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E3 wii speculation thread 2010 edition


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I'm not saying it's gonna be released next year but think 2 years down the line?


Do you think they're going to release an all new console or release an update of their same system..

You see the wii has new devices such as wii motion plus and new ones coming out such as the vitality sensor, so I really don't see them releasing a new system for a while.


You call the ds a dates system well it doesn't get anymore dates than last generations graphics and last generations video output.


I'm just suggesting this idea. it prob won't but people are quick to dismiss it.

There are a few problem against it like you mentioned.


But sales WOULD increase if they did this. They changed the colour of the console to black and sales inscreased for gods sake.


by the way I enjoy discussing this stuff :D


Is there something wrong with you? I think you've responded to the wrong post, that or you're insane. I never said any of this!




you think?


I think nintendo would easily sacrifice that part if it needed to. its not an important part anymore.

360 has dodgy backward compatibility and sony pretty much killed theres and that was the biggest selling console of LAST gen... not like the gamecube.


And I seriously doubt that they would sacrifice it for reasons that I explained earlier. Brawl and MK (and a handful of other things) - these are CURRENT generation games that use LAST gen controllers.


And on a sidenote, could you please read my posts in future, rather than just respond to something I never said.

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Now personally... being someone who doesn't HAVE a Wii anymore (seriously... you can touch me) I think that this needs to be a VERY big software year for Nintendo.


And not just 1st party. They need to get some major backing or they can look forward to another quiet 10 months where only the handful of 1st party games make ANY noise for the platform at all. Can't believe how much more I've been playing my other consoles at the moment and that's just because there is a wide selection of pretty good games available.

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As for te HD thing emasher people really do know what HD is, it is completely in the public consciousness now. But to be honest I thi ka wii HD (which I think nintendo kind of need) wouldn't be for the casuals like you say they have them already. What a Wii HD would do is tempt back those (hideous and fickle and superficial) PS3/360 only console owners who avoid the Wii due to myths, lies and plain bullshit. These are the people that buy the games most of here like to play and would like ton see more of on the Wii. Nintendo needs these gamers... Well aye not needs, but why notnget them toO?!!??


No, people know that HD means the picture is sharper. They don't know what it actually means, and most of them don't actually think its that much better.


The fact is, its just not worth it to spend so much money going after a relatively small number of consumers. And while HD with the Wii would be nice, the people who sold their Wiis didn't sell them because they didn't render games at 720p, they sold them because there weren't enough games coming out for the Wii that interested them. Sure there was the occasional AAA Nintendo game, and the rare decent 3rd party game, but for about 2 years, there wasn't enough coming out for the console that people were interested in when they compared it to the libraries offered by the other consoles.


While I didn't sell my Wii, I did buy a PS3, and I do now play it far more than I play my Wii. Not because I don't like the Wii anymore, not because the Wii only renders games at 480p, but because there were a large number of games I wanted to play on it that simply weren't available on the Wii. There's nothing comparable to Fallout 3 on the Wii. Nor is there anything comparable to the Battlefield games. There isn't really even a decent Sandbox game for the Wii.


Sure 720p looks better, and its nice to have it on the box. But at the end of the day, the consumer cares about the software. The generation probably has a few years left, we'll probably see at least one more wave of games from each studio, but Nintendo really doesn't have the time to get 3rd parties to put their best studios working on Wii projects anymore. The studios have already invested a lot of time and money in developing resources for the PS3, 360, and "Current Generation" PCs. They're not just suddenly going to abandon that and start making Wii games.


Sales of the Wii are still good. Nintendo can still make a significant amount of money of the console and they will. The current Wii is still selling. They don't need a high definition version of it. They don't really even need to change the internal components to cut the costs. They're selling the console for WAY more than it costs to produce one. They can just keep making annual $50 price cuts for the rest of the consoles lifetime, and it will sell fine.

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Oh I get you, people are aware but don't understand it. I agree with that, but then isn't that exactly how the fickle general work? Don't know what it is but know HD is the new big thing, and anything that IS HD will entice them?


As for the Wii HD, I guess we think differently here as I really do think that people don't take the Wii serious because it looks like shit, tat it has this stigma attached to it.. There are so many games on the Wii that if they were on the PS3/360 they would be taken more seriously.


Also, if the Wii was HD, it would (in theory) get all the games you mentioned, it would get all these 3rd party wonder games.

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A lot of people either don't care, or don't think it makes a big enough difference though.


I suppose we do think differently.


No it wouldn't. What people mean by the Wii HD is a console that can render games in 720p, but not have any more power than the current console aside from what is needed to render games at that higher resolution. These other games need a lot more power to run even in standard definition than the Wii currently has.


A console that was powerful enough to run these games would just simply be a new console altogether.

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Is there something wrong with you? I think you've responded to the wrong post, that or you're insane. I never said any of this!



hm yes that post didn't make much sense either did it? I meant to quote emasher but it was an honest mistake, no need to have a shit attack.


I'll summarise what I think may happen 2 years down the line

A smaller/slimmer version of the wii

with 5.1 and 1080p

without gamecube ports or compatibility


but anyway I'm just guessing, the most important thing now is the games.

Pikmin 3 is my big guess :)

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Why is it considered a bad thing if a HD console owner dislikes the Wii, maybe they don't like it because it doesn't cater to their needs, obviously. So why does that automatically mean that there is something wrong with the Wii?


-Personal Story


About a year ago, I accidently bricked my Wii and couldn't be bothered to get it repaired because I was satisfied with my PS3.

At first I didn't really care, but eventually I did actually start regretting I broke my Wii.


Not too long ago I started getting drawn in by the Mario Galaxy 2 hype, I watched a few videos and read people's comments on the game and ended up buying a second hand Wii for a good price. I didn't send it to Nintendo, because I have some imported games and knew Nintendo would remove the homebrew channel, thus restricting operation of imported games.


Now that I've got my Wii back, I'm enjoying it more than ever and as soon as I get some money I'm going to buy some games.




I know I can't speak for everyone, but maybe the people who sold their Wii awhile back, might enjoy it now.


Why are Wii owners automatically branded as people who only play casual games and someone who owns a PS3 or Xbox classified as someone who only plays deep/serious/competitive/online games?

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Also, if the Wii was HD, it would (in theory) get all the games you mentioned, it would get all these 3rd party wonder games.

Literally just asking - what games are you referring to? It isn't a snob question (well it is, but in disguise).

I will not make any further remarks once you've posted examples.

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No it wouldn't. What people mean by the Wii HD is a console that can render games in 720p, but not have any more power than the current console aside from what is needed to render games at that higher resolution. These other games need a lot more power to run even in standard definition than the Wii currently has.


A console that was powerful enough to run these games would just simply be a new console altogether.


Which people are these? I think there shoud be a Wii HD but a more powerful console that can also upscale Wii games. This would then help with what I said.


Literally just asking - what games are you referring to? It isn't a snob question (well it is, but in disguise).

I will not make any further remarks once you've posted examples.


Oh god, he he comes to ruin another Wii thread :)


I meant all 3rd party games the Wii isn't seeing. Personally I ain't too fussed about it, but i think it would help sell the console to all the silly people like you who slate the Wii with no grounds :P

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I'm suggesting a Wii uphrade, comparitive power to ps3, that as a bonus also upscales Wii games.


I will add I don't see this as nintendos next console, but more like the dsi, an optional upgrade that will give you benefits if you do.

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Thing I want the most if for your VC/WW games to finally be account bound and not console bound. Seriously, I miss all my games and it's a pain that all that money was wasted.


A part of me would die if I lost all my downloaded games. Just so I know, what's the best way to avoid this from happening? That is, if there is any.

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I'm suggesting a Wii uphrade, comparitive power to ps3, that as a bonus also upscales Wii games.


I will add I don't see this as nintendos next console, but more like the dsi, an optional upgrade that will give you benefits if you do.


I'm pretty sure if they did that it would be considered an all new console. You don't just put out a more powerful console and call it an optional upgrade.


The extra power the DSi had wasn't really used, and it wasn't that significant either.


Thing I want the most if for your VC/WW games to finally be account bound and not console bound. Seriously, I miss all my games and it's a pain that all that money was wasted.


What happened to your Wii?

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I'm pretty sure if they did that it would be considered an all new console. You don't just put out a more powerful console and call it an optional upgrade.


The extra power the DSi had wasn't really used, and it wasn't that significant either.


Thank you Emasher, ye speak the truth! - dazzy it would be considered an entirely new console, even if it has the name Wii in it somewhere. Why? Because the "HD games" you so cherish wouldn't work on a normal Wii, thus it would be different. Your example is literally like the difference between GC and Wii - a more powerful console with backwards compatibility.

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I haven't seen prices go up. Not in the 5 years the 360 has been out or the 4 years the PS3 has. Got any evidence DLC is being sold to 'make ends meet'? That's an absurd business model, and not one anyone uses. So that is not what is happening.


Sony's gaming division did not lose that much money, Network Product and Services division lost that much money which includes their gaming department. Not to mention that even though Sony are in effect still paying off the PS3 they got in return a console that isn't showing it's age and central to a won format war - not to mention, along the same lines, however many million 3D ready Blu-Ray/Games machines already in the wild to spurn demand for 3DTV and another point of contact for their video store (which is being expanded into other devices now). Sony isn't just about games, unlike Nintendo. Financial losses in one division are deflected by, and play a part in, other divisions.


Sega, in the same way as Sony, needed restructuring and that's what they've done, EA, too. Sega and EA (In fact, EA have changed their business strategy drastically to the benefit of the developers by letting them retain their IPs) are still producing great games. Honestly, you have no idea what you are on about. You can argue with me but at the end of the day I've worked in the games industry, with Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft - and you haven't.


Ultimately, what does all this mean for the end user (being the only thing a consumer should care about unless you want to descend into fanboyism)? If your Sony, apparently, the largest collection of first party studios of the big three and all the quality games to prove it.


Yet again, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. The reason more and more companies are offering DLC is because the actual out of the box games aren't making the profits they need to. It's for the same reason that companies like THQ, EA and Ubisoft are trying to reduce the size of the used games market by offering specific bonuses for people who buy their games new rather than second hand.


If you doubt this, all you have to do is listen to the many industry podcasts or read analysis that is available on a weekly basis. Try listening to Epic Battle Cry or Invisible Walls over on GT. I'm pretty sure you'll soon have your eyes opened.


Again, you demonstrate your lack of knowledge, SONY's gaming division and their loses have been widely reported all over the web. Those figures are taken from Gamespot, who I'm sure know more on the issue than you do. What's more, to suggest that things are rosy and nearly billion dollar loses that are occuring year on year can be 'deflected' really does show your naive view of the world. These loses have been reflected in SONY 'restructuring' as you say, in the real world this translates to job loses and closures of offices.


You say what does this all mean for the consumer, well it will mean three things - games will have to go up in price, more companies will have to start releasing and charging for DLC to make ends meet or companies will be closing - all of that affects the consumer.


What's more, SONY's gaming division and many big publishers are in dire straits at the moment, not in the rosy position you claim!


QUICK EDIT: EA made a loss in 2009 of OVER $1 billion!

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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Why is it considered a bad thing if a HD console owner dislikes the Wii, maybe they don't like it because it doesn't cater to their needs, obviously. So why does that automatically mean that there is something wrong with the Wii?


-Personal Story


About a year ago, I accidently bricked my Wii and couldn't be bothered to get it repaired because I was satisfied with my PS3.

At first I didn't really care, but eventually I did actually start regretting I broke my Wii.


Not too long ago I started getting drawn in by the Mario Galaxy 2 hype, I watched a few videos and read people's comments on the game and ended up buying a second hand Wii for a good price. I didn't send it to Nintendo, because I have some imported games and knew Nintendo would remove the homebrew channel, thus restricting operation of imported games.


Now that I've got my Wii back, I'm enjoying it more than ever and as soon as I get some money I'm going to buy some games.




Glad to hear you are enjoying the Wii more than ever. :hehe:


Why are Wii owners automatically branded as people who only play casual games and someone who owns a PS3 or Xbox classified as someone who only plays deep/serious/competitive/online games?


This right here is the million dollar question.

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Yet again, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. The reason more and more companies are offering DLC is because the actual out of the box games aren't making the profits they need to. It's for the same reason that companies like THQ, EA and Ubisoft are trying to reduce the size of the used games market by offering specific bonuses for people who buy their games new rather than second hand.


If you doubt this, all you have to do is listen to the many industry podcasts or read analysis that is available on a weekly basis. Try listening to Epic Battle Cry or Invisible Walls over on GT. I'm pretty sure you'll soon have your eyes opened.


Again, you demonstrate your lack of knowledge, SONY's gaming division and their loses have been widely reported all over the web. Those figures are taken from Gamespot, who I'm sure know more on the issue than you do. What's more, to suggest that things are rosy and nearly billion dollar loses that are occuring year on year can be 'deflected' really does show your naive view of the world. These loses have been reflected in SONY 'restructuring' as you say, in the real world this translates to job loses and closures of offices.


You say what does this all mean for the consumer, well it will mean three things - games will have to go up in price, more companies will have to start releasing and charging for DLC to make ends meet or companies will be closing - all of that affects the consumer.


What's more, SONY's gaming division and many big publishers are in dire straits at the moment, not in the rosy position you claim!


QUICK EDIT: EA made a loss in 2009 of OVER $1 billion!


Grrr, it's losses you moron! I thought it was a simple typo at first but the repeated spelling errors makes your post even more annoying to read. It's incredible because in your edit you got the singular right!


Yet again, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. The reason more and more companies are offering DLC is because the actual out of the box games aren't making the profits they need to. It's for the same reason that companies like THQ, EA and Ubisoft are trying to reduce the size of the used games market by offering specific bonuses for people who buy their games new rather than second hand.


On point, I think it's less to do with the used games market (although that's an issue) and more to just make something more profitable to begin with. Games have such a stupidly big budget that in some instances, they'd have to sell a ridiculous amount of copies to actually get a worthwhile return. At least with DLC, they can get the pre-owned user's cash as well as those who bought the game and really enjoy it.

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but i think it would help sell the console to all the silly people like you who slate the Wii with no grounds :P

I have justified why I dislike it previously, but I won't do again before devolution. I am totally open to Nintendo pulling it out of the bag, I've tried the console and its best games before, so I wouldn't say I'm basing it on no grounds.


Yet again, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. The reason more and more companies are offering DLC is because the actual out of the box games aren't making the profits they need to. It's for the same reason that companies like THQ, EA and Ubisoft are trying to reduce the size of the used games market by offering specific bonuses for people who buy their games new rather than second hand.


If you doubt this, all you have to do is listen to the many industry podcasts or read analysis that is available on a weekly basis. Try listening to Epic Battle Cry or Invisible Walls over on GT. I'm pretty sure you'll soon have your eyes opened.


Again, you demonstrate your lack of knowledge, SONY's gaming division and their loses have been widely reported all over the web. Those figures are taken from Gamespot, who I'm sure know more on the issue than you do. What's more, to suggest that things are rosy and nearly billion dollar loses that are occuring year on year can be 'deflected' really does show your naive view of the world. These loses have been reflected in SONY 'restructuring' as you say, in the real world this translates to job loses and closures of offices.


You say what does this all mean for the consumer, well it will mean three things - games will have to go up in price, more companies will have to start releasing and charging for DLC to make ends meet or companies will be closing - all of that affects the consumer.


What's more, SONY's gaming division and many big publishers are in dire straits at the moment, not in the rosy position you claim!


QUICK EDIT: EA made a loss in 2009 of OVER $1 billion!

There is one fatal flaw in that post. You spelt 'losses' wrong. The rest of your post is totally fine and can't be argued against, well done Zechs. Argument King win.

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Uhm, .......are we still speculating?:laughing:


Here's a question for all you heavy argumentators out there:

Is it possible for NINTENDO to show off the 3DS to us, pc-bound, viewers?


Edit: By which I of course mean the 3D technology, yes you got my point D_PrOdigy;)

Edited by Fused King
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