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About DarkBigone

  • Birthday 03/10/1988

Personal Information

  • Location
    Palmacosta, Hyrule
  • Interests
    video games, anime, j-pop


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Gamecube, GBA SD, NDS
  • Favourite Game?
    LoZ: Ocarina of Time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
  • Gender

DarkBigone's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'd like Italy to win, that way it'll be closer to those damn brazil.
  2. 1 LoZ: Ocarina of Time It was the first Zelda game that I played and it was a great game that will always be in my heart. 2 Resident Evil 4 3 Super Smash Bros Melee 4 LoZ: A Link to the Past 5 Pokemon Crystal
  3. I've seen an interview with someone who worked with Sony when this happened (now he works for Gamespot) and he said that Ken Kutaragi was mad about it and exclaimed "We're gonna bury Nintendo". In a way he did it.
  4. All right troops, MARCH!! *Marchs towards Microsoft and Sony headquarters*
  5. Lets form a Revolution against them...
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