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Xpert 11 Season 12


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Considering the gulf in terms of strength between Dyson's team and every other team in the middle league this season, and that fact that he somehow got relegated from the top league... there ain't much chance of us surviving up there.


12 will still give increases, but not much. I reckon you're looking at needing an average form of 15+ even for a player as young as 20 to guarantee a visible change. I'm hoping the new system will give us more chance and control over developing players, because no matter how much training you give a player sometimes their form just won't go up, which just fucks up the whole season for them in terms of development.


I haven't got a clue what i'm going to do with my squad for next season. I was planning on having no transfers, but depending on the change report i might look at moving a few players on.

Edited by DuD
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12 will still give increases, but not much. I reckon you're looking at needing an average form of 15+ even for a player as young as 20 to guarantee a visible change. I'm hoping the new system will give us more chance and control over developing players, because no matter how much training you give a player sometimes their form just won't go up, which just fucks up the whole season for them in terms of development.


It just depends, a 12 could still give a visible increase as could a 10 if the player is almost at the mark to get an increase.. He could've gone up from say 6.5 to 7.4 in the last change report which wouldn't be visible so anything really will take him over the mark.


My change report should be very very good. My midfield are all 15 or higher, my strikers 13 or higher and defenders around the 13 mark too. For some reason my keepers are all around 10 though annoyingly!

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The league ends of the 28th so I think it will be that night?


6-1 against Rez, not too shabby! Certainly makes up for the draw in the first game of the season!



26757 of 74894

1152 of 2343


How is your ranking so high? Do you play in the official leagues?


I have one team in an official league and another in a private league. I've been promoted twice in two seasons with my private league, and also got promoted last season with official team, but haven't been playing that well this season. I'm not sure how its calculated really.

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Bit sad about the loss, could be my best chance of promotion for a few seasons. Yet again need to improve the strike force so hopefully the change report is nice to me.


So it's the middle league for me for another season, I've lost count of how many seasons I've been in the middle league consecutively, must be coming to a league record :heh:

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I meant get an increase of at least 1.0 when I said guarantee a visible increase. I should have been clearer :)


Just 4-2-4'd my way to a 4-1 win in my Xpert League against yet another far superior team :D

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Mcoy would like to make this post to thank his fellow friend Dyson who has also won the middle league securing two titles for the alliance in a glorious season.


The two recently formed a man short after Haden turned down the offer earlier on in the season a dissapointment to all. Non the less the two friends battled on alone to secure the titles in their own leagues and in hopes to secure the top prize in the future. The objective of the alliance is to have won every title in the league, the alliance would perhaps look for a new members to try and win all the titles AT ONCE!


Although this objective was not completed (and unlikley ever will) perhaps this can be done in the future seasons.

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Mcoy would like to make this post to thank his fellow friend Dyson who has also won the middle league securing two titles for the alliance in a glorious season.


The two recently formed a man short after Haden turned down the offer earlier on in the season a dissapointment to all. Non the less the two friends battled on alone to secure the titles in their own leagues and in hopes to secure the top prize in the future. The objective of the alliance is to have won every title in the league, the alliance would perhaps look for a new members to try and win all the titles AT ONCE!


Although this objective was not completed (and unlikley ever will) perhaps this can be done in the future seasons.


2 out of three titles secured is not a bad record my friend. Especially with two members. The alliance holds strong!


Woo and yay for first place!


Xpert is going to die because of Mcoy.

Xpert has cancer because of Mcoy.

I have to do something even I will regret!


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Mcoy thinks It was ashame that Haden was not the third man in, It would of been the perfect team. Mcoy thought this video was perfect. Cheating, outnumbering and generally being dicks to win.




edit: More Mcoy propoganda, Mcoy may consider making silly image rewards for other winners of Hadens end of year report as well.



Edited by Brian Mcoy
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Mcoy thinks It was ashame that Haden was not the third man in, It would of been the perfect team. Mcoy thought this video was perfect. Cheating, outnumbering and generally being dicks to win.




edit: More Mcoy propoganda, Mcoy may consider making silly image rewards for other winners of Hadens end of year report as well.






Mcoy you will defend your title next season against both Odwinica and Happenstance in a triple threat match!



Enemy banter aside propoganda posters are a superb idea!

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