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DUST 514


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I'm getting a a pleasant sort of Planetside-esque vibe from the whole thing. I love the whole idea of MMOs where players have collective control over it's outcomes. I loved Eve but it was just too much of a timesink. This sort of thing is right up my alley.

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Just to add some details:


64 players according to CCP. Game is being developed in China. No subscription for playing online but lots of little DLC for gaining items, weapons etc. There will also be expansions and see if they can up the player count to 88 if possible.

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EVE Touches Down With Dust 514




Dust 514, the shooter spinoff of popular MMO EVE Online, certainly looks great, but how does it play? Turns out it plays a little like a first-person game of Magic: The Gathering.


Edge's webiste has posted the big feature on the game that formed the cornerstone of the mag's latest issue, which gives us our first real details on how the game is going to be worked into the existing EVE experience.


CCP's creative director, Atli Mar Sveinsson, explains how the game's multiplayer combat is a little different. "You're given some interesting choices before the fighting's even started. There are ten vehicle classes, but the commander can only commit five for each battle. We have 15 installation types, and he can only choose five. It's simple, really, like Magic: The Gathering: you prepare your deck and then fight."


Those choices are made by a "commander", either a human player or AI, who literally hovers over the battlefield in a large ship, able to give orders and witness the entire battle at once.


Which is fine, as far as shooters go. But Sveinsson is aware that Dust's real chance to shine is not as a shooter, but as shooter with links to EVE.


"The most ambitious element is the Eve link," he says. "The other stuff has been proven in other games. Running around with a gun is a proven concept: let's just make it really good. It's when Eve comes in that it becomes special. We're sharing the universe: your basic interface to the world in Dust is even through the same star-map as Eve."


"Essentially, the Eve players need to control planets," Sveinsson continues. "Planets give them resources and affect sovereignty. So they can issue contracts to win over territory on their behalf: either open-ended contracts for all to accept, or more direct contracts to specific mercenary corporations. You could almost liken it to the setting of a match: I want this kind of player, this kind of skill level. The difference is that it's being handled by players. It's not game designers or server admins setting games in motion or deciding where things should be, it's actual players in Eve, building up their districts and fortifying their areas."


And when those planets are conquered in Dust, the results will be reflected in EVE. Exciting stuff.


There's plenty more of interest in the piece, from the way Dust will work to how CCP are handling development across two continents, so hit the link below for all that and more.




Promising stuff.

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Sounds very interesting, glad they're trying something a little different then the straight-up Battlefield formula. I wonder how the combat areas are created - procedurally generated in some fashion one might guess? It'll be interesting to see how the mechanic between organised Merc corps and bands of individuals are balanced. Would it be a bit like a regular matchmaking mechanic on the surface or what?

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Didnt know where to ask about it but a few weeks ago I was on Brookers twitter and he was asking for unique game suggestions and someone linked him to a video of this gravity FPS thing that focuses on varying levels/height where you can avoid gun fights etc by shooting people down via running on the ceiling/walls. From the trailer I was under the impression you can switch walls on the go.


Not positive its on consoles but it looked pretty rad.


Edit, why the Borderlands lock?

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Sounds very interesting, glad they're trying something a little different then the straight-up Battlefield formula. I wonder how the combat areas are created - procedurally generated in some fashion one might guess? It'll be interesting to see how the mechanic between organised Merc corps and bands of individuals are balanced. Would it be a bit like a regular matchmaking mechanic on the surface or what?


It is pretty much a BF clone minus the tie in with EVE. Once you get past all the fancy language.

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  • 1 year later...

I wish they had a weekly TV/YouTube series about what has happened in EVE for the week. I'd watch the fuck out of that shit. I just don't have anywhere near enough time (or patience) to get into it.


Really hope this works. It's damn ambitious. Good luck to them.

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I actually really want to get back into EVE Online. Such an amazing game.


Me too, but you do need plenty of time and/or money to burn on it. If I ever suffer a major stroke and loose my mobility just set me up with it and I'll be happy as a bee in butter.

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Me too, but you do need plenty of time and/or money to burn on it. If I ever suffer a major stroke and loose my mobility just set me up with it and I'll be happy as a bee in butter.


Hmm maybe. It depends what kind of corporation you join (you can't enjoy this game unless you join a corp). I was in a smallish (60-70 people) alliance, i have the title senior advisor due to my experiance in just about every type of corp. We live in a wormhole, so that involves pve and pvp. It's interesting to say the least living in a wormhole. I don't know how much you know about the game, so i don't know if you'll even know what i'm talking about. Sorry if you don't.:heh:

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I spent about 5 months out of my first year in university dossing about as a part-time carebear miner type, had a couple of spells in player owned corps. Invariably it came down to the classic cost/use problem with both money and leisure time slowly dwindling. As I've said before if and when I've got about £15 extra a month I'm not spending on anything else (and a capable laptop) I'm straight back in there.


Which brings us back to Dust 514 or whatever it is/will be called when and if it's finally done. I love the universe of Eve Online to bits and I'm thrilled by the idea of a game that allows me to participate in the universe, no matter how insignificantly, without prohibitive time commitments or monthly fees.

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If you were ever to get back into it and joined a big pvp alliance in null sec, your mind will be blown. Everything is amazing. The amount of work the CEO must put into running it must be impossible. There is just so much going on.


Everything about EVE is wonderful, from politics to the economy. No game can touch it in how lively and busy it feels while playing.

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You are preaching to the choir, sir. I've been keeping half an eye on developments since and I am quite convinced if I ever do venture back into Eve Online parts of my body will start spontaneously combusting immediately after log-in.

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