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Yeah a few of us have been having this problem posting Gametrailer videos, they seem to not show for people using Internet Explorer, if that's what you're using?


yup using Internet Explorer.

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Posted (edited)

Good reviews?


But every single sign pointed to this being a horrendous and cheap cash-in...


I'm utterly baffled.


Edit: Screw it. I'll take the risk



Edited by Cube
Posted (edited)

been playing 4 player all evening, so much fun


while its not as good as the original goldeneye its still an excellent shooter and it brought back memories of the good old days of n64 split screen gaming with friends.

Edited by yesteryeargames
Good reviews?


But every single sign pointed to this being a horrendous and cheap cash-in...


I'm utterly baffled.


Edit: Screw it. I'll take the risk




tell me about it. The graphics didn't look great at all and it seems to have a poor framerate but hey if the gameplay is good...

Posted (edited)

I've always thought it looked pretty good from E3 and the Dam level walkthrough, so I'm really pleased it's delivered!

This looks pretty good, not sure if I'll get it though I've just not been able to get into games recently (especially on Wii which I've not even got Galaxy 2 for yet or defeated the second boss on NMH2 despite both adoring and completing the originals) and I just don't have any friends that live nearby to come round and play it with :(


Edit: oh yeah I've got a crappy name that messes the page up haven't I. Can you get name changes?

Yeah you can get a name change, best to send a message to Ashley I think. Edited by Retro_Link

Got my copy yesterday. The single player campaign is fantastic and has the same 'wow' factor COD4 had back in 2007 IMO. It looks good, music and voice acting are top notch, the AI works well and the gameplay is just brilliant. Getting a streak of headshots with your silenced pistol or sniper rifle is very satisfying, as is being able to do parts of your mission in stealth mode. The only thing that annoys me really is that the tougher guards sound robotic like the one's in Wolfenstein when they speak. Wasn't too keen on the default controls during the training level, but halfway through the first level I adapted to them pretty well. Haven't messed around with the control settings yet, but I'm hoping someone somewhere will post details on how to make the controls match the one's on Modern Warafe Reflex. Also, I think this is the first time since Resident Evil 4 where I've gone back to replay the first few chapters before carrying one with the game, because they were that good. Goldeneye is back!


The online multiplayer is good, but hasn't blown me away yet. It's sitting there inbetween The Conduit and Modern Warfare Reflex at the moment, but to be fair I've only spent 90 minutes in this mode, and had no idea what I was doing in one of the Team Tactical matches for 20 minutes or so :indeed: Hopefully there will be a few multiplayer sessions to be had with some N-E members this weekend!


I got up early and went straight out and got this, so it's early impressions time:


I put this in, and it took me a while to get the controls just how I like them, I still need to tweak them a little I think. They really went all out on options for this, you can play it anyway you want - which is good. I have mine set up just like the COD:MWR setup, with shake the nunchuck for reload, I was happy to find that setup in there!


The single player is fantastic! I've already done the first three missions on the middle difficulty and they are simply brilliant. I was addicted to Goldeneye back in the day, and when you start the first mission you'll be smiling. It looks great (and I mean really great) and feels just like the classic we all know and love. There's plenty of stealth in there and just like with the Rare game you feel like you can attempt things the way you want to. The first three missions are truly superb, and I can't say I've enjoyed any FPS single player as much as this on the Wii. For all Goldeneye fans, it feels familiar but fresh at the same time - and walking around a facility shooting guards in the head with a silenced pistol still feels just as good.


I briefly tried the multiplayer - and it's also good. I played one match, and as N-E Wii FPS vets will know, I'm not too bad online :) I got straight into things and started killing and the host quit and my Wii froze. Hence I'm here writing this. The multiplayer is solid - looks good and there seemed to be no lag at all. You have three perks (oh sorry 'gadgets') which you unlock as you level up, you also unlock new guns as well. You level up by earning XP just like in COD, basically this is like COD-lite with Bond and it's fun. But it didn't seem to be up there with MWR, but I certainly found it to be better than The Conduit in multiplayer.


My only negative feelings come from the running and the reloading. The running just seems slightly odd, dunno why, it just does. When you reload the screen blurs which is annoying, don't know why they would choose this to happen as it gets really annoying for people who like to reload after every kill! Neither of these things are deal breakers though!


So in summation, from my first few hours - brilliant graphics, great updated story, good controls, familiar but fresh gameplay and a must for anyone that enjoyed the original.


All these positive impression from you guys are making me want o get it...but then I listened to you about the conduit too so you know... once bitten twice shy. Plus I really should be studying more instead of playing games and I know online would be an absolute time sink... unless you all move on to CoD when that gets released.


And with Sonic and Donkey Kong to come, I'm not sure I can really afford it...


Decisions, decisions...

Posted (edited)

^ The Conduit always looked a load of rubbish IMO, it was only the customability of it that was quite impressive at the time, but now all Wii shooters are doing it!


I don't think The Conduit and this should be mentioned together (well by that I mean I wouldn't let you being dissapointed by The Conduit effect your decision to buy this), this has pretty much always looked a winner, and review scores showed it and now we have some great feedback in this thread to further back it up.


I'm really looking forward to getting this (albeit not yet, as I need to focus on other things atm).

Edited by Retro_Link
this has pretty much always looked a winner


I'd have to massively disagree with you there. Until Wednesday I thought that it looked like a sure-fire failure.

Posted (edited)
I'd have to massively disagree with you there. Until Wednesday I thought that it looked like a sure-fire failure.


So there actually was no irony in your earlier comment? What made you think this was a cheap cash in?


I admit that the earlier youtube videos (especially the first ones that came from E3) had horrible quality, but from the later and better quality videos it should have been absolutely apparent, that this was a project with a huge amount of effort put into it. At least it should have been apparent to anyone following the released videos with open eyes and only a slight idea about video games, that this cash in wouldn't be cheap.


Just to relink them for this page, what part of those videos didn't scream "high production value"?



The voice acting is top notch, the motion capturing is top notch, the atmosphere created by the weather effects is top notch, the scripted sequences are excellently executed and the sound design is everything if not ambitious.


And it seems the game didn't turn out half bad either.

Edited by Burny
So there actually was no irony in your earlier comment? What made you think this was a cheap cash in?


It's probably more that I dismissed it based on early footage/information/howcrappyActivisionare/itsaremake and haven't really been paying attention.


So it's a bit of both - early on it did look doomed.


Anyway, I'm still in the mindset that this'll be terrible so I'll avoid the videos for now. I'll let the game show me it's moves when I get home.


Hmm, I have to say that the visuals just do not appeal to me...too grim, simplistic perhaps? I looked for some online multiplayer footage on youtube, and same thing: looked quite bland and simple. Then I came across some Wii CoD videos, and what a striking contrast! The latter seemed to have much more detail in regard to everything: the environments, HUD, weapons, etc. In other words, the CoD style appeals to me a whole lot more. Also the action and aiming seemed much more fluid...Since the multiplayer modes and customisation in Black Ops should also be much more extensive, my dilemma of which game to get has been pretty much solved. Black Ops it is...roll on Tuesday.


Wait, GameSpot gave this an 8.5? I take it the world fell in on itself or something.


Anyway, the reviews pretty much seal the deal for me, I'll get it at Christmas. Curiously, I'm looking forward to the single player campaign about ten times more than multiplayer.


Probably because I'll be so awful compared to everyone else come December.

^ The Conduit always looked a load of rubbish IMO, it was only the customability of it that was quite impressive at the time, but now all Wii shooters are doing it!


Well I wasn't interested in it myself really as not a big FPS fan (apart from the legendary Jedi Knight games and Rare's 64 outings). So when it was getting iffy reviews, I was even more skeptical but people where saying how good the multiplayer was. So i figured even if the single player was rubbish, I could join the guys here for some arena based fun - even reviews had said that the multiplayer wasn't bad.


But I just never really got into it. On the plus side, I found the single player more fun than I anticipated though that's hardly the best of praise.


And I wasn't interested in this but positive words from people that come here, who I actually respect the opinions of, having now played it are making me want it.


I'm such a sheep :p


Just played through the first few missions, I have been amazed with a couple of things so far:


1. How awesome the game looks/sounds/plays. :o

2. How unbelievably bad I am at it! :eek:


The presentation is incredible, so much attention to detail. But it's the audio aspect that is by far the most impressive. Really glad I got my surround system hooked-up again for this. It's easily the best use of Dolby Pro Logic II on Wii, absolutely mind blowing. The club level has the most amazing sound design going on, that occlusion effect (demonstrated in the vid Burny posted) is very impressive, as is the sound of bullets flying past and ricocheting around you across the rear speakers. Seriously exhilarating stuff.

I definitely recommend playing this in DPLII if you can.


So yeah, having a blast with it. The only problem at the moment is that I'm simply terrible at staying alive. :heh:

I'm just not good at the whole stealth thing, but when the shit hits the fan and it turns into a full-on firefight I seem to be just as bad, if not worse! :eek:

Hopefully its just a case of needing some more practice, I'm going to be a real easy target on multiplayer otherwise.

Mike, are you getting this game? :laughing:


Well, here's my second set of impressions:


For the single player, I'm enjoying this so much I've actually had to replay several missions as they are that good. The attention to detail is brilliant. You hide behind cover, chunks fly off the cover as your enemies fire at it. Guards slide into cover, duck, blind fire and do anything to flank you, providing a real challenge. The feeling of clearing a room or section without alerting anyone is fantastic. The graphics are great - especially on the snow level, wow, one of the best looking games out there. There's an incredible bit where there's two groups of enemy soldiers fighting each other and you have to move through the battle to reach your goal, killing both sets but not being detected, fantastic. The modern additions like the breach and clear mechanic and bried on rails sections and quick time events just add to a breath taking package.


For the multiplayer, it's fast and frantic, very old skool - especially with the level designs. It's great fun at the end seeing what you've been awarded. I'm having a blast and I've already got a 26 kill streak!It's not as indepth as COD:MWR nor are the maps as varied, stunning and life like, but it is a lot of fun and really feels old skool, but at the same time fresh. Although it is funny watching people using the CCP trying to take on a Wii Remote player, no contest there :)


Only had time to play the first level today because of work but so far it's fantastic!

I got the classic controller with it so i have been using that and the controls once you get used to them are really good. Staying undetected is really satisfying and if you get caught then the gun battles are really good fun.

The voice acting in this is brilliant, they have changed the characters and the way the story pans out in certain ways and i don't think they've butchered goldeneye at all, it all flows surprisingly well!


Definately going to play more of the single player tomorrow and will be playing multiplayer tomorrow evening.


Overall impressions so far: Surprisingly awesome, enjoying it more than any CoD game i've played, great controls, voice acting, story.


Glad to see the goldeneye name hasn't been butchered this time round, (rogue agent...urgh) and it actually lives up to the name of Rare's master piece in my opinion. Obviously it'll never be as good, but it's damn close.


Oh and a little bit of info which may help you if you had an issue i had. If you have a gamecube controller plugged into controller port 1 and your trying to play with a wiimote or classic controller you won't be able to get past the 'create a save to start the game screen.' That puzzled me for a few minutes.

Posted (edited)

Just found these instructions on the Gamespot forums, on how to get World at War/Modern Warfare Wii style controls on this game. Ideal if you want the best set-up without messing about for over 30 minutes in the options.


Go to the Wii's controller settings on the GoldenEye menu, and click Customize.


Go into cursor settings and do the following;


Set the deadzone to 15 above, 35 across.


Set the maximum turn to 100 (which is default)


Set the horizontal speed to 30


Set the verticle speed to 9


Set the cursor sensitivity to MAXIMUM.


Now go into the ADS options, and do the following;


Set the deadzone to 17 above, 17 across.


Set the maximum turn to 90 above, 90 across.


Set the horizontal speed to 20


Set the verticle speed to 10


Set the cursor sensitivity to MAXIMUM.


Now exit those options, and set the camera to; Wii Remote Turning, and turn 'Look' OFF.


Have the Auto re-centre and Turn while cursor off-screen settings ON.


Just had a quick go with this set-up and I think I've found my match :yay:


Thanks to 'TQ_NintyNoE' at the Gamespot forums.

Edited by welsh_gamer

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