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WANTED: Mint or Very Good Condition Pokemon Cardz


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Mew Promo -

Mew Shiney Promo -

Pikachu (not movie) Promo -

Arcanine Promo -

Jigglypuff Promo -

Venusaur Promo -

Magmar Promo -

Dark Dragonite holo -

Dark Machamp holo -

(Light?) Azurill holo -

Suicine holo -

Sabrinas Alakazam holo -

Dark Alakazam holo -

Kogas Beedrill holo -

Metal Energy holo -

Tyrannitar -


Can you offer me a price?

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Right, finally managed to look out the entire lot of cards for you Rez so I'll list the shinies again with their condition and some others that I think are rare-ish, although as I don't follow the cards I don't know if they really are.


Shiny Meowth (Promo) - very good

Shiny Gengar - very good

Shiny Hypno - very good

Shiny Zapdos - a little worse for ware. No bends but seems someone stuck something on top of it so small bits of the art are missing

Shiny Ampharos - very good

Shiny Muk - very good

Shiny Nidoqueen (has a 2 with a pokeball covering it beside the artwork. DOn't know what it means) - very good

Shiny Nidoking - very good

Shiny Yanma - very good

Shiny Dark Weezing - good, although the shine isn't that noticeable for some reason ::shrug:

Shiny Feraligatr - good, very small amount of creasing to the top left corner but no fold or bend

Shiny Vaporeon - very good, although the shine is a little scratched up

Shiny Misty's Seadra (Pre-release) - there are 3 of these if wanted and all are in excellent condition

Shiny Poliwrath - very good

Shiny Hitmonchan - very good

Shiny Hitmontop - very good



Those were the shinies I listed earlier. Here are some others that might be of interest:


Dark Dragonite - very good

Pidgeot - very good, some slight marks at the top but they're not overly noticeable

Girafarig - don't know if this is rare or not but the artwork is rather strange, almost like a model of the pokemon was made. In very good condition

Moltres - this is in a bit of a state. Quite a few bends on it

Dark Charmeleon - very good

Light Flareon - very strange, don't know about it's rarity but the artwork is great. In really good condition

Mewtwo (Promo) - very good

Mew (Promo) - Some slight marks on the face of the card and the back is a little roughed up

Dark Jolteon - very good

Dark Omanyte and Omastar - both in very good condition

Donphan - very good

Gligar - very good



I have loads more than that but those were the ones I thought would be of interest. Really not up to listing everything I have but I have loads of cards for the first and second generation of Pokemon so ask and I can look.

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I would be interested in these;


Shiny Gengar - very good

Shiny Hypno - very good

Shiny Ampharos - very good

Shiny Muk - very good

Shiny Nidoqueen (Base set 2, is what it means) - very good

Shiny Nidoking - very good

Shiny Yanma - very good

Shiny Feraligatr - good, very small amount of creasing to the top left corner but no fold or bend

Shiny Hitmontop - very good

Mewtwo (Promo) - very good

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They're yours if you want them. They've just been sitting in a box for the last couple of years so no use to me as I don't, and probably won't, play the Trading Card Game again. If you want those ones listed, shoot me a PM with you address and I'll see if I can stick them in the post for you tomorrow.

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They're yours if you want them. They've just been sitting in a box for the last couple of years so no use to me as I don't, and probably won't, play the Trading Card Game again. If you want those ones listed, shoot me a PM with you address and I'll see if I can stick them in the post for you tomorrow.


For free? Jesus, thats incredibly generous dude. Really appreciate it!!!! :yay:


PM sent.

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Give the chap a tenner or something man! a stamp at the very least!


If they're being given away for free I don't mind making a bit of a contribution for these. Hopefully I could improve my decks.

Shiny Meowth (Promo) - very good

Shiny Gengar - very good

Shiny Hypno - very good


Shiny Ampharos - very good

Shiny Yanma - very good

Shiny Feraligatr - good, very small amount of creasing to the top left corner but no fold or bend

Shiny Vaporeon - very good, although the shine is a little scratched up

Shiny Misty's Seadra (Pre-release) - there are 3 of these if wanted and all are in excellent condition

Shiny Hitmontop - very good

Do you know what sets some of those are from?

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Dark Dragonite holo -

Dark Machamp holo -

(Light?) Azurill holo -

Suicine holo -

Sabrinas Alakazam holo -

Dark Alakazam holo -

Kogas Beedrill holo -

Metal Energy holo -


Can you offer me a price?


You're not touching my promos, that's a complete 1-50 set right there.


You give me a price. Individually :blank:

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Dark Dragonite holo - £1

Dark Machamp holo - £1

(Light?) Azurill holo - £1 (not sure on its rarity?)

Suicine holo - £1

Sabrinas Alakazam holo - £1

Dark Alakazam holo - £1

Kogas Beedrill holo - £1

Metal Energy holo - 50p


I'm only interested in buying the lot, so £10 incl p&p


Im not meaning to intrude, but it wont be near what you think theyre worth :(


Promos 1-50 probably is worth a fair bit, and probably holds buckets of sentimental value to Murrayz.

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