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Posted (edited)


What's bandying about the web:


  • It has a 3D option
  • There are arctic levels
  • Levels will be more epic in size
  • The environemnt is completely destructable
  • Naughty Dog has helped...with something (I pray the story/dialogue/etc)


I'm looking forward to a better single player (with co-op), better graphics (considering this is GG's second PS3 game) and more online modes (again, co-op).



Edited by Daft
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What's bandying about the web:


  • It has a 3D option
    [*]There are arctic levels
  • Levels will be more epic in size
  • The environemnt is completely destructable
  • Naughty Dog has helped...with something (I pray the story/dialogue/etc)


I'm looking forward to a better single player (with co-op), better graphics (considering this is GG's second PS3 game) and more online modes (again, co-op).


Totally misread that as Action levels, and was going to go off on a tangent about how is the game not already action.


Arctic levels sound cool though, a change of palate.

Posted (edited)

My wishlist:


-A good campaign that: isn't about shooting standard infantry and has a lot more crazy weapons like the bolt-gun and lightning gun.


-Campaign co-op, the first was a bore fest and would've been passable with a friend (I think)


-Even more striking visuals


-More balanced multiplayer mode in terms of class abilities. The turrets and air support got quite annoying


-Better map design. A couple of the maps were great, but there were so many choke-points in them, plus there were large useless areas where nothing happened


-More maps. Weren't anywhere near enough maps when the game released.


-The servers should always have pre-made games for every map. Usually there's just a select few levels to choose from when you go online at the moment.




Just to add, I love the sound of the potential variety that could be added to this genre. Whilst neither of the features are that original - having 'Uncharted-esque' platforming' with double jump ability, and being able to have violent hand to hand combat finishes, it could be really good. If they did something like in Metroid: Hunters where you could morph, except do something that isn't quite as ridiculous and game-breaking whilst in an FPS, it could be great.


So you'd be combining elements of 3rd person action into an FPS, for more dramatic battles. Just little things like if you enter a mech, it shows you actually climbing into it in 3rd person briefly, and then you control the mech in 1st person. By mech I mean like the thing in the KZ2 campaign. Customising your appearance would actually make a difference because you could see yourself in these brief moments. Reflective surfaces (again, like at the start of the KZ2 campaign when Sev is looking at himself in the mirror) to build on identity.


Meh, there's lots of potential ideas, not sure how many we'll see though.

Edited by dwarf

the butcher bay/ dark athena one


Clever use of a more 'physical' character in first person, bolstered by putting key moves like climbing stuff in third person.


it's actually not that far removed from Mirror's Edge in a few ways.


As I understand it, the Naughty Dog involvement with the development of this is based around co-developing the game's engine. Seems as though GG want to aim for the level of graphical fidelity that Naughty Dog hit on with Uncharted 2. It'll be interesting to see how works out anyway.


A 3rd game in the series was always going to happen. I'm willing to try it, just as I did with the second, but I really do wish Sony would get with the times and move the left analogue stick up to where the d-pad is like all other standard controllers. It made it a little difficult for me to play KZ2 and even after playing it for sometime, I still couldn't acclimatise to the setup. A slight niggle for me but I don't see anyway around it for the developers unless Sony changes things up. At least they'll do the best to make it a comfortable experience, even if I won't be comfortable using it.

the butcher bay/ dark athena one


Clever use of a more 'physical' character in first person, bolstered by putting key moves like climbing stuff in third person.


it's actually not that far removed from Mirror's Edge in a few ways.


I see what you mean with the climbing bit. It's good there, but seems a bit rigid. If they made it a bit more seamless, like maybe zoom into the character just as they climb over the ledge before going into first person (so that the head wobbles realistically when getting back into position when in first person) it would make quite a big difference.


And yeah I'd read that Naughty Dog were helping with graphics. From IGN also:

The Wasp, which discharges rockets that look like a swarm of robotic insects

That's the kind of stuff I want to hear. Although wacky weapons is more of a Reistance thing, it would make the solo experience better. Waiting for Helghast to pop up from cover got very boring, I'd rather bomb them out.


I really want to play this in 3D. I was doubtful about 3D, I think it sucks hard in the cinema, but I tried out one of the TVs in the shops and it is SO much sharper it's unreal - no motion blur, amazingly crystal clear. I was drooling at the thought of playing Wipeout on it.


I definitely want a 3D TV.


I want one, I just don't want one enough. If some shop did a scheme where you could trade in standard HDTVs for 3D TVs (obviously you'd have to pay a certain sum extra) I might be tempted.


Problem is, current gen consoles are going to struggle with 3D, seeing as everything has to be rendered twice, or summut.


This is one of the few games I'll happily buy brand new at release day.


I've been looking for a smaller monitor/TV for my room and held off to see what the 3D was like and I was really impressed with the active shutter glasses.


Although I don't know how much one would be. I guess it'd be quite expensive. Don't want an especially big one.


Sony are doing a trade-in thing but you only get up to £150 off.

I really want to play this in 3D. I was doubtful about 3D, I think it sucks hard in the cinema, but I tried out one of the TVs in the shops and it is SO much sharper it's unreal - no motion blur, amazingly crystal clear. I was drooling at the thought of playing Wipeout on it.


I definitely want a 3D TV.


Out of curiosity what shop was it that had one in?

Posted (edited)

John Lewis in London.


It was this model and it was stunning. It had Monsters Vs Aliens playing. I was expecting it to be like in the cinema or IMAX but fuck me it was sharp. Made me smile and think, yes, I want Wipeout on that now. I believe the hype now - just looks so slick. I'm not bothered about the glasses like a lot of other people tbh. In fact it might add another layer for games (imagine if they put a little rumble in them).


Pricey bastard.


Edit: Some rumours.


We here at PSB have been tipped with new details rumoured to be included in Guerilla's upcoming sequel, Killzone 3. The source has been proved right by the prediction of snow levels and the inclusion of 3D, so only time will tell if the details below are indeed true to the game.


-A fairly obvious one - The PlayStation Move will somehow feature in the gameplay. (Presumably optional)


-The multiplayer mode will include vehicles.


-The player can choose between 8 different classes.


-These classes can be personalized with a new 'Reward System', but only appearence and classes can be changed.


-Guerrilla is also working on a 2 player co-op mode, and a 4 player objective mode.


-The game is seemingly also scheduled for release in May of next year.


Every day these tidbits of news creep out and only serve to increase the phenomenal hype that already surrounds the game. We for one can't wait for more concrete info and videos. Let us know what you think in the comment section.

Edited by Daft
I'm not bothered about the glasses like a lot of other people tbh.


I wouldn't be bothered about glasses if only I didn't have to wear prescription lenses. I want contacts solely for the fact that then I can wear sunglasses and 3D glasses without extra hassle.

John Lewis in London.


It was this model and it was stunning. It had Monsters Vs Aliens playing. I was expecting it to be like in the cinema or IMAX but fuck me it was sharp. Made me smile and think, yes, I want Wipeout on that now. I believe the hype now - just looks so slick. I'm not bothered about the glasses like a lot of other people tbh. In fact it might add another layer for games (imagine if they put a little rumble in them).


Pricey bastard.


Edit: Some rumours.



Cool, Looks nice but WTF on the price! Was not expecting them to be that expensive. Next time im near a John Lewis i might pop in and see if they have got one on show as well.


On topic: I'm really looking forward to Killzone 3, KZ2 multiplayer was great and very addictive, i remember the feeling of not being able to put it down and i liked how the objective changed during a map without having to go back to a menu. Would be even better if they could improve the single player though mind!

so from washed out grey to washed out white ;)


Apparently, it's not White, just a really really light gray. White would be to much of a change.


Badass teaser trailer.




When I think about it, Killzone is probably the flagship series that makes me happy that I'm owning this system and not another. Obviously there's a big variety of games that make the console good, but for me personally, this is the equivalent of Halo's 3, and not just because it's an FPS.


I just loved the online on it, but it does need to be expanded.


Teaser reminded me of the menu screen for MGS3.


Didn't particularly care for it other than it gives a bit of insight that apparently we'll be undercover at some point.

Badass teaser trailer.




When I think about it, Killzone is probably the flagship series that makes me happy that I'm owning this system and not another. Obviously there's a big variety of games that make the console good, but for me personally, this is the equivalent of Halo's 3, and not just because it's an FPS.


I just loved the online on it, but it does need to be expanded.


Yeah gimme this over Halo any day of the week.

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