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Gym's finally reopened after the chrimbo hiatus. My titties and legs are shrinking unfortunately, been doing a mixture of weights rotations and the occasional cardiac exercise for a couple years now.


I would post sexy pictures, but that would be showing off :heh:. Anyone else around here on a weight training regime? If so, you should try out myprotein.co.uk. Been getting the true whey shit from there for a while now, pretty good for weight gain. Am now 5'11" and 12.3 (ish) Stone, looking to get to 13. Body fat is around 11% though, trying to get that down to around 6%, which is kinda hard if you enjoy the occasional kebab.


I just get the Acid Whey Protein. Not really sure what the difference with the True Whey.


I've been trying to bulk up recently. I'm 5'11 and 11 Stone (70/701 Kg) but I've got really low body fat (at least I assume I do because I actually have a six pack. Yay!) because I'm a healthy food freak. Brown rice, brown pasta, no junk food, no chocolate, no sweets. It wouldn't be that big a problem bulking up except my cycling means I have to eat SOOO much just to break even it's unfunny. I have like 6 meals a day.


How do you work out body fat? *Goes googles*


I bought some free weights a few years ago and I just to use them twice a week. I was never going crazy but it was just something to give me a little extra strength. But I found the practice quite difficult to keep up. Not having a bench didn't help either as it was limiting my exercises and consequently my motivation. It being a solitary experience didn't help me either.


And so I gave up.


But I'm since I'm not going the gym on my own, I always have some company - though there have been occasions when I've been on my own. Still, at least I still have them as a bit of a back up should I be completely unable to attend for whatever reason.


Yeah, it's annoying but it's only until the gym opens on the 4th. On the flip side it's also a good thing because it varies my exercises. I just don't want to regress so the main aim is just to not lose any muscle until the gym opens (Apparently muscle starts to break down after 72 hours of lack of use...although I'm sure that's extreme).

Edited by Daft
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Guest Captain Falcon
oooh hardcore. When my mum was at her best (pre-injury) she could do nearly 10 minutes. I think the staff at the gym were actually amazed at her capabilities. Takes MEGA fitness, and uber strong legs!! I tried and pretty much failed :grin:


Things like that are very hard on the knees, so take it easy =)


Well I did ten minutes and then the cool down for 2 minutes.


It doesn't help that the day we do cardio at the gym is the same day we do leg work. So they were feeling pretty tired before I got on it.


To be honest, I was a little disappointed I only managed that. Then again, my heart rate averaged 178 over that short stint though I'm not sure how many floors it was - I've a feeling it was 50 something but I could have been looking at something else...

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I've been really slack with the gym over the past month - hardly gone at all. I went today, though, at least, but I'm not going to be able to go for another week because I'm visiting family. I really wish I enjoyed going more, though, because it's so easy to say 'I'll just give it a miss tonight'. On a related note, a friend lent me their toning belt the other day, as they'd given up using it, so I'm hoping it'll have some effect (I've read very mixed reviews!).

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Guest Captain Falcon

Yeah, it's annoying but it's only until the gym opens on the 4th. On the flip side it's also a good thing because it varies my exercises. I just don't want to regress so the main aim is just to not lose any muscle until the gym opens (Apparently muscle starts to break down after 72 hours of lack of use...although I'm sure that's extreme).


Well I thought you're supposed to wait about 72 hours before you exercise the same muscle group anyway so is that 3 days after your 3 days of rest?


Anyway, what are peoples thoughts on protein supplements? How people here take them?


Personally I don't take any of them, but part of me thinks it would be useful in the early days just to help the process a little. Once I've built up that initial strength, I can revert to just eat healthy.

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On a related note, a friend lent me their toning belt the other day, as they'd given up using it, so I'm hoping it'll have some effect (I've read very mixed reviews!).


Don't those give you heart palpitations?


Well I thought you're supposed to wait about 72 hours before you exercise the same muscle group anyway so is that 3 days after your 3 days of rest?


Anyway, what are peoples thoughts on protein supplements? How people here take them?


Personally I don't take any of them, but part of me thinks it would be useful in the early days just to help the process a little. Once I've built up that initial strength, I can revert to just eat healthy.


Maybe you're right (maybe it starts after 72 hours but not to any major extent...dunno, now I'm just guessing :heh: ) but you only need one rest day between exercising muscle groups.


I need the protein supplement just because my added cycling means that on days I go to they gym I do almost 3 hours of intense exercise. It also makes you recover quicker, along with providing the fuel for your muscles to grow, which is great. Pretty much speeds the whole process up and makes it more efficient.


Pics or it didn't happen. Sorry, had to be done ;)



Gym? I'm starting again 04/01/10.


Maybe I'll take you up on that...maybe...

No chance. Pervert!!


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Guest Captain Falcon



Yeah so I was bored today and decided to go down.


Didn't get there until almost 3 and they were closing at 4. I wasn't there to do anything too heavy, just a bit of cardio work. first off i thought I'd use the treadmill but only managed 10 mins. It wasn't that I physically couldn't do it, it was a mental thing. I was just finding it so boring and it didn't help that my ipod was playing music I out of order. So after that, I went straight onto the cross machine, without taking a break and did 18mins on that before going onto the rowing machine to try my hand at it again. I just wanted to set it to 20 mins but couldn't quite figure it out so I went for just one of preset options of 5km - took me 26mins and 4 seconds. I've no idea if that is bad or not but now I have something to aim for at least.

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Gym? I'm starting again 04/01/10.


Yep I think I'm back on the 4th too. I was meaning to get out for some jogging whilst its been shut over Christmas but due to the snow and ice I've stayed in. Looking forward to the return- the gym I go to has been shut for about two weeks so thats a long enough break methinks.

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How do you work out body fat? *Goes googles*


I got it done at the gym, they pinch fat folds on your abdomen and use this weird clip device that measures it for you. Your six pack can be visible from anything under 20% body fat.


Went to gym today, managed a good 90kg for...er...two reps lol, on the bench press, but a decent 75kg for 10 reps... It's alright, better than it was before. Unfortunately, my legs are still woeful. Squatting a max 130kg for 4 reps (I can only do this on a smith machine aswell, do not have the balls to try it out on a non supported barbell.).


Now, I'm gonna go run. Probably pass out, feel ill from squats.

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I was reading this article about fitness myths and it said that cycling making you sterile is a complete myth, of course. But if you wear lycra cycling shorts, no one will have sex with you anyway. Made me chuckle.


Anyway, really busy this week but I'm gonna do a couple of workouts, at least. In an attempt to detox a little, I'm also upping my antioxidant intake, more tomatoes and pomegranate juice etc.

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First day back at the gym since Christmas, didn't seem to have lost any strength in a particular muscle, the exercises I did I did my usual reps, but I did less exercises due to busyness of the gym / lazyness / needing to be home sharp. There was one guy in today who just absolutely took the whole gym thing way too far...theres buff, and theres ridiculous...

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I restarted my home fitness thing on Monday with a big chest and back and abs session and continued yesterday with a plyometric sesh.


I'm still feeling a burn (majorly in my left tricep) from mondays workout, and i'm about to start a shoulders and arm routine, then work my abs again.. ouch :(


Should be fun.

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Went to the gym today after a lot of irregular weeks. I really was not in the mood to go today but I knew if I didn't go today I'd probably let the gym slide a lot and feel guilty and get demotivated. Anyway, pushed on through (thank God) and about half way through the session remembered why I enjoy the gym.


It's the endorphins.


I miss my runner's high.

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I haven't been to the gym since I left uni, so about 2 and a half years ago. Been thinking about starting up again and there's a lot of offers at the moment, just not sure where to go. I've lost almost 3 stone since I started working so I should really look at putting some of that back on.

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Just finished my shoulders and arms.


It actually feels good at the moment, i know tommorrow though it's gonna be that pain that although hurts has that nice twinge to it :grin:


I'm gonna have a well earned break, then do my final exercises.

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I haven't been to the gym since I left uni' date=' so about 2 and a half years ago. Been thinking about starting up again and there's a lot of offers at the moment, just not sure where to go. I've lost almost 3 stone since I started working so I should really look at putting some of that back on.[/quote']


Heh, I think I was about 3 stone lighter about 2 years ago, too. Although, that's because I was super skinny back then. Join the gym cult. Do eet naaw.


This week has been an aching one. Did some leg work on Friday which really took a lot out of me. I've never really been a fan of squats, as I don't think I have strong legs or knees. But, shit, I got such a rush doing them.


Did some shoulder work yesterday, and I'm really feeling that, too. So damn masochistic. I love this pain.

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Into the second week and i'm back into the swing of it.


I've just finished my chest and back workout and i'm feeling much better than last monday.. and i did more reps on most of the exercises :D really pleased.


Gonna grab me a shower now, have my dinner and then watch my beloved West Brom beat Newcastle*.. what a day :grin:


* it better fucking happen =p

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I really was not in the mood to go today but I knew if I didn't go today I'd probably let the gym slide a lot and feel guilty and get demotivated.


Yeah that happens a lot to me, usually when I am sick or just so busy, I tend to let it slide more and more and more, and then I soon realize that I have a lot of catching up to do :heh:


I don't go to the gym, since I have my own weights to work out on, and with losing weight I do a lot of running with friends of mine so it's all a good.


Been trying to get a six pack since mostly the rest of my body really feels fit and this six pack will be the hardest for me to try and get. Just been doing a lot of different exercise for the stomach, also been having lots of water as well as, also trying to make sure I have breakfast every day and making it my biggest meal of the day. :D


On another note, I used to drink lots of soft drink and junk food, but lately since I have been having more fruit, vegetables and water I just can't really get back into the older stuff I used to have. Does this happen to any of you guys?

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The older stuff? Like food wise? I used to go through a bad of Jelly Babies every other day, sometimes Mars bars. Now I don't touch junk food, even the thought of it is unappealing (Still love chocolate though, although I rarely have it now). I use to have white bread, white rice, white pasta but after switching to brown/whole grain the white stuff just feels really heavy and not nice at all. I used to hate whole grain food but now I've got use to it I love it. No way I'm touching that processed crap again. Now I'm writing about it, I think it's pretty f*cking disgusting. :heh:


I've got weights at home but no bench. If I did go without the gym I'd have to get a bench and way more weights.



Went to the gym today and would say this was the first heavy session after getting back into the routine. Felt great. Look forward to my day off tomorrow (bar the 11 mile cycle).

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When I look at the stuff I'm eating, there really isn't a lot of chocolate or snacky type stuff there. I've disciplined myself. :D


Work's been pretty hectic this week, so I haven't been to the gym in days. I think I'll be going on Friday. If I'm exercising, I want to be able to get some decent rest the next day, or at least 8 hours of sleep for my body to recover. I've been getting up at 5 or 6 this week, and I didn't get home til 6 oclock yesterday. So, I've done all the calculations and stuff, bearing in mind it would take me about half an hour to get to the gym, then half an hour back. It would pretty much mean I would need to go to sleep as soon as I return from working out, haha.


I've really started to notice a difference with my body, particularly with my back. I didn't think there was much of a difference, but Ine said that my back was a wider at the top now, and that my lats are looking bigger each time we meet up. So, I took a photo using my phone and put the timer on...and there really is a difference. That V shape is coming up nicely. My shoulders could do with a lot more work though!

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