sumo73 Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 Did people know there was a demo out to download?!!! Thanks! I'm downloading it now...
S.C.G Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 That trailer was fantastic ruined only slightly by the horrible 'crackly' sound when the theme tune? part plays but aside from that awesome, I really hope all of those cutscenes etc are in the game, it's pretty amazing what they've managed to squeeze out of the hardware, this looks a lot better than the severly limited MGS Portable Ops in any case.
flameboy Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Well get playing it! It's pretty awesome gonna write up a preview for Lethargic Gamers...
Dante Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 (edited) Translation of the demo There's only one Metal Gear. It's the Peace Walker. That is the bi-pedal one you see in the latest trailer, with a globe shaped head with PEACE WALKER on it. As for the other robot, there's only one as well, but it has different forms. It is also AI controlled. The cylinder shaped device can be seen on both the tank version as well as the flying version. That same cylinder is the one being carried by chopper in the trailer as well. That is the AI core. That is The Boss. Coldman and Strangelove are the CIA/Patriots agents in charge of the Peace Walker project and mission. Coldman is the one who is using Huey to design the robots and the weaponary. Strangelove is the scientist who is designing the AI, and she had a past lesbian relationship with The Boss. Her obsession with The Boss leads her to recreate her personality and memories using AI, and this will eventually become the foundation of the technology which creates the AI driven Patriots system. Big Boss will initially be driven into the mission because he wants to help protect Costa Rica, and because he has ideals. Miller on the other hand is only interested in the business part of it, and in a way the Soldiers Without Borders will be the first PMC in the world. While Big Boss' idea of a PMC is having power and territory for soldiers to call their own and to be free from the world's politics, Miller will see it as a lucrative source of income. Obviously Miller's vision is the one which becomes reality, because historically that is what happens. Chico and Amanda are probably locals, and could be a sort of freedom fighter unit. She will be Snake's main contact for combat intel and local geography. Chico is her younger brother I believe. Cecile is a reporter, so she's probably a sort of narrative voice for the story, kinda like Natasha's take on MGS1 in the MGS2 recap. My theory on the bosses in the game is that most of them will be vehicles and machines. You can clearly see someone inside the attack chopper in the trailer as well, and he looks distinct, like the Tank Commander. Other bosses would be different variations of the Boss AI machine. There are probably more types than the tank and flying versions shown in the trailer. Strangelove, Coldman and Galvez are also possible human bosses. The final boss will probably be The ultimate AI combat machine connecting and combining with the Peace Walker bi-pedal launcher to create a walking mobile weapons platform. Source Japanese Site English Site Kojima talks Peace Walker One of Konami's main titles at this year's Tokyo Game Show was Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP. As has been the case for nearly every other installment in the Metal Gear franchise, series creator Hideo Kojima took to the stage to talk in-depth about his latest creation. Kojima began by showing a new trailer for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, which gave a look into the game's storyline. The trailer started out with a series of cutscenes from Metal Gear Solid 3, followed by a nuclear symbol appearing on the middle of the screen for a subliminal split second. We then see Snake saluting his mentor's grave from the last scenes in MGS3, and the flashback ended. The screen changed to new footage from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, showing the game's setting as Costa Rica during the Cold War in 1974. With Central America being a key location in the outcome of the Cold War, an unknown army of well-equipped soldiers has taken over the defenseless country of Costa Rica. What's more, they've brought in a nuclear warhead that's labeled "Peace Walker." Snake is asked to save the country, but it's then revealed that the mysterious army is financed by the US's CIA. If Snake decides to go against them, he'll make enemies with America and there'd be no turning back. As the trailer continues to show various cutscenes, a voice-over waxes philosophic about how a nuclear superpower has to be demonstrated to create peace. The screen changes into 2D illustrations, introducing the new characters in Peace Walker. Of particular note, the screen shows a close-up of Snake's face, and it is explained that he decides to call himself Big Boss. The trailer ends with a circular explosion expanding from Central America on a map, and a voice is heard saying that the world may come to an end. The trailer's premiere took up about a third of Kojima's presentation, but he still had quite a bit to say about the game. As mentioned, Peace Walker takes place in 1974, which is 10 years after Metal Gear Solid 3. In real history, the year had some turbulent events. Kojima hinted that one event in particular, President Nixon's August 1974 resignation, will factor into the game's storyline. Kojima will one again be returning to direct the game. "I originally didn't plan to work on it," he said. "But with the game taking place in Costa Rica during 1974, and the theme being nuclear deterrence, the younger developers were having trouble." "Solid Snake's storyline has ended with MGS4," he continued. "But there's still a lot more when it comes to Naked Snake's storyline. The Cold War was a time where people, neither good nor evil, were manipulated by various factors, and they became good or evil. The same goes for Liquid Snake, and we'll get to see just what happened to him." According to Kojima, gamers that haven't played MGS3 will have no problem playing Peace Walker. But for fans that have played through and have a liking for The Boss, there will be something surprising. "The two games are set 10 years apart from one another, so they're not directly connected, but there's going to be flashback scenes at times," he said. "At the end, there's going to be a stunning truth." "Costa Rica is one of the few countries that doesn't have an army of its own," he went on. "So they go and ask Snake for help. There's a kind of a Seven Samurai thing happening there in the beginning. Peace Walker is going to have a relatively straightforward storyline that's easy to understand." "There's the philosophy of nuclear deterrence," Kojima continued. "America and Russia just kept piling up on their nuclear weapons. And when you have an army, it deters enemies from invading. That's yet another theory of deterrence. Why can't we get rid of nuclear arms and soldiers from the world? I'm sure that everyone's thought about it. And then there's the reality, which I hope players will think about as they're playing Peace Walker. Back then, it was a time when these theories were actually thought to be effective. And now, we're paying the price. We've still got tons of nuclear weapons scattered all over the world." After a dialogue with guest speakers about how peace and war are like two sides of a coin and how a peace finger gesture also carries the meaning of victory, Kojima pointed out that Peace Walker's game logo may also look like a peace symbol. However, upon closer observation, it's actually a bomber jet. Kojima then went on to close the presentation after introducing the new characters in Peace Walker and their Japanese voice actors, listed with synopsis below. About two-thirds of the voice recording is already complete for the Japanese version. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Partial Cast:: Kazuhira Miller (Tomokazu Sugita): A very young version of Master Miller; seen in other installments in the franchise. Paz Ortega Andrade (Nana Mizuki): The game's heroine; she is a mysterious young blond girl with a perm. Ramon Galves Mena (Hochu Otsuka): Mena initially solicits Snake's help with Costa Rica. He has an artificial-looking red right hand, which Kojima referred to as something that looks like it's from a James Bond film. Strangelove (Yumi Kikuchi): The second heroine in the game; Strangelove wears a red raincoat and sunglasses. Kojima said that Strangelove is the person that's asking questions to The Boss in Peace Walker's teaser site (and the beginning of the TGS trailer). Kojima avoided giving details on her, except that she's a really "strange love." Chico (Kikuko Inoue): Though a young boy, Chico is voiced by the actress who played Rosemary in MGS2, The Boss in MGS3, and Sunny in MGS4. Amanda (Romi Park): Chico's big sister. Huey (Hideyuki Tanaka): Huey bears a striking resemblance to Otakon in both appearance and voice. As Kojima put it, "He's probably exactly the person that everyone thinks he is. Hideyuki-san (the voice actor) had that cool Otakon voice from MGS4 still going on, so we asked him to return to the older Otakon voice from MGS1; the one that leaked in his pants. " Coldman (Mugihito): A bald man with a peace symbol on the back of his head, Coldman is one of the key characters in the game. Cecile Cosima Caminades (Yu Kobayashi): As seen in the TGS trailer, Cecile is a sultry French woman. Edited September 26, 2009 by Dante Automerged Doublepost
Dante Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 1UP - Kojima Discusses Cutscenes, Metal Gear's Future Now that TGS is over and we all know the basics about Konami's Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, further news on the PSP game is probably going to be scant for a little while. This week's issue of Famitsu magazine features a couple of new tidbits behind Hideo Kojima's latest. First, and most interesting to hardcore Japanophiles perhaps, is the fact that Peace Walker will incorporate Yamaha's Vocaloid software, made famous by the several hundred million Miku Hatsune videos Japanese people have posted online. The voice-synth tech will be used for in-game weapons that have AI installed in them, allowing them to sing and scream while they attack you. Don't ask us how this works. We don't know yet. In an interview, Kojima also noted that the 2D illustrated demo scenes you'll see in Peace Walker are also interactive to some extent. "During these demos, there are parts that the player can work by himself, moving the camera and looking around," he said. That was [art director Yoji] Shinkawa's idea. There's no huge penalty if you ignore it, but it works its way into assorted aspects into the game." "For example," Shinkawa added, "if you zoom in on the scene where you first meet Paz, you can see the uniform she has on under her coat, and then what's under that. It's an idea I came up with while thinking about what makes games different from movies or animation. I think it's pretty interactive." What should we be looking forward to the most with Peace Walker? "In terms of volume, I mentioned onstage at TGS that the script is as thick as Metal Gear Solid 4's," Kojima noted. "I'm putting everything I want to do on a portable console into this game. I haven't announced this yet, but there's another feature in here that will surprise people, to the point where they'll want to go out and buy a PSP right now!" What about the future, though? "Right now, games are always bound by the capabilities of the hardware," said Kojima. "In the near future, though, we'll have an era where you can just connect to a host computer with your portable and play all sorts of great games. I'd like to experiment a little and see what kind of Metal Gear game would be best for that kind of environment."
Ryan Posted December 1, 2009 Posted December 1, 2009 Bought my PSP for this game. Hope the wait isn't much after Japan..
flameboy Posted December 17, 2009 Posted December 17, 2009 English version of the demo is now up on PSN I suggest you all play it because it's awesome!!!!
Dante Posted January 20, 2010 Posted January 20, 2010 New scans Scans from the latest issue of Famitsu have revealed some significant information about Konami's upcoming Metal Gear title for the PlayStation Portable. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is slated for release in March for Japanese audiences. The Famitsu scans suggest at the following: The box art for the Japanese retail version of the game is supposedly the fronting image of the Famitsu article. There will be a limited edition Peace Walker branded PlayStation Portable which will hit stores alongside the game, similar to the limited edition Metal Gear Solid 4 branded PlayStation 3.
flameboy Posted January 21, 2010 Posted January 21, 2010 I'd be happy if that was the cover although bet we get our own westernised version.
flameboy Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 (edited) Seriously WTF?!!! In addition to special-ops agent, rogue soldier and rugged beard-wearer, Snake is apparently getting one more job in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker -- monster hunter. Really.This week's issue of Famitsu magazine in Japan touts a collaboration between MGS director Hideo Kojima and Ryozo Tsujimoto, producer of the Monster Hunter series for Capcom. The tie-in, which apparently has been the works for a couple of years, means that Peace Walker will have a (bonus?) section featuring Snake venturing into the world of MH, stout Felyne companion by his side. Snake in MH-land will work just like he does in the real world, using his mastery of camouflage and close-quarters combat to dispatch the exotic beasts and other meanies in his way. He'll also be able to wield more typical Hunter weapons, and there's a few other tricks up his sleeve as well, such as "cooking" using his standard-issue military rations. The MH section is multiplayer-compatible, just like the rest of Peace Walker, allowing you and your stealthy friends to co-op your way through the monster-bashing missions. The announcement that Kojima Productions is collaborating with the team behind the biggest PSP game franchise in Japan is sending shockwaves all around Japanese gamer circles as you read this. Konami will be holding a press conference in Tokyo to formally announce the news beginning 9:30pm PST; 1UP will be there, so stick around for more details very shortly. Although to be honest its not that much of a stretch as there are apparently some similarities in how the two play but still its weird to see the two universes colliding! EDIT: More stuff.... Following their Tokyo press conference earlier today, Konami has posted up the first trailer of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's Monster Hunter-oriented bonus section. The trailer depicts Snake and his crew using their arsenal of tactics to fight a couple of boss-class monsters, taking time out to roast their rations on a spit after the dust settles. The effect's a bit surreal, and you won't have to import the game to experience it -- Konami has confirmed that the MH content will be in the US version of Peace Walker due out this June.The trailer looks quite a lot like Snake has wandered into the set of Jurassic Park, and that's no coincidence. "The game's set in Costa Rica, right? That was the location they used to film Jurassic Park, so it'd be the perfect place for Monster Hunter's creatures," commented producer Hideo Kojima in an interview with Famitsu magazine. "I figured it'd be the perfect opportunity." The MH section, which kicks off in-game after Trenya (one of the item-gathering adventurer Felynes from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite) invites Snake to an island infested with fantastic creatures, has its roots in a Tokyo Game Show 2007 afterparty where Kojima and Capcom producer Ryozo Tsujimoto first met. The MH content is all Kojima's idea -- he officially asked Tsujimoto for permission in September of 2008, after he kicked off his involvement in the Peace Walker project -- and it's being developed wholly on Kojima Productions' side. "If we had tried to organize this through our respective companies, I doubt it would've gone nearly as smoothly," he told Famitsu. (This isn't an unprecedented event, though -- Konami and Capcom worked together back in 2005 to link together Boktai with the Mega Man Battle Network series.) For his part, Capcom's Tsujimoto is excited about the added exposure this tie-in allows Monster Hunter with the American and European audience. "It's true that Monster Hunter isn't that well-known a name overseas yet," he said. "That's why we appreciate this so much. They're really trying something new and interesting with Peace Walker, so if we can catch Japanese gamers' attention as well with this tie-in and get them to try it out, then I'm glad to help out with that." Gamers will get to sample the content for the first time April 29, when Peace Walker hits Japanese stores. Edited April 7, 2010 by flameboy
dwarf Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 That's purely for game sales. Money is going to Kojima's head.
flameboy Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 That's purely for game sales. Money is going to Kojima's head. no doubt they see it as a way of trying to improve awareness of Monster Hunter over here and in the US in the context of a very popular series.
dwarf Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 (edited) That's just ridiculous. Why have they called it Metal Gear? Edit: I call bullshit, thinking about it. Was it a late april fools? Edited April 7, 2010 by dwarf
James McGeachie Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 So is there actually some kind of Monster Hunter x Metal Gear mode or was that actually made for fun/april fools?
dwarf Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 I'm just guessing it's an April Fools, but I wouldn't put it past him. Anyone got any news/info on the subject?
Ryan Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 It's just an extra game mode. Like Snake vs Monkey on MGS3.
Dante Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 The other stuff in this game are; - Doritos will be used as a health boost - Mountain Dew and Pepsi Nex drinks as recover items. - Axe body spray used as a recovery item. - Assassin Creed II eagle dive into an Assassin's Straw Box item. - Walkman's can be found to listen to music. Sony will also release a special edition Walkman. - Famitsu, Dengeki Playstation, Dengeki Games and Shounen will be featured in the game in some form. - Square will be making Peace Walker action figures. IGN
Solo Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Well fuck me sideways that's alot of product placement.
Goafer Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 The other stuff in this game are; - Doritos will be used as a health boost - Mountain Dew and Pepsi Nex drinks as recover items. - Axe body spray used as a recovery item. - Assassin Creed II eagle dive into an Assassin's Straw Box item. - Walkman's can be found to listen to music. Sony will also release a special edition Walkman. - Famitsu, Dengeki Playstation, Dengeki Games and Shounen will be featured in the game in some form. - Square will be making Peace Walker action figures. IGN I was going to bold the bits I thought to be ridiculous, but it's all pretty fucking stupid. A Walkman? Can you even buy cassettes nowadays? Is this the 90s again? What's going on? Who's the prime minister? With all that product placement, the game better be cheaper than a non advertising packed game. Let's face it though, it won't. I'm kind of duty bound to buy this at some point as I collect the MGS games, but I'll be sure to get it second hand so none of my money goes to the money grabbing bastards.
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