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How tall are you?


I'm 5'11 and used to weight 73/4kg before going down to about 69/70kg (where I stayed for a while) and now I'm 75kg. That weight gain has only really kicked in the past few months. There's an noticeable difference, I used to just be slim, now I'm more built and defined - probably more obvious because I dropped weight before building muscle.

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How tall are you?


I'm 5'11 and used to weight 73/4kg before going down to about 69/70kg (where I stayed for a while) and now I'm 75kg. That weight gain has only really kicked in the past few months. There's an noticeable difference, I used to just be slim, now I'm more built and defined - probably more obvious because I dropped weight before building muscle.


I'm somewhere around between 5'6 and 5'8, so not that tall.


I used to be very skinny, around 60kilos quite a few years back. Then, the weight seemed to pile on at once. I used to go to a gym about the time I first met Ine, which is around 18 months or so ago, but I didn't go for long as I went in my summer break from uni (back at home). So, I gained another stone then, but that time it was mostly muscle.


So, at the moment I'm hovering around the 80/82 kilo zone and have been going to this gym for around 9 months. I've noticed friends saying that I seem a bit bigger every time they meet up with me. I don't seem/feel that big (like a house) or anything like that quite yet. My back definitely feels bigger, and my arms feel a bit bigger.


As you say, you dropped the fat first then built the muscle. I kinda did it the other way around. Building muscle whilst trying to drop off the fat. Not easy, heh.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Pah I'm 11 stone, I'm happy with admitting that.


I'm not after losing weight, but I do need to sort out my diet, so I've dropped:


- chocolate

- sugar drinks/fizzy drinks

- bread (well 90%)

- milk


The bread and milk are for dietary test, I want to see how much of an affect it has on my stomach, some nights I can feel incredibly bloated to the point of looking pregnant and the next day it'll be gone, I want to keep a diary of whether this makes a difference.


:) the drinks are for my teeth and the chocolate is my weight haha.

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Pah I'm 11 stone, I'm happy with admitting that.


I'm not after losing weight, but I do need to sort out my diet, so I've dropped:


- chocolate

- sugar drinks/fizzy drinks

- bread (well 90%)

- milk


The bread and milk are for dietary test, I want to see how much of an affect it has on my stomach, some nights I can feel incredibly bloated to the point of looking pregnant and the next day it'll be gone, I want to keep a diary of whether this makes a difference.


:) the drinks are for my teeth and the chocolate is my weight haha.


I can't remember the last time I had chocolate. Probably about 2 weeks ago in Belgium. So, I've cut that out too, haha. Same with coke and fizzy drinks.


What do you eat on a day to day basis? I haven't tasted chips for what feels like forever. :heh:

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I can't remember the last time I had chocolate. Probably about 2 weeks ago in Belgium. So, I've cut that out too, haha. Same with coke and fizzy drinks.


What do you eat on a day to day basis? I haven't tasted chips for what feels like forever. :heh:


It was incredibly fatty foods, mostly because the house I live in I don't like so try to spend as much time out as possible, so a lot of pub food.


I love cooking most of the time otherwise and eat a large range of meat, veg, fruit etc. But in this house its just not really possible. Luckily I've recently found a market that sells good very cheap meat and a nice veg place, so I'm all sorted even if its a massive trek away.


I'm trying to not cut out things completely like chips etc, just things like chocolate. I've found my teeth are becoming incredibly sensitive and I imagine a lot of that is due to the high sugar content of the drinks and chocolate.

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It was incredibly fatty foods, mostly because the house I live in I don't like so try to spend as much time out as possible, so a lot of pub food.


I love cooking most of the time otherwise and eat a large range of meat, veg, fruit etc. But in this house its just not really possible. Luckily I've recently found a market that sells good very cheap meat and a nice veg place, so I'm all sorted even if its a massive trek away.


I'm trying to not cut out things completely like chips etc, just things like chocolate. I've found my teeth are becoming incredibly sensitive and I imagine a lot of that is due to the high sugar content of the drinks and chocolate.


Aye, I got a terrible eating life-style at uni. Pub food shouldn't be so tasty...and sometimes cheaaap.


Too many bluddy takeaways! Damn you, friends. Well done on having your own local meat place, thats good. Some places around where I live are right cheeky buggers with some of the prices they've been charging.


I've found that I don't miss chocolate or coke too much. I only ever have it when I'm with Ine, because then it's...a like a little treat. :heh:


My Dad was taking the piss earlier, saying what will happen to you when you stop going to the gym? Your muscles will turn to moosh. Screw you, old man!

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Yeah the ease of getting food here for so cheap is irritating, but now I've found places to get good food for cheap.


Also a nicer kitchen next year and better house in general, so I'll feel like cooking and cleaning etc. It'll be great.


I definitely find classes feel like they work much more than going to the gym!

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I went really OTT when I started this whole fitness/gym thing. August I got a bike and started cycling, went on holiday to Egypt in September and when I got back it was all health food. No chocolate, no fizzy drinks, no alcohol, nowt.


It actually wasn't that hard at first. Kind of a nice change. Recently I have chocolate every couple weeks (excluding the pre-gym Jaffa Cakes, but they're a necessity) but I think that's to do with revision and essays. I always eat chocolate during revision, as my sisters says, it's brain food. :heh:


Now I eat a Hell of a lot of chicken, tuna as well. Brown pasta and rice. Chips are my rare treat - it's not actually that bad not eating all that junk food. I always had the impression it sucks not eating this or that, but really, it's just a different routine. Plus, I feel better for it.

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I thought I'd revive this thread. How is the gymmage going, people?


My brother has bought a bench and now he's looking to buy some barbells. I think he's caught the fitness bug off me. We've been playing a little bit of cricket outdoors lately, so it's getting him active.


My abs ache from yesterday, and I'm still feeling a bit "leggy" and tired from the cardio I did yesterday.


Basically, it's been going AWESOME xD


I have almost gotten too where I want to be in the end, to be able to bench press my own weight, which is about 72-73kg :p


Twice every week I go out and do a 5km jog in the early cold morning now which really freshens me up for the rest of the day. And basically do weights every 2 days.


Breakfast for me usually contains a bowl of oats with apples and banana with it and another plate with scrambled eggs with Tuna on top of it. I eat a lot of veggies and fruit and basically all I drink now is mostly water and I have a cup of green tea once a day, from time to time I binge on food, but I just go for a harder day of training the next day xD But I always make sure I have a big breakfast with a medium lunch and a small dinner.


Unlike from what I am seeing here, I am losing weight while at the same time gain muscle. I have basically come from a 90kg man to a now 73kg man and I can just tell you it feels great :D


And other people around me are starting to want to get into shape now which is really awesome, as well as request from my family to help some of their friends :heh:

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Yeah, my friend said I inspired (his word, not mine) to go to the gym. Shame that only lasted a few weeks. :indeed:


Although, he runs every day now, so that's good.


Did shoulders and back today. Now, I'm stuffing my face with as much food as I can find. Just had chicken and brown rice. Made a chicken and egg sandwich on brown bread for later and I've got some left over beef cannelloni from last night. Sorted.

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I did a thing at the gym recently that put me just 3lbs under my ideal weight. I think it was around 11st 7lbs or something, and I was 11st 4. (@ 18 y/o and 5' 10")


I've been slacking recently so went today and really pushed myself. Felt good.

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I did a thing at the gym recently that put me just 3lbs under my ideal weight. I think it was around 11st 7lbs or something, and I was 11st 4. (@ 18 y/o and 5' 10")


I've been slacking recently so went today and really pushed myself. Felt good.


11stone would be bmi of around 22.1 so that's about right


i didn't even have to calculate that... shows I'm a lifelong dieter that will never reach my goal ever hahah (and I'm the same height as you)


I'm still hmming and haing about joining the gym. There's so many skinny people that give me strange looks as if to say why am I there - not sure if I can put up with that. Might start walking more...or something.


I've taken a hiatus cause i'm always feeling sick these days and exercise is the last thing I want to dooo :(

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Yeah, my friend said I inspired (his word, not mine) to go to the gym. Shame that only lasted a few weeks. :indeed:


Although, he runs every day now, so that's good.

The main aim really, is you keep pestering him :heh: Just ask him stuff like see if he wants to go for a run afterwork, or hitting the gym after work. Having friends around can really help you and even push you a little further then what you would usually get.


Made a chicken and egg sandwich on brown bread for later and I've got some left over beef cannelloni from last night. Sorted.


For lunch I usually have a whole wheat bread with cheese, tuna, lettuce, tomato, and an egg. Damn it taste awesome :D Dinner can be really anything, but it usually involves large amount of vegetables and perhaps a piece of steak or chicken, whatever is in the freezer or fridge :heh:

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I use it for incline, too. But I switch it up with free weights a lot. I use the free weights much more often. I prefer the free weights because they engage more muscles.


Normally I use the SM at the end of any set of chest exercises just to push it as far as I can.

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I use it for incline, too. But I switch it up with free weights a lot. I use the free weights much more often. I prefer the free weights because they engage more muscles.


Aye, I use dumbells as well. I'm thinking that slowly I'm maybe "relying" on the Smith too much and should use more free weights.


If I just did flat benching, then I'd probably just use free weights. But, I use more incline these days. Hmm. Also, (unless you use dumbells) the barbell rack is quite busy sometimes. We'll see, Friday will be my chest day, so I'll see then.

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Actually went out for a run this morning. Foolishly didn't pace myself and was knackered after about 20 mins.


Though in my defence I'd only woke up 30 minutes previous and barely had any water on board. Time to work on the fitness levels me thinks.

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Aye, I use dumbells as well. I'm thinking that slowly I'm maybe "relying" on the Smith too much and should use more free weights.


If I just did flat benching, then I'd probably just use free weights. But, I use more incline these days. Hmm. Also, (unless you use dumbells) the barbell rack is quite busy sometimes. We'll see, Friday will be my chest day, so I'll see then.


I wouldn't think it was a problem as long as you keep switching it up.


Ah, on the incline I use dumbbells. Never used a barbell. Even flat I more often use dumbbells because, like you said, the barbell is often busy.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm in the mood to get in better shape. Not that I'm particularly out better shape but just exercising to feel better about myself mostly. I canne get to a gym nearby (nearest one is 2 miles in the wrong direction) and I have no money. So what would you recommend...? I'm not sure what I'm asking here and I anticipate the response will be something akin to "running and x push ups, sit ups etc"


But yeah. Feedback?

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I'm in the mood to get in better shape. Not that I'm particularly out better shape but just exercising to feel better about myself mostly. I canne get to a gym nearby (nearest one is 2 miles in the wrong direction) and I have no money. So what would you recommend...? I'm not sure what I'm asking here and I anticipate the response will be something akin to "running and x push ups, sit ups etc"


But yeah. Feedback?


I'm no fitness expert but you don't need a gym to be fit. When I'm looking to become fitter I usually start with 10 sit ups and 10 press ups every day for a week along with a half an hour run 3 times during that week. No sense in running every day as you're not giving the muscle fibre time to heal after each run ( I learned that the hard way). After the first week gradually increase your output. Keep pushing yourself until you become tired, especially with the running, you wont improve if you only run whats comfortable.


This has worked for me everytime, it's what I use to get ready for local marathons that occasionally happen round here.

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Oh I know that but was just a forewarning (ie it has to involve practical home-based stuff, which doesn't include benches and stuff).


Although I would like to join a gym...with a pool. But yeah, issues. Issues and tissues.

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I was tempted. I'm so glad you did it.






I'm using my dumbells everyday now. Woo. Presumably won't do anything though, since I'm not doing anything else besides walking in terms of exercise/diet.

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