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I've been meaning to join a gym for ages.. just have to get around to going to one of these induction days. the gym I'm thinking of going to is Fitness First which is quite expensive but you get access to the sun beds, saunas, one on one tutorage. I'd probably end up in the sauna all day tbh


You should shop around, look up online and see what gyms are in your local area and ring them for quotes!


I got to a local one and they have an option for gym only, and its only £22 a month. Scooore.

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I've been meaning to join a gym for ages.. just have to get around to going to one of these induction days. the gym I'm thinking of going to is Fitness First which is quite expensive but you get access to the sun beds, saunas, one on one tutorage. I'd probably end up in the sauna all day tbh


I used to be a member of Fitness First and really enjoyed it there. Then, the one I went to closed down (in Newport.) I almost cried that day. The atmosphere there was great. :)


What's the price at the moment? Is it still around 25 quid a month or something? I recommend you shop around. The thing is, sometimes it is worth paying a little extra a month if you enjoy going there and if they have exactly what you need. I randomly met a member from Fitness First about a month ago (he was cutting my hair) and I asked where he was going now. He said he pays a cheap price to go to the local leisure centre, but doesn't really enjoy it there. And it doesn't have half of what he needs. I reckon you should go there, check it out, get a feel of the place then decide. :)


I went to the gym after work, and I feel so dead right now. Today was my shoulders day and I did a fair bit of cardio work. I also managed to lose the keys to my locker, went downstairs to reception and then a lad came running behind me saying he'd found them (cos I had asked him about 10 mins before if he'd seen them.) This is also the same bloke that (on my birthday) asked me how he could go about getting a bigger arse. Yeah. He's definitely entertaining. Intentionally or not, I don't know.


Somebody is going to sleep well tonight. I've only really just got home and had a little bite to eat but I feel so exhausted. Good work, body!

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I used to be a member of Fitness First and really enjoyed it there. Then, the one I went to closed down (in Newport.) I almost cried that day. The atmosphere there was great. :)


What's the price at the moment? Is it still around 25 quid a month or something? I recommend you shop around. The thing is, sometimes it is worth paying a little extra a month if you enjoy going there and if they have exactly what you need. I randomly met a member from Fitness First about a month ago (he was cutting my hair) and I asked where he was going now. He said he pays a cheap price to go to the local leisure centre, but doesn't really enjoy it there. And it doesn't have half of what he needs. I reckon you should go there, check it out, get a feel of the place then decide. :)


I went to the gym after work, and I feel so dead right now. Today was my shoulders day and I did a fair bit of cardio work. I also managed to lose the keys to my locker, went downstairs to reception and then a lad came running behind me saying he'd found them (cos I had asked him about 10 mins before if he'd seen them.) This is also the same bloke that (on my birthday) asked me how he could go about getting a bigger arse. Yeah. He's definitely entertaining. Intentionally or not, I don't know.


Somebody is going to sleep well tonight. I've only really just got home and had a little bite to eat but I feel so exhausted. Good work, body!


That's some damn solid advice there.:smile:

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That's some damn solid advice there.:smile:


It is amazing how different each gym is, though. The one I used a few times at Uni was part of a Posh Health-club. There were literally rows and rows of treadmills, bikes and cross-trainers. But, as for free weights and benches, there was so very little there.


There's another gym that is much closer to my house that the one I trek to. But, it's full of steriod-users and muscle-heads. I've heard horror stories from there, that the staff don't clean the equipment, that it just always smells of sweat, and that it's quite elitist. You have to be fucking huuuuuge to be accepted there. Such a contrast to the other one.

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Guest Captain Falcon

@ Karl619


I go Fitness First and pay just under £20 a month though I'm guessing it must vary depending on where about in the country you are. And whilst I'm not sure if it's the same at everyone, but mine definitely charges extra for the suntan machine - it's not a bed as you stand up. Apparently anyway. I don't use it, honest, but I know a man who does... I think it's something like £5 for 10 minutes. Though they were offering a ridiculous price at the weekend just gone - it was something like 135mins for £25 or something equally daft in comparison to the normal price.



Anyway, my college lesson got canceled...again... so my mate and I decided to go the gym. He missed the Saturday routine of Chest and Triceps and those are two areas I'd like to focus a bit more on - chest to give better shape to my body and triceps just because it's a pain to train them.


And to cut a long story short, I didn't lose my mind (feel free to guess the reference though) but I wasn't far off as we were awful. Definitely shifting lower weights than we normally do.. though I did a new max set on the dip machine.


And then we just used the crunch machine at the end for a bit to get some stomach work in there.


Driving home my arms were so tired I couldn't believe it.

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Done my Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps workout today. Still upping the work rate and really feeling it whilst actually doing the exercise.


I cheated a bit tonight though as I was taking longer pauses between exercises because i was glued to the football highlights :grin:


Don't think it should matter too much though as it was full on resistance exercise not cardio ::shrug:

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Hahahahahahh. Brilliant. :D What colour was it? Pink? It wasn't edible, was it?


I feel sick.


Pftt.. Haha.


Charlie's first..... and last day at the gym :laughing:


Home gym for the win :yay:


Haha, I normally go quite a lot... Been twice this week. Didn't have time yesterday and I wanted to come home after uni to watch the tennis today so couldn't again. Won't be going again tomorrow as I'm going out tonight. Monday it is!


That is the type of thing which puts you off for life.


And it was brown.

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Apparently Jaffa Cakes are good to eat in the gym. Discuss.


I don't really bother eating much when working out, usually I have lunch about 3-4 hours prior to working out.


My stomach is teasing me, it's like it's telling me about my six-pack by saying "So close, yet so far."


I also wonder, with a six pack, would it be easier for someone who is skinny and has never been fat to have one(Like they continue on eating and they never go fat) compared to someone who can easily be fat if he it's a lot?

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You really should eat an hour before going to the gym and have some form of protein and simple carb within half and hour of finishing.


A six-pack if all about your BMI. It would probably take longer for someone with slightly more fat to see the results. I'd say easily the hardest part of a six-pack is definition...which would probably come easier to a skinny person.

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You really should eat an hour before going to the gym and have some form of protein and simple carb within half and hour of finishing.



I usually go all out with exercise, one of them being a full on run and even having something to eat an hour before it won't take long before you get a stitch.


But having something half an hour after exercising is interesting, will do from now, thanks for tip :)

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If you're doing weights you really need to eat an hour before and to get the best out of the workout in the hour after (ideally within the half hour).


So me and my friend tested the Jaffa Cake idea.


Worked a Goddamn treat. Scoffed six just before starting and had another three after an hour. Had an amazingly intense two plus hours. Absolutely destroyed now. Did shoulders, triceps and abs. Honestly, I could have gone one. Jaffa Cakes are a miracle fruit. :hehe:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just did 30 mins on the cross trainer and 10 on the rower, I'm now dead. Dead. I feel unfit again, need to get back on track. Although, my parents have just bought this:




Arrives next week, so that's cool. Apparently it's best to vary your exercise so this should be good for that.

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The gym was weird this week. With the seated supported bicep curl (whatever the fuck it's called) I went from barely being able to do 12 reps of 12.5kg (I have no idea how much the actual bar is so add that as well) in previous weeks to doing 10 reps of 17.5kg easy on Monday and then 20kg on the Friday (struggled on the very last rep of the last set, which is pretty damn impressive).


Really weird.


I've also started eating an unholy amount of food to bulk up a bit. My daily cycling takes minimum 700 calories which means I have to make that back up as well. I'm pretty much stuffing my face every second of the day. My God, eating is a chore. I never thought I'd say that.


Also, Jaffa Cakes are definitely God's greatest fruit. I have 3/4 before the gym and then 2 at half time and I can push myself so much.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I quite surprised myself at the gym today.


For the last exercise of the day, I picked seated dips. We do 3 sets of 6, 8 and then 12 on reducing weight. Last time I did them, I started on 63KG for my first two sets on then dropped it to the next weight down (56KG) for the final 12.


Today, I managed to do my 6, 8 and 12 all on 70KG and then after wards as a test, I tried the next weight up (77KG) and managed to do 12 more. And sure it took a lot out of me but I question the leap I seem to have made and wondered what I could have done fresh.


As a point of reference, I only weigh 69KG.

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Apparently Jaffa Cakes are good to eat in the gym. Discuss.


Shoulders and triceps today. Yaytastic.


Haha, it's funny I came across you saying that because I randomly googled "eat nothing but jaffa cakes" into google a week ago and came across a mens health forum topic saying just that.


Anyway, I am going to start supplementing my diet with protein. Myprotein's impact whey protein is cheap, so I am going with 5kg of that for £39.99. I'll probably have 60g a day for an extra 50g of protein in my diet. It works out as 50p a day, which isn't bad.. My body apparently needs 76g.

Edited by Pyxis
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The gym was weird this week. With the seated supported bicep curl (whatever the fuck it's called) I went from barely being able to do 12 reps of 12.5kg (I have no idea how much the actual bar is so add that as well) in previous weeks to doing 10 reps of 17.5kg easy on Monday and then 20kg on the Friday (struggled on the very last rep of the last set, which is pretty damn impressive).


Really weird.


I've also started eating an unholy amount of food to bulk up a bit. My daily cycling takes minimum 700 calories which means I have to make that back up as well. I'm pretty much stuffing my face every second of the day. My God, eating is a chore. I never thought I'd say that.


Also, Jaffa Cakes are definitely God's greatest fruit. I have 3/4 before the gym and then 2 at half time and I can push myself so much.


Preacher curl I think its called. I love doing that one, right now I'm managing 3*10 with 30-35kg. It's one of those ones were you can progress really quickly, it's great.

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i was in the gym yesterday, while on the exercise bike, i could see the guy infront of me working on a cross trainer. MC Hammers "cant touch this" came on the music and some how, it synced up perfectly with that guys efforts. i was trying to to burst out laughing the whole time.


just a bit gutted that I'll not be able to get to the gym next week as im going to be at work 8 hours a day with 3-4 hours worth of travle.

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