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Oi, boys, calm down.


Well I'll more than likely get the new iPhone and I thought it would be a little crazy to get the iPad then a couple of month later spend money on the new iPhone which is similar just smaller.


Me too, my 3G contract runs out in June (perfect, right?) and in theory the new iPhone should be at least as powerful as the iPad, but have a camera and 3G built in as standard.


Will this eliminates the iPad then...


As long as I can google, copy/paste and type a couple of paragraphs it'll get me by till I'm back in front of my desktop. But yeah, it really is a stupid purchase. I got a bit giddy on the hype I think.

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Me too, my 3G contract runs out in June (perfect, right?) and in theory the new iPhone should be at least as powerful as the iPad, but have a camera and 3G built in as standard.


Yeah, I just can't justify paying two large sums of money so close to each other for two products that are so similar.

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Oi, boys, calm down.




Me too, my 3G contract runs out in June (perfect, right?) and in theory the new iPhone should be at least as powerful as the iPad, but have a camera and 3G built in as standard.




As long as I can google, copy/paste and type a couple of paragraphs it'll get me by till I'm back in front of my desktop. But yeah, it really is a stupid purchase. I got a bit giddy on the hype I think.


Yeah but you have to access Safari. Then come out of that app and into another. Then go back into the safari app for more. If you were reading an e-journal article you'd have to then go into another app. Then if you want something from a book there's another app for that. I know switching apps hardly takes hours, but its like the modern day disk switching for chipped consoles.


Plus typing on a touch screen is naff.

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- This device is probably the best portable device for watching films. Better than the iphone, better than laptops and MP4 players, better than anything


I don't know about you but when I'm in bed watching something the last thing I'd want to do is hold a computer above my head/wherever it is for a couple of hours. I much rather just putting the laptop on something to view it properly.


Although I'll give you the battery life is fantastic in the iPad which is something which draws me towards it.


Question: If I got the 3G model would I be able to use my iPhone SIM card in it to use the internet that way instead of paying for another data package?

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What is the current thinking as to upgrades to the macbook pros? I'm thinking I'm going to finally get round to selling my iMac, get rid of my macbook air (much as I love it it just doesn't have the hd space I need) and then have a macbook pro as my main computer with an iPad for general web browsing/playing.


I just don't want to buy one only for them to be upgraded a few weeks later.

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Surely they would have announced them at the briefing, I think you'll be okay. They're great little machines actually and surprisingly not that much more expensive than the macbooks.


I'm getting a few mac stuff this year. Getting rid of my macbook and getting an air (only use it for writing and want something small and light); getting a 21" imac for home and obviously getting the iPad. My phone contract run out in October, hope a new iPhone gets released before that.

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What is the current thinking as to upgrades to the macbook pros? I'm thinking I'm going to finally get round to selling my iMac' date=' get rid of my macbook air (much as I love it it just doesn't have the hd space I need) and then have a macbook pro as my main computer with an iPad for general web browsing/playing.


I just don't want to buy one only for them to be upgraded a few weeks later.[/quote']



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The iPad is not at all what anyone expected...mainly because Apple went with a simple and effective method of marketing.


They brought out the iPad with the features you were expecting to be missing for one reason...to make more money. People buy this one and then they bring our another version with the features you were expecting it to have in the first place.


I will not be getting one of these, as I am happy with my iPhone and laptop. I have no need for a tablet with not many features.

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  • 2 months later...

So my iPad came today and I'm posting from it now and I have to say I'm very impressed by the features it has. It's like the iPhone on steroids. Good stuff. The extra screen space makes old apps so much better and gaming now feels well, good.


Browsing is also an incredible experience, I wasn't sure about browsing without certain features a laptop offers and bought it on the value of my grandparents being able to use it by touch. However, I'm very impressed and have never had as quick a browsing experience as this. Shame about the lack of flash though as many ofy favourite sites (as well as content posted here) becomes redundant. But other than that the iPad is sublime. It had the potential to redefine browsing and for me it truly has.

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Let us know how you get on with it. Particularly interested in browsing and whether or not you use it as your main browser or whether lack of Flash and other niggles mean you're back at your desk/laptop. I've changed my tune in the past few months, giving serious thought to picking one up instead of a laptop.

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