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1) That makes no sense

2) You posted that anyway

3) I think its bullshit anyway

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It's not it can happen, and it keeps happening to me retractile testicle or something like that

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Well make yourself clearer because it sounds like you're ball has gotten up and walked away.


Go to a doctors seems like the logical next step.

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You mean it's pushed "up" and "out" of the sack, right? That happens, it's nothing to worry about. Just plop it back down.

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Well, that's what happens when you "appreciate" Muse a bit too much. Let this be a lesson to you.


Although, in fairness, I touch my balls to a lot of music. So, maybe we're more similar than we think.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk

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Seriously does this happen to anyone else


Yeah I frequently leave sentences without a full stop lololol

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Yeah, but you aren't going to get a well-paid job without a uni degree (without a stroke of luck), especially now that so many people go to uni, and you have to have a better and better CV to get employed.


That's a very narrow minded view.

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So like I said recently, I got told to find a new art style. Also, I got told this by two teachers, one of whom is a professional illustrator (and has been for many years), so they probably know what they're talking about. =P


But yes, I need some help in finding me inspiration for a new style. I posted a thread in the Creative Gallery, so if people would post some suggestions in there that would be great. =)


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Seriously does this happen to anyone else


Yeah I think I know what you mean. It's happened to me before. With just a small amount of encouragement it'll pop back. Nothing to worry about.

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Would you go to doctors- could be I have not noticed before


If it worries you that much..then yes..

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If what you're talking about is the same thing as what I think it is then I wouldn't bother personally, don't think it's anything to worry about.


That said if it's really worrying you definitely go see a doctor, if not just to ease your mind.


Edit: Ninja'd!

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Stuwii, it's a general rule that when you have a medical problem, doctors will give far better advice than randomers on forums, especially when you're describing the symptoms so vaguely. So yes, go to a doctor to put your mind at rest.

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All advice I have seen is that this is normal, for ball to leave scrotum from time to time

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All advice I have seen is that this is normal, for ball to leave scrotum from time to time



Either take our advice about going to the doctors or stfu. :grin:

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To be fair, how else would you ask/talk about it? It's not like he could go on HWYD and be like "Sometimes my balls leave my scrotum, what should I do?".


Really rude and insensitive to be so disparaging of his problem.

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Some people are too embarrassed to go see a doctor about a down there problem.

I've never had my balls anywhere but in my sack so I can't help you there.

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To be fair, how else would you ask/talk about it? It's not like he could go on HWYD and be like "Sometimes my balls leave my scrotum, what should I do?".


Really rude and insensitive to be so disparaging of his problem.


I can't think of any circumstance in which I'd freely discuss my nuts on this or any other forum. I'd expect the same from everyone else.

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Some people are too embarrassed to go see a doctor about a down there problem.

I've never had my balls anywhere but in my sack so I can't help you there.


There's still google, or yahoo answers. Something less...personal :p I dunno, guessing he's just far more open.


To be fair, how else would you ask/talk about it? It's not like he could go on HWYD and be like "Sometimes my balls leave my scrotum, what should I do?".


Really rude and insensitive to be so disparaging of his problem.


To be fair, the doctors was suggested and someone said it happens and to pop it back in....but he kept asking.

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