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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


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With everyone enjoying Metroid Prime Trilogy at the moment, I decided to buy this (on GameCube)! I massively enjoyed my replay of Metroid Prime a couple of months ago, but I couldn't really be bothered with this one, as I'd read about the Light World/Dark World and limited ammunition. However, a workmate strongly recommended it, saying it was "easy" (hmm...), so I went for it!


This time, I only found Metroid Prime to be of medium/hard difficulty, so I'm up for a little bit more challenge if necessary.


Anyway, I started playing and... wow! The graphics are truly incredible. What an amazing machine the GameCube is. The atmosphere at the beginning is incredibly spooky, and I regret I'm only just beginning to appreciate how talented Retro Studios were.


I'm finding the game incredibly good fun, no problems with the bosses at the moment, although I'm not far in. I wondered if it had Metroids in it.


Yes, it does, and they appear very early, I thought.



It's just like having another Metroid Prime quality game to play. However, I'd be lying if I said there weren't any "unwise" decisions in the game design. For one thing, you have to keep stopping in safe zones in the Dark World to let your energy recharge. At the moment I'm just about to enter the Dark World for the 2nd time.


Anyway, a great game!

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I completed Metroid Prime 2: Echoes last month so I'm well placed to comment on how I felt about it :heh:


I was like you in the sense that I was never really too hasty about getting into it but once I did I really enjoyed it at the start.. but in all honesty, things get quite frustrating towards the end as the game becomes a bit of a grind :hmm:


It's probably worth persevering though so I hope you enjoy it and.. keep playing, La Grazza Canal :heh:

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It's just like having another Metroid Prime quality game to play. However, I'd be lying if I said there weren't any "unwise" decisions in the game design. For one thing, you have to keep stopping in safe zones in the Dark World to let your energy recharge. At the moment I'm just about to enter the Dark World for the 2nd time.


Anyway, a great game!


I will defend that decision actually. Gave the dark world a further atmosphere of feeling trapped and the limited ammo helpes with that too...


My main problem with echoes was the worlds looked very similar to each other and some puzzles are so random it's not funny... it's a bit too difficult for some players in fairness.

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like i said


light world/dark world stuff sucks

ammo system sucks

the light suit looks ridiculous

key hunt sucks

the map is incredibly awkward

very few save rooms



but other than that i like it. much more than i did when it first came out. i LOVE the first 20 minutes of the game especially.


my 6th favourite metroid game probably

Edited by or else you will DIE
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Tsk, Tsk, S.C.G.

Grazza just started the game and you show him a spoiler like that? :heh:


Anyway, maybe it's because my TV at the time didn't support 60Hz, so my main problem was the inevitable headache I would get from playing it :p


Other than that, the real problems with this game are easy to spot:


1-Story/Cutscene related exploration. I prefer going finding places myself instead of having an alien tell me where to go. The fact that I actually needed to talk to him to unlock obvious doors was incredibly frustrating.


2-Because of point 1, instead of several areas that are intertwined and can even be accidentaly revisited later, everything is separated. The world consists of a Center that's linked to the other areas. After completing one, you go the next one without thinking too much in revisiting it. Sounds more like Zelda instead of Metroid.


Everything else was good. The atmosphere when facing the dead bodies is great, the bosses are really challenging (I'm looking at you, Boost Guardian) and memorable (Mainly Dark Samus and Quadraxis), normal enemies can be a pain (Dark Commando springs to mind), the Dark World, despite its similarities with the Light World, was a really tense place, and not even the ammo bothered me.

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Tsk, Tsk, S.C.G.

Grazza just started the game and you show him a spoiler like that? :heh:


Tbf I wouldn't have if OEYWD hadn't spoke terrible untruths about it... :heh: plus I'm actually surprised at the amount of people that hadn't played any of the Prime games before until now, that's more 'Tsk-worthy' Imo...


Anyways... spoilered now. ::shrug:

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Metroid Prime 2 is the best out of the Prime series IMO, it was a good fresh game which Metroid really needed, after Metroid Prime great success there was a lot of pressure on Retro to pull out an even better game, and they did.


It's near the last few area's you just go wow at how a metroid game can really blend into anything and look and feel like it's still metroid.


I could go on for hours about how awesome the game is, but I don't want to bore people :heh:

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Tsk, Tsk, S.C.G.

Grazza just started the game and you show him a spoiler like that? :heh:


Thanks, I really appreciate that!


Anyway, maybe it's because my TV at the time didn't support 60Hz, so my main problem was the inevitable headache I would get from playing it :p


Ah, I didn't realise it worked at all in 50Hz. I always had to change Metroid Prime to 60Hz anyway, as it made me feel sick otherwise.


Tbf I wouldn't have if OEYWD hadn't spoke terrible untruths about it... :heh: plus I'm actually surprised at the amount of people that hadn't played any of the Prime games before until now, that's more 'Tsk-worthy' Imo...


In my defence, I did actually buy Metroid Prime back in 2004, I think it was, but because I couldn't defeat the end boss, I didn't want the extra challenge of Echoes.


Anyway, I've beaten the first "big" boss and have left Agon. No real problems so far, but I'm dreading the Boost Guardian!

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Guest Captain Falcon


It fucking owned! :heh:


The light suit is too skinny and makes the arm cannon look massive as a result.


Tsk, Tsk, S.C.G.

Grazza just started the game and you show him a spoiler like that? :heh:


Well in all fairness, if you leave the game at the title screen, the movie that plays shows Samus in the light suit wall jumping, so there's a good chance he may have seen it already anyway.

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If the Light Suit helps me in the Dark World, I'll be pleased!


I was chuffed to find an expansion for my beams. Hopefully I'll find them all.


Wahey, just smashed the Boost Guardian! He was no match for me! ;)


Seriously, it reminded me of the Omega Pirate, in that it may seem impossible. Then, when you understand the technique, what to ignore etc, it actually seems easy.


How I love Super Missiles. :)

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Ah, I didn't realise it worked at all in 50Hz. I always had to change Metroid Prime to 60Hz anyway, as it made me feel sick otherwise.


My TV was weird like that. Supposedly, it wouldn't work in 60Hz, but it actually did, with the only differences being a small buzzing noise and a slightly blurrier image (hence my head hurting).

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*digs out post from Metroid prime Trilogy thread*


Metroid has never been about Multiplayer and it never would be, the multiplayer mode in Echoes and Hunters were 'interesting experiments' but that's all and should never be repeated.


Metroid Prime is one of the most absorbing single-player games anyone is ever likely to experience, not buying / rebuying it because it doesn't have online multiplayer should be a crime. :heh:


I rest my case... :blank:

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Well yeah, I don't understand why many people don't seem to like the second game as opposed to the first. Anyway, for other views on the game, you can revisit [this thread] from way back then ;).

In short, my view from that thread: I loved all the prime games. I loved the darker atmosphere in this one, the result from the dark/light world mechanic. Loved the bosses, didn't mind the ammo or the keyhunting (didn't love it either obviously). Wasn't keen on the swamp level, but absolutely loved the fortress. Loved the light suit, but in contrast, absolutely hated the dark suit ;).


As for multiplayer, never really played it (didn't have bots I think?), but from what I could tell it wasn't anything spectacular. I don't agree however that the Metroid universe should be restricted to single player games. I'll always prefer a new single player game obviously, but hunters proved there's fun to be had in a multiplayer environment too, and the metroid universe is simply the first party franchise best suited for such a game. I'd love to see a sequel to hunters on a console one day.


I've just replayed Resident Evil 4 a few days ago, in 2 sessions, maybe I should replay the first 2 Metroid prime games, 2 of my other favourite Cube games, as well.

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Well yeah, I don't understand why many people don't seem to like the second game as opposed to the first. Anyway, for other views on the game, you can revisit [this thread] from way back then ;).


Phew, I'm glad you linked that, as I didn't know about the glitch.


To be honest, my enjoyment of this game has trailed right off. I don't like the 3rd big area and I'm stuck at the Spider Guardian, which seems an awful boss to me. Plus, I'm constantly trying to avoid the glitch (glad I know about it though).


I take my hat off to Hero-of-Time for completing it in 3 days! Don't know how he did that!

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Phew, I'm glad you linked that, as I didn't know about the glitch.


To be honest, my enjoyment of this game has trailed right off. I don't like the 3rd big area and I'm stuck at the Spider Guardian, which seems an awful boss to me. Plus, I'm constantly trying to avoid the glitch (glad I know about it though).


I take my hat off to Hero-of-Time for completing it in 3 days! Don't know how he did that!


yeah just wait til the key finding stuff begins

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Seriously, could someone help me with the Spider Guardian please? I've been stuck on it for three days and it's totally halted my play. It's just 100x harder than any other Metroid Prime boss. It's a totally different thing.


I understand the general idea, and I can get to the 4th room, but I just can't bomb the last bomb slot. I've looked on GameFAQs, but what I really need to know is: How many times do you need to stun him in order to get you enough time to reach the 3rd bomb slot? Where are the best places in the room to stun him?


I sort of understand that he's got to hit the flaps from the front. Other than that, I just can't get my head around it!

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check out how this guy does it



Yeeeeeesssssssssss! I beat him! First time after watching your video, with about 80% of my last health bar left. Thank you so much, it never crossed my mind that there were video tutorials out there.


I was very lucky with my double bomb jump. I did a quick "bomb, leave, bomb, bomb" in my head, and luckily I was positioned just right. Then I jumped up to the last bomb slot itself with what was probably less than a second on the clock!


No boss has ever made my hands tremble like that. I don't know where the nearest save point is afterwards but, recklessly, I bomb jumped up to get the missile expansion instead of taking the spider-track back to where I'd just been. This wouldn't have been so bad, but then I foolishly entered a very dangerous Morph Ball tunnel, with fire blasts and the like! Luckily I made it out of there with plenty of health.


Thanks again. I can get back to enjoying it now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hooray, I completed it last night! I was a bit cheeky and regenerated my entire health during the 2nd phase of the penultimate boss. Thankfully, I had no problems. It was easier than I expected, but I'm not complaining.


Zero Suit Samus appears!



So, it was a game I much enjoyed playing, although at times it did feel like an odd cross between an excellent game and a bad one. The three problems with the game, as many people mention, were the Dark World, the Beam Ammo and (for me) the Spider Guardian. Towards the end, it felt like the pace slowed to a crawl, but perhaps that was just me.


I'm very pleased I've played it, but I think I'll sell it now, as it's a bit of an "ordeal". You know what disappoints me though? I really thought this forum's moderator, darksnowman, was going to give me a running commentary of the game as I played it! ;)

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