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Lost: The Final Season


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Ok so I'm vaguely satisfied...


So the flash sideways was purgatory and presumably set in the "future" from jacks point of view sort of...as in it all happens after his death that we view and then he can move on. Although actually its all of their futures... so they have a collective purgatory they have to come to terms with their deaths and move on... I'm satisfied with that part of things...So I'm happy in terms that yes what happened on the island happened and was real and that the flashsideways was not an alternate timeline but something that took place afterwards...interesting to think between the end of the episode and the purgatory scene the likes of Kate, Claire, Sawyer will lead the rest of their lives then die and go through the purgatory process...


but the island wtf...


Still not happy that we truly don't know what the light was, presumably some kind of light that brings life or some crap...sigh kinda wanted more explanations than that...So its left to Hurley and Ben to look after the island and the guys on the plane make it home....who presumably die on the island and then enter purgatory with the rest of them...


Interesting how similar it technically was to Ashes to Ashes which finished friday. Won't totally wreck that for anyone who hasn't watched it.


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Took me a while to figure out the flash sideways after I found out they were dead. Kept wondering if the nuke really did kill them but the important line was the one between Ben and Hurley to let it all make sense.


As for the Island stuff, im happy enough. I pretty much knew we would never find out what the light was. MiB's death felt like it needed a bit more but I did like some of the shots during that fight. Im kind of sad though that we didnt find out just a bit more of what happens to the surviving people after the Island was stabalised or they left.


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Not really, it wasnt exactly needed


But considering what a high calibre the show is, it felt like a cop out. Like a YouTube video some kid would make. Walking off screen, and then coming back on as the Hulk for example.


Also as a friend mentioned on FB, how did they free Ben from the tree? Too many how's and why's.


Did they explain why Dharma were there/how they found the island/etc in Season 5?

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Yes we know how Dharma found the Island, through a diary from one of Hanso's relatives. How the diary made it off the island is still unexplained. Dharma were there to study the special properties of the island, thats easily enough explanation for me.


Them freeing Ben was weird but not exactly a show breaking event.

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To me just having all these random things precisely like a diary not being explained or whatever it just says lazy writing to me. Anyone can make a story and have weird stuff happen that benefits their story, but it takes talent to actually tie it all together. Which the LOST writers havn't done.


I commend them for the characters though, they are good. This could have been such a different and amazing show from season 3/onwards.

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Thats fair enough man. I'm actually surprised that theres quite a lot of people who didn't like it too much, because as far as I could see it was in line with the rest of Season 6 and I imagine that if I liked the rest of this season I probably would have liked the finale. Maybe.

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Did anyone else sit waiting to see if anything else was going to happen after the show ended? There was still 15 mins left so I waited through all the adverts for more.


I did too! I looked at the time at five or ten past seven and thought, right, about 20 mins of Lost to go. Then it ended a couple of minutes later, lol.


I see theres a documentary thing on Sky on Friday night.

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Did anyone else sit waiting to see if anything else was going to happen after the show ended? There was still 15 mins left so I waited through all the adverts for more.


YES! Due to this the much fabled "final image" was somewhat wasted on me as I didn't think it was the end...


Overall the more and more I think about it the more I liked it...Yes there weren't enough answers really...I want to know what happens to people prior to:


their meeting up in purgatory



What the hell was the significance of vincent coming to spend Jack's last moments with him.


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YES! Due to this the much fabled "final image" was somewhat wasted on me as I didn't think it was the end...


Overall the more and more I think about it the more I liked it...Yes there weren't enough answers really...I want to know what happens to people prior to:


their meeting up in purgatory



What the hell was the significance of vincent coming to spend Jack's last moments with him.


Maybe that was the point where we were meant to realise it was all a dream the dog had. ;)


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What the hell was the significance of vincent coming to spend Jack's last moments with him.


I just saw that as the fact that Vincent was there with Jack at the beginning so he was there at the end



One of my favourite scenes turned out to be when Charlie and Claire got their memories back. I always liked those two together so I thought it was a nice moment.


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Well... I'm not sure what to think about that... I don't feel like the show ended well for me.


The twist on the flashsideways was unexpected for sure and a big WTF moment when Jacks father appeared but so much doesn't fraking sit well with me. Like Jack (and Juilets) son... what was the point in him if he technically doesn't really exsist? How could Claire (and Sun) give birth...ie: give life... when they are already dead?


Fair enough all their souls wanted to find each other after death, but why go through the whole ordeal of creating a purgutory where first all the people who died early (like Boon) would have to just wait around for the rest to die and get to purgatory. And THEN have to live their lives ALL OVER AGAIN, but without the island?


Hell up to the point of the "The Incident" everything still happened the same, eg: Ben and his dad still spent some time on the island up until the the incident, we know this as Ben and his dad talked about.


I was actually mostly really enjoying the ep up to that point.


The start of the ep seemed a bit too focused on the sideways part, as I wanted to see what was going on with the island. Some good scenes throughout too, Jack vs MiB on the cliff was awesome and I nearly thought MiB was gonna win. The "awakenings" in the sideways were good, Jin/Sun, Claire/Charlie all brought a bit of a tear to my eye.


The final scene with Jack going to the place where the show began with him opening his eyes and it then ending with him closing them felt very full circle stuff.


But the flashsideways turned out to be just a way for them to have some kind of "feel good" ending, with everyone together and happy, which to me felt a bit of a cop out.


Considering when the show started one of the first theories was that the island was purgatory and they were all dead already and the writers saying they weren't going to do that, and I don't think we as viewers would have liked that either.... they still went and did it, just in a different way.


Looking back at season 6 I'm starting to see the flashsideways as more of an excuse to extend the show/episodes a bit as they couldn't come up with enough island stuff to fill in the 18 episodes. I would have prefered had there been no flashsideways, more time spent on the island and better tieing up of loose ends and if it ended the same (island) way, maybe showing a little of what happened to the remaining characters afterwards, like how Hurley and Ben get Desmond home, the plane landing somewhere (maybe LAX)... then the ending shot of Jack dying where he did and closing his eyes.... maybe not the feel good happy everyone back together thing, but the show didn't really need that.


EDIT: Maybe had the flashsideways had more of an impact across the whole show (all 6 seasons) the twist in it might have felt better, I can understand they might have felt they needed some kind of twist at the end to make people go "WTF" but putting it in the flashsideways didn't feel right to me. Granted it was probably the only way to explain why everyone started remembering things of the island as if it were just a regular "alternate universe" it wouldn't make much sense but after watching the show for 6 years that didn't feel like a good enough pay off to make me feel the time spent following this show which I have loved was fully worth it.




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Also as a friend mentioned on FB, how did they free Ben from the tree? Too many how's and why's.


Did they explain why Dharma were there/how they found the island/etc in Season 5?


Well tbf Widmore had been on the island before, I think, and wasn't he something to do with Dharma? There were quite a few nonsensical bits like but I didn't really care. They cut out 20 minutes of extra apparently, which would have just made it even more fat and bloated, even if continuity was improved. I also don't remember how Jack got out of the cave thing..


Anyway, I was largely unimpressed.

I hate that we had to see the OMGREALISATION moments from every bloody character, what a waste of time. A couple worked really well (Sawyer and Juliet, I thought) but largely, meh.


And the fight, whilst occasionally visually nice, was shit and a bit anticlimactic.


- I did like the ending shot, though it was pretty overhyped. Cyclical and that. Though i'm sure everyone saw it coming as soon as he started walking back bloodied.


- Rose and Bernard was stupid and pointless


- I basically didn't see the point in all this fanservice, did anyone really care that much about seeing Boone and co again? (Though I did laugh when him and Hurley were perving on Shannon and Sayid kissing.


- Which was also retarded, why was Sayid with 2-week-relationship-Shannon, instead of Nadia, who he'd been linked to the entire show?


- Agreed with Mokong, what the fuck was the point of wasting so much time on the flashpurgs if they were just after death?


- I just hate the whole purgatory thing. Like the oldest Lost theory in the book, urgh.


- And all the spiritual crap, especially with the light in the church at the end, reminded me of a crap version of BSG, Operahouse and shit


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Well tbf Widmore had been on the island before, I think, and wasn't he something to do with Dharma? There were quite a few nonsensical bits like but I didn't really care. They cut out 20 minutes of extra apparently, which would have just made it even more fat and bloated, even if continuity was improved. I also don't remember how Jack got out of the cave thing..


No Widmore wasnt anything to do with Dharma, he was still on the Island when they were there.


I assume Jack just got washed out of the cave after it started filling up with water again, the same way MiB's body did a few eps ago


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At what point did sideways Boon start remembering things? He just appeared out of nowhere, it was obviously more fanservice than serving the plot I thought. K, it might have been in the 20mins taht was cut out but he seemed like he'd been "awakened" for quite a while


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No Widmore wasnt anything to do with Dharma, he was still on the Island when they were there.


I assume Jack just got washed out of the cave after it started filling up with water again, the same way MiB's body did a few eps ago


Fair enough, and yeah that makes sense I guess


As for the Island stuff, im happy enough. I pretty much knew we would never find out what the light was. MiB's death felt like it needed a bit more but I did like some of the shots during that fight. Im kind of sad though that we didnt find out just a bit more of what happens to the surviving people after the Island was stabalised or they left.


I smell a shit Ben&Hurleys island adventures spinoff!!





Also, early morning productivity



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What bugs me is the moaning about them not answering things. When did we become a society that needs to be spoonfed everything and have entire mysteries just destroyed? I'm glad that we don't know how the island was made, the true power behind the numbers etc. If we did, it would have gutted the show.


I hate what our culture has become.

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