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Q+A with N-E members


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Ninja. They're way cooler, more poetic in their craft, more mysterious, and sexier.



If a genie gave you the ability to cause the world to turn into some perfect utopia tomorrow, but you, personally, hand to kill someone, would you? The person is a complete stranger, seeming ordinary enough, having done nothing bad to your knowledge.


I would. For the lols. I always wanted to know what it's like to kill someone.

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I actually don't think I have it in me to kill someone. If he were really badly evil, then I would.


What is your catchphrase (or what is the thing everyone notices you say all the time)?


My friends and family realise I say two things all of the time: Awesome and dude but I can't help it most of the time. The words just come out, lmao.

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I actually don't think I have it in me to kill someone. If he were really badly evil, then I would.


What is your catchphrase (or what is the thing everyone notices you say all the time)?


My friends and family realise I say two things all of the time: Awesome and dude but I can't help it most of the time. The words just come out, lmao.


I generally just swear far to much, and I honestly can't help myself. Though, I do say "*Eyes wide open*...I just came" far to much aswell.




At this very moment, what's the biggest worry or stress playing on your mind?


Mine's totally cliche, but I'm stressing amazingly about my A2 results and praying they'll be amazing this thursday, and therefore meaning I get into Sheffield. I literally cannot imagine what my future would be like without Sheffield. It's insane knowing that a letter through the door or an envolope at college holds the answer to what my future (or at least the next three years of my life) are going to be like. Everytime someone says "You'll get in" I scream "TOUCH WOOD" and demand to find a tree or something to touch. It's massively embarassing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I could be in any band, I would be in...JLS and I would replace the tall one because basically I can't play anything and boybands nowaday tend to go far and then you can go solo and actually have talent [/bitch]


If you could be in a movie and you had to make up your own character, what movie would it be and what character and why?


I would either be in SAW and be one of the people in the traps who survive til the end and die :heh: or I would be in A Nightmare in Elm Street and be one of those teenagers who gets to battle Kruger. The reason is because I would love to be in a horror movie and them two are my favourite horror movies.

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I would be in Stargate. And I would be the guy that decides to live off world and travel between planets.


What's your most embarrassing incident/anecdote? (preferably hilarious)


One of those that haunts you for years happened to me when I was about 4/5ish. It sounds like nothing but it's I was only a kid. Anyway I was in a shoe shop looking round. I saw a woman kneeling down that looked like my mum (she was facing the other way) with a man, woman and girl. So I went up and put my arm around her, then I realised that it was a shop assistant helping the girl try on shoes. They all just turned and looked at me at the same time with a strange expression on their face. I didn't say anything I just turned around and walked out of the shop. Halway to the exit I looked back and the were still all staring at me with the same strange expression (sort of a mixture between confused and "wtf are you doing?").

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  • 1 month later...

I thought I'd revive this thread...


What's your most embarrassing incident/anecdote? (preferably hilarious)


My most embarrassing incident? I fall over countless times, lol. It was Prom Night and everyone was dancing and having fun and everyone was hyper. Anyways, we all sat down because the Head Boy and Head Girl were doing this awards ceremony. My mate Ste sat next to me and so did Vicky. They started announcing them when they said "Funniest person of the School of 2001 goes to...Jake". Ste literally jumped in the air and stood on his chair and went "WOO! GO JAKE!" and started jumping then he started to fall over so he grabbed my chair and took me down as well. Everyone thought it was ME who stood up and jumped so I got laughed at for four-five days. It was settled though when we had video evidence that it wasn't me, lmao.


If you could live ANYWHERE in the world, where would you live


I would live in New York, no idea why but I love the life of the city over there. From the pictures I've seen, I think it looks great at night when all the lights are on.

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If you could live ANYWHERE in the world, where would you live


I'd probably live in Chicago. Why, well i'd be living in the home-town of the basketball team i follow and would be able to watch Home games when-ever i would like


Daddy or Chips??

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