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Revolution-Europe's Top 50 Nintendo Games of all Time(VOTING CLOSED!)


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1, Super Smash Bros. Melee - On no other game have i racked up 800 hours, yes 800!

2, Metroid Prime - My fave adventure/FPS ever! I love it! It's just so perfect.

3, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - In my opinion better than OoT, it was so funny at times and the game had so much character.

4, Super Mario 64 - My first ever 3D game on a console, and most others too. Great fun, very imaginative!

5 Killer 7 - This game is just genius, that's all you have to say about it.

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1. Ocarina of Time - No explanation needed

2. Tales of Symphonia - Real time rpg. 'Nuff said.

3. Diddy Kong racing - I guess I'm the only one who thinks this was better than mario kart... Awesome racer!

4. Pokemon red/blue - The best pokemon game ever.

5. Chrono Trigger - Even now, it still beats most other rpgs out there.

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1) Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)

Though the first two were good, this one clarified that Super Mario was going to work. It tied up all the lose ends really. Before, in the first one, the Mushroom Kingdom seemed just pixels which looked alright together, like not much thought had gone into it. But this one showed that the Mushroom Kingdom ment something. I don't know if I am making sence...


2) Animal Crossing (N64)

3) Paper Mario (N64)

4) Pokemon Gold Silver Crystal (GBC)

5) Wario Ware (GBA)


Ohh, I so wanted Goldeneye in there...sigh

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1. Zelda oot (n64) - everything was perfect in it. Except me being unable to get that last dammed Skultula... I know its in Zoro's River!... I think

2. Super Mario World (snes) - platforming heaven. Nothing will ever surpass it.

3. Pokemon: gsc (gbc) - built on everything that was great the first time round. Truly a worthy sucessor.

4. Resident Evil 4 (gc) - considered the best game the cube has to offer, and with good reason

5. Star Wars: Rouge Squadren (origional n64) - many people overlooked this. It was a great game and level design was far better than its sequels even if it didn't make you feel like Luke and the gang :(

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Well... It's difficult to say what's the best but...


1. Ocarina of Time - An amazing gameplay and later on when I learned to understand english better, the story got me. It's the Zelda feeling that makes this the best.


2. Majora's Mask - If this had gotten out before Ocarina maybe this would have been the best... But still it's a great game. Link's personal adventure. It deserves more respect!


3. Final Fantasy VI (SNES) - Well, it's Final Fantasy. A great rpg with great character developement and story.


4. Perfect Dark - Wow! Best fps in the world. Especially the gameplay is stunning. All those little details which were new to me at that time like enemies dieing on a chair if you shoot them when they're sitting (Sounds silly...)


5. Fire Emblem Path of Radiance - Music and the story. Those are the two things that games lack these days but Fire Emblem is an exception. Also I have to mention character developement. (I've just beated the Black Knight on my second playthrough on turn 2 :D)

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1 - Majora's Mask (The Legend of Zelda)

A blissfully deep, dark and demented trip into the Zelda universe.


2 - Pokemon Sapphire

I cant grow out of Pokemon! Can't!!! I tried!!! And this one was GREAT!!!


3 - A Link to the Past (The Legend of Zelda)

First Zelda game I played. First time the Zelda magic touched me.


4 - Super Mario Sunshine

Haha, I don't carw what you say I like this game. Colourful, fun and my first trip into 3D Mario.


5 - Animal Crossing

Addictive!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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The Gamecube was my first Nintendo-console so it's just relative 'new' games in my list. Despite the fact that I have played Zelda TWW and OoT (and am in the process of playing The Minish Cap) there's no Zelda in my list hahaha! :)


1. Metroid Prime (GC)

The reason why I bought my GC. I had high expectations of this game and it surpased them by lightyears. Absolutely perfect.


2. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (GBA)

The best and most funny action RPG on a handheld I ever played. I started playing it and just couldn't stop. Actually: this 'sub-franchise' may have surpassed the games it was based on.


3. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (GC)

See nr. 2 but then for a console.


4. Advance Wars (GBA)

The game that revived my love for strategy. Big, brilliant, and so much fun. Dual Strike is probably better and even more polished but this one started it all.


5. Mario Kart DS (DS)

I played Double Dash and Super Circuit but this one is the ultimate kart-racer and the best handheld racer I know. The amount of gameplay in this game is immense and it's presentation is flawless. The online option also makes it a significant game in Nintendo's history.

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1 - The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

2 - Metroid Prime

3 - Resident Evil 4

4 - Phantasy Star Online: ep1&2

5 - Skies of Arcadia Legends


damn this was hard and the list would probably be completely different if I'd do one tomorrow...

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1. Zelda :ocarina of time (i know i really shouldnt but i love it so much...):

Filled with classic moments from Epona leaping over the broken bridge to Link getting the biggoron sword knocked out of his hand at the final battle.


2. Zelda :minish cap


3. Super mario world


4.Wario ware

Is it just first person titles or games that have just appeared on nintendo consoles?

if its just first person titles..,

5. Mario kart 64


If not...

5. Soul calibur 2

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Here's mine


1.The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64)- unspeakably good.

2.Super Mario 64 (N64)- Still the best

3.The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time (N64)- Revolutionary adventuring

4.The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (GC)- Beautiful and inventive

5.Goldeneye (N64)- again, still the best.

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1. Chrono Trigger - Undoubtedly the greatest piece of human art ever produced, absolutely perfect music to rival bach , an amazing, infinitely engaging story and amazing unique gameplay this is the game that difined the modern RPG, not Final Fantasy 7 as many think. I pity the fool who has'nt played Chrono Trigger.


2. Metroid Prime 2 - In my opinion, far superior to the first, same amazingly deep gameplay, yet the artwork and locations were so much more atmospheric and the music much more fitting.


3. Resident Evil 4 - The reason the cube's lifetime will forever be remembered by me as the good old, incredibly disturbing days.


4. Golden Sun: The Lost Age - I don't think there has been a single game i can remember that has angered me this much, not even games such as Contra and Ikaruge. Frustratingly difficult, yet amazingly rewarding, with tasks so ridiculously obscure, yet essential to the progression that i would'nt be surprised if 90% of the people who bought it did'nt complete it. Amazing.


5. Pokemon Red - This game turned me into a hermit. To the average eye, a benign game, for children even, but for anyone who plugs it into their gameboy , a manbeast of a game that refuses to let go. My mother cried when she first realised she'd lost me forever to Pikachu and co.

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Ocarina of time - that music was just so perfect, so haunting.

Majora's Mask - just more of the same perfection

Super Mario World - about as pure as games get

Super Mario Kart (DS) - I'm already convinced its better than Super Mario Kart (SNES).

Turok 2 Seeds of Evil - a vast, desolate, brutal playground.



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1. Zelda - Ocarina of Time (N64)

2. Super Mario World (SNES)

3. Secret of Mana (SNES)

4. Final Fantasy VI (SNES)

5. Zelda III - A Link to the Past (SNES)


SNES just rocks...

but there are plenty of more titles I'd like to... nevermind. Those five are just undeniably great!

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i only had a couple of games on the n64 so my list might be a bit limited but they were the best of the best


the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. i have completed it countless times each and every time discovering something new and fresh. Ocarina is destined to be on that list.


metroid prime


perfect dark


super smash brothers


resident evil 4

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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Z-targeting, swordplay, Epona, fishing, atmosphere, brilliant sub-quests, plenty of puzzles, amazing boss battles, massive, prob the best soundtrack ever, I could go on.

Perfect Dark: Spent an unbelievable amount of time with this masterpiece, best multiplayer experience ever, especially with those evil Dark sims added into the mix.

Super Mario Kart (SNES): I still play this game now, nothing beats being a red ape, in a wife-beater, in a go-kart, hopping around corners and over lava, and illogically going faster than all the smaller characters.

Metroid Prime: They pulled off the 3D transition perfectly. One of the few challenging games of this generation, some of the bosses were just brilliant to fight. It was so atmospheric too & there was so much to explore and collect. And those Chozo ghosts are the best enemies ever!

Chrono Trigger: The best rpg ever, so stylish, great story, great characters & the double & triple techs were so damn cool. The music is the best I have heard in a game, amazing.

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1.) Super Mario Bros (NES) - actually got the Deluxe Edition for GBC and was totally addicted although I died in most levels over 20 times

2.) Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64) - it's a classic, came back to it once only to ride around in hyrule field

3.) Super Smash Bros Melee (GC) - so much multiplayer fun

4.) Killer7 (GC) - this game has it's own style and feels so different from anything other

5.) Wario Land 2 (GB) - lost lots of hours on that too, I love the level design

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1. The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time (N64)-

It just contains a special sort of magic i have yet to see in any other game. It hooks you and doesnt let you go until the very end! From start to finish it is a wonderful tale brimming with nothing less than perfection. Cant say anything more than that!


2.Pokemon Blue (GB)-

I was a young 8 year old coming back from his first week away from home. I was expecting to have to wait another week to play it. But unkown to me it had come out that day and i would find a copy waiting patiently on my bed when i arived home. If i had know then how many hours of my time and how much of my money i would spend on the franchise i probably would have burn it! But who can forget the first time you caught a Pidgy? Who can forget the first time you beat the pokemon leaugue? Who can forget the 133 hours i put in to finally get them all, in the hope THAT guy in the tower who told me he would give me something special, would give me a Mew? And most importantly who can forget the time i got home on a Friday night and barely moved all weekend as i sat there playing it? No one who sits in that chair can as its never been the same since!!!


3. Tetris (GB)-

The only game that i have ever turned on on a Saturday night for a quick 5 minute go and still been playing on the Sunday morning. I remember how mad my mum got when she came downstairs to find i hadnt moved for about 12 hours! Good times!


4. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA)-

Even thought ive accidentally deleted my files twice ive still felt the need to replay up until i have a child again, just so i know i have a decent farm waiting for me if i ever want it! There is something about this game that i love and although i cant put my finger on it, i couldnt have had more fun out of it unless it was injected into my veins! The best Harvest Moon games and one of the best simulations games ever!


5. Resident Evil 4 (GC)-

Just when i thought my GameCube would be gathering dust until Twighlight Princess was released, i rented this perfect gem of a game and changed my Cubes lifespan for ever! After my bad experiences with Resi 1 i had my doubts but oh how i was gladly proven wrong. From the first time you dive out of a house window to escaping on a jetski the game was magical and is probably my favourite game of this generation!

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1) The Legend Of Zelda:Ocarina Of Time I think that it was simply the best game ever in all categories(gameplay,history,visuals,music, innovation...). The first time i played it was simply a magical time for me. The first time i saw Link in the adult age i thought that i was dreaming and that it wasn't real. The bosses,the dungeons...everything was just perfect.


2) Donkey Kong Country My first SNES game and i thing it was the best of the series of course and in SNES for me. My favorite character you see was from that game sill now. Also the visuals was just perfect for the time being and this made it very special for me.


3)Super Mario 64 The first 3D platform game i think that that's enough. But i want to tell more...the first time i touch the superb N64 controller with that game i thought that it was...a real world. I can't believe that someone can create such a good 3D world in a video game.


4)Goldeneye 007 It was the a 1st person shooter that it had many innovations and made me a fun of first person shooter. And of course it was one of the best multiplayer i have ever played. Also a great one palyer mode.


5)Metroid Prime After Zelda and Mario it was the best transfomation from the 2D to 3D. A fantastic first person shooter with magnificent one player mode which was realy authentic. It has great visuals,music,gameplay...all was perfect.


P.S. No room for too many games but i thing that were the best.

Sorry if i have written too much but it was a subject that if i had the free to write i will fell pages.

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1. Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) - With its dark story and love of the absurd, this title became a truely emotional gaming experience as you fought to save the lives of Majora's ill-fated people.

2. Mario Kart 64 (N64)

3. Goldeneye (N64)

4. Pokemon Blue (GB)

5. Metroid Prime (GC)

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1. Zelda: OOT - it's simply the best (until Twilight Princess I suspect...)

2. Super Mario Bros 3 - the game I have spent most time with in my life.. it's so cool!

3. Shadowman - This game freaked me out! Big Time! (asylum... brrrr scary)

4. ZeldaII: Adventures of Link - The game who got me into gaming, and introduced me to the Zelda series.

5. Snakes Revenge - Simply the coolest stealth-based game ever (from NES)

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You guys ask for such a troublesome thing to do :o

But I will try to think about my favourite Nintendo games of all time:

1- The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64) -> of course, this one has to be the number 1, there's no such game as this one with great graphics, great music , great story and many excitement. Such and adventure like this one will never happen again, however I think that the next Zelda (Twilight Princess) if done right, can surpass this one, but I'll have to wait and see...

2- Chrono Trigger (SNES) -> without doubts this game deserves the best place after OoT, with such a fantastic story and one of the best battle systems that exist, I can't really explain it with words but this game really has a place in my heart... just play it and you will see...

3- Final Fantasy VI (SNES) -> This game is so incredible that it's really hard for me to put it behind Chrono Trigger, because I have the same feelings for both of them but only one can be the number 2 here... however for me they're both fantastic. This game has one of the best OST I've ever heard in a videogame, and a story like this one is hard to think, but somehow Squaresoft (now Square-Enix) thought of a way for put it into a videogame and I congratulate them for that.

4- The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask (N64) -> This is once more a great work, and the same formulla from OoT with a dark side. Such a combinnation could only end in one of the best games ever and the fact of having 4 different characters (5 if you count with the final mask) with different moves in the same game is just UNBELIVABLE. Good work Nintendo!

5- Super Metroid (SNES) -> For me Super Metroid will always be the best Metroid game ever, however I can´t deny that Metroid Prime is very cool, but is not my type of game...



It's really hard for me to keep Mario 64 away from this TOP and I'm still thinking if I've made a mistake for let Super Metroid take Mario 64's place, however only one can be in the TOP and I've decided for Super Metroid... for me both games are at the same level, each one with is own qualitys...



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