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Just pure awesome. Almost like an entire season's worth of special effect budget went into the first half of the ep. I'd almost comment that the second half felt a little flat in comparison, but ...










Just awesome. So hyped about Season 3. I just hope that they don't tone down

the Governor stuff for TV.



I almost thought they really were going to off Andrea, I was on the cusp of a RAGE and then Michonne shows up. Stunning. I let out some sort of audible joyous noise as she appeared. I really LOVE that they've kept the feeling of 'nobody is safe' from the comic books. The danger is so much more real when you know that anyone really COULD be killed off at anytime. Unlike any other TV show. Beautiful. Fucking love. I'm so glad I read the comic books now as it feels like the show is written with the fans in mind with the way they mind fuck you with plot points (I was CERTAIN Carl was going to show up and shoot non-zombie Shane in the last ep). I wonder what folks who haven't read the comic book made of the Michonne/Prison reveal. Bet they wouldn't have had as much of an impact.


Such a fantastic series.



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I also loved how...


Hershel has survived!


Yes! Me too! Like Andrea, I really wasn't completely sure that he was going to survive. It really did seem like they were going to let him go down protecting his farm. VERY glad he's made it.



I just dont know how well shes going to work. Even her entrance in this episode felt too comic booky compared to the tone of this series.



Im hoping Lori will die in season 3. Shes just so annoying.


I agree with both those things actually. It did seem very comic booky in comparison but I'm sure that's just so they could fanservice with the identical cover shot. They'll find a way to make her fit in. I reckon her 'friends' will be gone long before her and Andrea get to the prison.


As for Lori, yeah. Just die. Bored of you now.


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Ok I just finished Ep 7 of season 2


OMG... heartbreaker :cry:




I was fully enjoying that walker shoot out when Shane went nuts and opened the barn.


Then when Sofia walked out. god damn it was putting me to tears. I was hoping they'd find her alive... though I was starting to think that it would be highly unlikely given the amount of time shes been missing.


Plus I guess I was hoping for some kind of flashback episode that was all about her and what happened to her after she got lost.


I also was hoping Darrel would be the one to find her as he's become my fav character and he seemed to hold on to the belief she was alive the most.


But most of all I wanted her to be found alive so that Shane would be wrong and Rick would be vindicated. I'm really hating Shane and hoping he gets a bullet in the head soon.... K, I admit I took a peek at what happens to him in the comics and know he's dead in those so prolly only a matter of damn. But damn I will enjoy if and when that happens (don't spoil it on me)



Onward to ep 8 now

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My god, what an amazing finale!


Everything was awesome, definitely the most tense episode so far, and it truely brings across the message that no one is safe. I have no idea who Michonne is either, as I've never read the comics (I think I really need to start now), but her appearance did seem a bit out of place, although it was still cool. I'm sure they can make it work. Really can't wait for season 3!


EDIT: Oh, and I agree, Lori needs to die. She is getting annoying. I'm not so bitter against Karl now, he redeemed himself by helping Rick.


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I really enjoyed the finale and especially the character development with Rick and Hershall. I wasn't surprised to see that nobody left the group at the end to try and go by themselves so it'll be interesting to see the group dynamics in season 3. Will Lori and Karl talk to Rick (hopefully not and they'll instead get eaten in the first episode!)? How will Hershall take to no longer being a leader?


I thought that Carol was going to die, especially as she doesn't really server a purpose anymore, but I liked seeing how Daryl turned around to save her.


No idea what that was about at the end with the hooded person saving Andrea was about although from what I've read she is a character from the comics.



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Great finale. I really hate seeing characters going up against Rick... probably because anyone could die and although unlikely, it could stretch to Rick. So I hate Carol for trying to make Darryl challenge Rick. I hope Darryl keeps ignoring her as I really like his character and I'd hate to see him manipulated so easily.


Really glad Hershall survived too and I hope Andrea/Michonne aren't seperated from the group for too long. I'd be happy for them to stay at the prison for a couple of seasons now. There's so much story that takes place there. They have their base characters now. The most well known/used characters survived so now that they have a smaller cast to work with, they should be able to follow each character better.


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Lori was giving the impression that she wanted Rick to kill Shane at the end of I think episode 7 or 8, saying he was dangerous. So why did she have a strop when he told her what he'd done? I really hate Lori in the TV series and

was gutted when she died in the comic, but the sooner she dies in the TV series, the better



I agree with what was said above - they should stay in the prison until at least series 5. Am a bit worried that they're bringing the Governor in series 3. I'd wait till series 4 at the earliest as they'd have to clear out the prison and deal with any crazy inmates first, build a life for themselves and then maybe run across Woodbury at the series 3 finale


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Yeah Lori is an idiot in this. Rick tells her that Shane tried to kill him and he gave Shane a chance but had to kill him to stop him... and Lori throws a strop


I hope they deal with the prison well. It's where Rick really took charge and showed his leadership skills, helping the group maintain the prison and defend it etc.


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Lori was giving the impression that she wanted Rick to kill Shane at the end of I think episode 7 or 8, saying he was dangerous. So why did she have a strop when he told her what he'd done?


I think we can put that down to her being a wummin'. ;)

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Just finished Ep11


[spoiler=well damn :cry:]

I liked Dale, thought he was like the voice of reason in the group. The one who would keep everyone grounded and remind them they were still people whatever the condition of the world.


Stupid kid, why couldn't he have just man up and shot the walker in the swamp :mad:


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Just seen Ep12


Finally that psycho bastard Shane got taken down. Bloody awesome standoff. I was kinda expecting Glen and/or Darrel to jump in and save the day though. Was hoping for an arrow through Shanes skull.


Seeing him become a zombie (without a bite :wow:) and Carl shooting him in the head... damn that was a good shot, haha.



Now onward to the final ep




And that is the finale over with




Wow,. just wow. The whole opening sequence at the farm with the horde was amazing. Edge of the seat stuff. I thought Hershall was gonna go down like a captain on a ship (minus the Concordia....*too early?*). No idea where Rick came from to save him, I thought he was gonna try and leg it with Carl through the woods.


Andrea, damn I also thought she was a goner more than once. When she got out of the car to save Carol I was like "oh damnit why are they gonna kill her?


Then when she is running through the woods it was like "why are they dragging this out, how the hell is she gonna survive this?"


Then *SLASH" Katanta and freaky ninja woman (Azumi?) with armless Zombies on a leash???? Ok at that point I thought that was just too odd and didn't fit, despite how awesome it was. But from just reading the tags on this page I can see she is somebody well known in the comics so I guess it should work out well eventually.


I also thought Lori was a bit of a bitch to react how she did to Rick about what he did to Shane. And can fully understand why people want to now see her dead. Up till that point I liked her. I mean seriously what was Rick meant to do? Shane was obviously intent on killing Rick... would she have prefered if Shane killed Rick or something?


If anything she should be damned thankful that Rick did what he did and that he is alive.


She knew Shane killed Otis, she knew Shane was unstable... what is the frakking problem?


Also didn't quite get the reveal of the prison from again from reading above tags I can see it seems to be a big location in the comics so wohoo I guess.


Also kinda not liking how Carol seems to be trying to manipulate Daryl, just cause Rick kept the secret bout them being already infected? So what?

All that means is that you could turn into a zombie even if you die in a non-zombie-bite way. It doesn't (so far anyway) mean you are likely gonna die or get sick from it. It doesn't appear to be speeding up the dying process or effecting how people can heal... as is evident how Carl and Daryl survived their gunshots/arrow wounds.


What does she want to do? Run off on her own? Does anyone else have any kind of plan? No. Rick has a plan...kinda...and he's the only one who seems to know what to try to do.... even though at the end there he actually made me think a little "damn, so he killed Shane and now he's sounding like him?"




Also I've never read the comic books.... thinking I kinda what to now though... how many issues are there and where am I likely to find them? I've never seen them in any book stores near me (or maybe cause I never looked for them too I guess)

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Loved it. I agree with the Lori hate. Few episodes ago it was all, hey Rick, you need to take care of Shane, he is mega danger!!11!11!!!


Then Rick is all like, yo bitch I just killed my best friend for you just like you asked and then she is all like :weep: I no talky to you no more.




But yeah loves it. That chick at the end was awesome. Two zombs on leads with their arms off. Fuck yeah. From you guys in the know it sounds like she is a good character. Looking forward to it.





Also I've never read the comic books.... thinking I kinda what to now though... how many issues are there and where am I likely to find them? I've never seen them in any book stores near me (or maybe cause I never looked for them too I guess)


Want to start reading them myself. I've only ever read Volumes 1 and 2.


Looking at it, you can buy the comics in various formats now.





Single Comics


You can get most from Amazon/play for cheap or walk into Forbidden Planet and play the moolahs. Waterstones probably sell them too.


Think I may collect the book versions. What do others recommend?

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