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New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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I haven't finished this yet...it's too annoying only having 1 life and knowing you'll die pointlessly and have to do loads of worlds again. That pisses me off.

I've ended up with 99 lives at the moment.


I'm at the start of world 8 now, and have been collecting all the star coins and searching for the secret goals as i've gone along... but at some point i got stuck either looking for a coin or a goal, and the level just kept giving and giving me lives.

You can get loads of lives by going back and doing the easier levels again :)

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you know in australia your considered a criminal if you import a game anyway... and they have the worst release dates for a developed country.. its no wonder piracy is a problem there


good old democracy eh!!! to make it even more confusing, i think that australia is one of the only countries where you can legally modify your consoles and sell them on.

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you know in australia your considered a criminal if you import a game anyway... and they have the worst release dates for a developed country.. its no wonder piracy is a problem there

Australia got New Super Mario Bros. Wii the earliest out of any nation in the world, so I'm not surprised about Nintendo of Australia being pricks about it.


Also, I'm interested about that "illegal to important a game" law you referred to. Do you have a source? I'm curious. Both being a crazy Australian and a crazy importer of all things Nintendo.

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Australia got New Super Mario Bros. Wii the earliest out of any nation in the world, so I'm not surprised about Nintendo of Australia being pricks about it.


Also, I'm interested about that "illegal to important a game" law you referred to. Do you have a source? I'm curious. Both being a crazy Australian and a crazy importer of all things Nintendo.



Here it is:


You do not need the copyright owner’s permission to import computer games, provided they were legitimately made copies (that is, that they were made with the consent of the copyright owner in a country with the required level of copyright protection).


Note, however, that due to changes in the law, playing a computer game that has been imported without the copyright owner’s permission (even if it was a legitimately made copy) is an infringement of copyright. Therefore if you are selling such items, it is arguable that you are authorising the infringements made by the people who play the computer games.


You should also note that (as mentioned above under “Region coded materialâ€) computer games are likely to have technological protection measures, such as region codes, and that there are provisions in the Copyright Act against distributing, manufacturing and importing devices that circumvent technological protection measures.


There are also other areas of law that should be considered. If you are importing unauthorised copies of items such as computer games, you may be infringing trademark and Trade Practices laws, as well as laws relating to copyright.


Importing a game is legal. Playing an imported game is illegal unless you ask the publisher nicely before you play.

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Playing this game by yourself is a fun experience.


Playing this with a friend is something completely different. It's fun, but the best kind of social fun you could possibly have whilst playing a game. Absolute Gold. Brilliant.


We wasted so many lives and continued on World 2. We suuuck, but it's great fun.

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Its all about killing your mate on multi-player.. find a level with yoshi's and you'll know what i mean


Haha, I've accidentally killed the female a few times through mis-communication. But, we're getting pretty good at eet now. Up to World 4, about halfway through that.


I much prefer 2D Mario to the 3D ones. Nostalgia plays a huge part in that, I admit. :heh: But, there's just something about the challenge of the 2D games that I love...so straightforward, get from one end of the level to the other. So simple in concept, but it can be so challenging at times.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I've borrowed this of a friend and have been playing it with my brother - we're up to world 7 now.


It's surprisingly fun and better than I thought it would be. Controls are tighter than the DS version which helps a lot.


I wouldn't say the level design is anything particularly special though a couple stand out - castles seem consistently good only to be let down by the most pathetic of bosses the series has ever seen.


Will probably finish it at the weekend and then I'll go back looking for the rest of the star coins. Not missed too many so far I think though it's cost us a few lives as we try ever riskier things to get some of them - it didn't help I wasn't aware of the A button though so many needless deaths could have been avoided looking back...

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My memory might be fried, but I don't think the bosses in the 2D games have ever been that memorable. Have they? Maybe I have got that wrong and can't remember properly.


Definitely one aspect that the 3D games are a lot better at than the 2D ones.


Hmm. Maybe it's my rose-tinted spectacles that think this, but I always had the bosses in the first two Super Mario Land games as being some of the most memorable 2D platformer encounters ever. Maybe that's just because they were really hard...

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Guest Captain Falcon
My memory might be fried, but I don't think the bosses in the 2D games have ever been that memorable. Have they? Maybe I have got that wrong and can't remember properly.


Definitely one aspect that the 3D games are a lot better at than the 2D ones.


The bosses in the 3D games are all great... except Bowser in the hot tub...


I guess none of the 2D games have tough bosses as such but these guys are doing the same tricks from SMB3 and SMW - they could have at least given them a new way to fight you.


Yoshi's Island is probably the benchmark of bosses in 2D platform games and I would have liked to see that kind of variety at work here but sadly, it's absence is very noticeable.

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Hmm. Maybe it's my rose-tinted spectacles that think this, but I always had the bosses in the first two Super Mario Land games as being some of the most memorable 2D platformer encounters ever. Maybe that's just because they were really hard...


It depends what you want from a boss fight. A challenge, or an interesting fight. For me, I think it's more the interestingness that I go for. In that case, the bosses in this are a bit flat. There's very, very little between them, at least so far into the game.


The bosses in the 3D games are all great... except Bowser in the hot tub...


I guess none of the 2D games have tough bosses as such but these guys are doing the same tricks from SMB3 and SMW - they could have at least given them a new way to fight you.


Yoshi's Island is probably the benchmark of bosses in 2D platform games and I would have liked to see that kind of variety at work here but sadly, it's absence is very noticeable.


Haha, Bowser hot tub is HOT.


Yeah, I agree with you, they are very similar to the bosses from 3. I noticed that. I think the flaws that are within this game are also within most of the previous games. Powering through a world, lots of nice interesting levels, then a non-interesting boss fight, a quick cut-scene (kinda) and then you repeat. I almost don't mind because I want to know what the next world is like. But, at the same time, it doesn't feel as satisfying as it could be, because of the boss fight.

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My memory might be fried, but I don't think the bosses in the 2D games have ever been that memorable. Have they?


I agree. Take Super Mario World - one of the best games of all time, and yet the bosses are all slightly different turtles. It suits the game, but I wouldn't call it memorable.


And I love Bowser in the hot tub! There's something so adrenaline-filled and cathartic about boosting up with the rocket, then slamming down on a target!


A great game, Super Mario Sunshine. I genuinely loved it at the time, no complaints.

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Hmm. Maybe it's my rose-tinted spectacles that think this, but I always had the bosses in the first two Super Mario Land games as being some of the most memorable 2D platformer encounters ever. Maybe that's just because they were really hard...


When I was wee my nerves were jangling the first time I reached Tatanga. :awesome: And Wario too!

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