Rogue is good and it's rude not to help whilst having Ms. Marvel's powers. So fair's fair. But the movie one had nothing to gain by staying a mutant.

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